Howl at me by Cama Seeney (best non fiction books to read txt) π

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- Author: Cama Seeney
Read book online Β«Howl at me by Cama Seeney (best non fiction books to read txt) πΒ». Author - Cama Seeney
Chapter 1
I turned, the movement jerky and tight as I rounded the corner. The skate board uncontrollably on the ice causing the four wheels to skid. And I almost fell arse over elbow. Well strictly speaking that's not the complete truth nor is it completely accurate - can you actually fall arse over elbow? I pondered, as I grabbed the board and pushed myself with an effortless little push, it wasn't the correct saying but comically fit. The effort to be literate twenty four seven is not something i personally manage. I'm surprised anyone does to be honest...
But each and every one of us wishes we didn't do something we've already done, every single day. We're only human... Right? I look at the hard, half frosted ground under my skateboard. Bits of twigs and leaves crushed and broken, left behind in a swirl of reds, browns and dying greens.
Music bars in my ears, the effect was supposed to be calming however my heart raced. Sweat began running down my neck, across my brow and my palms were sweaty. My entire being buzzed with listless energy.
Bo, my beautiful rottie cross collie, ran alongside me happy for the run, maybe she liked the ridiculous wake up because I certainly didn't. Sshe was a beautiful hue of brow, black and white with the most compelling chocolate eyes.
I dropped her off home, the front doors blue paint cracking in places, the old red brick house stood sollum and in need of care. The widows were clean but scratched. The flower beds and potted plates sat lonely and empty.
I ran up the two steps and grabbed my travel mug and bright yellow rucksack, covered in pictures of all the unhealthy food I didn't eat. I had to run through the living room to reach the kitchen. Each room was cosy, but year again a little run down. The sofa sunken but had fresh throws thrown over it. The TV d and our of date, not that I watched it. The kitchen in a similar lack of repair.
This was all before my aunt was even out of bed, over the last few weeks she had become clingy and overbearing with her constant watchful eyes following my every move. I bent and locked the door, all without removing my key from the long chain around my neck. Bo barked a little solemn goodbye as i closed the door. This was the first real time i had left the house longer than an hour, I was under some kind of probation lately. Two weeks of hellish life and I'm finally free, to go to school.
Oh the irony.
In half an hour I was surrounded by the same type of frustrated teens, pre-teens and just plain old little people ( I can totally say this I am only 5'2'') I'd been around for the last six years of my life. I sighed to myself' nothing ever changes' I mutter to myself.
I felt like a thousand eyes watched my every move as I marched into the car park ripped jeans, baggy hoody and scuffed old convurse that no longer fit quite right. .
Whispers followed by every move, some saying how bad they felt about loosing both of my parents. Some talked about my ass, cause guys are straight up asshole right? And some just spoke about their Christmas break how upset they were about nnot getting the newest crappy phone or something.
Deep breath in
Deep breath out
You can do this.
And if you can't fake it. They'll never know
I slowed to a stop and looked around the unfamiliar school building. I'd been here with my aunt once before, I hadn't really paid attention and I was annoyed that I hadn't.
I hate asking for help.
I only knew where the school was because I'd driven past it a few times with my aunt when we went food shopping. I sighed pulled my bag tighter on my shoulders for a second and got out the weirdly coded time table I was given. Tutorial with some lady called Tara in room G12 first.
Hmm maybe I should find the reception or ask for directions? I was focusing so hard on the paper I hardly noticed someone was right beside me until we were both sliding on black ice. We both landed in a heep on the floor, me with some odd bag eaten item thag probably didn't need to be there lodged into the small of my back.
I looked to my left ready to scowl at some imbisille to find a girl around my age, with long brown hair all over her face, sticking to her lip gloss. She had a half smirk on her face as she tugged an ear phone from her ear.
'Ooh well that was unfortunate' she said shoving her hair out of her face and revealing equally dark eyes with mischief sparking within. with a smile as she grabbed my travel mug and stood with my helping hand. 'I'm Anna-bell. Are you Max? The new girl.' she asked now full onsmiling. 'Ha yeah how did you know? People assume I'm a dude constantly !' I said with a laugh.
She led me to the front doors, I reached out and grabbed one and pulled too hard causing a slight bang that had all eyes turning to us. Silence and a blast of heat hit us at once.
'There was actually a bet, when it was just your name on the register. But small towns you know how it is. Had to take you off the foot ball sign up sheet pretty damn quick. Heads up we suck .' she answered with a small shrug and a wink.
She handed me my travel mug with a little grin, I wondered if she ever breathed when talking. 'Can you tell me where...?' I was rudely stopped mid sentence by a group people interrupting us. 'Hey Ann is that the new girl?' Asked a small boy, which lush blond hair and bright blue eyes. He was even shorter than me which is saying something.
'New girl has a name and is standing right here.' I muttered and then rolled my eyes. 'Mind your manners Mason, can you show Max to her locker I gotta run.' she kind of asked I guess before she turned on the spot and jogged off with a little finger wave.
He jerked his head to a corridor filled with locker with a grunt. 'I think mine is 103.' I said trying to be helpful but he'd already started speeding away, quickly stopping in front of 103. 'Thank-you um Mason.' I said smiling, which he was quick to scowl at making me snort. Brat.
'We're not friends. Save your fake ass smiles for them.' He jerked his head to the mass of people surrounding us. 'Oh coming into your first period are we? Ha sorry kid.' He growled, actually growled at me. Like took a step towards me whole body vibrating with the effort.
'Cute' I muttered with a snort. I took a step to the side and opened the locker. I placed my headphones back into my ears from where they were dangling loosely on my jumper. I attempted to have a drink of my coffee but ended up suckling air, sighing shoved it in the empty locker .
I took out an book, pen and shoved them into the bag containing other useless junk that I probably would never need. I turned and looked at the door in-front of me G17 and the next up was G18 I started walking until I found the room I was looking for and leaned outside. Ten minutes until torture. I sighed and turned my music up louder, closed my eyes and waited. And waited.
I felt the air in front of me move, something felt different. I took one head phone out and opened my eyes slowly, almost hesitant pulling out my headphone with a sigh . 'May I help y...?' I couldn't finish.. His solders, were made from pure muscle not to mention stupidly massive. His low cut black tee shirt flashed a hint of the tattoo that hid bellow. My eyes trailed up his chin and jaw was covered in a light stubble.
Even his nose was that perfect roaman shape. I looked up, his eyes were cool and warm all at once. A startling blue that made me hold my breath. His blond hair was cut short. I slowly looked back down eyes focusing on the necklace that was hidden beneath his shirt.
My eyes followed his veined arms down to the simple red band dangling on his wrist. His simple blue jeans fit him like they were built around his legs. 'Oh God' I muttered to myself. βWell I've been called God before, but that was just too easy. I like a Challenge, Max. Itβs actually Hunter.' He said with a half arsed smile. 'Nice line. Little old tho ugh don't you think? Think you need some new material. Maybe some manners' I suggested.
I went to put my head phone back in but he tilted his head, curious. I rolled my eyes and asked sweetly, 'Anything I can do?' With a raised eyebrow twirling my headphone around my fingers. When he didn't reply I put my head phones back and pulled my phone out checking the time. Five minutes still ugh. Maybe I should text my aunt? Nah she's worried enough as it is and she's probably still sleeping.
Maybe Iβd text Nelson or as I liked to call him Nessie, my best friend instead. I pulled up his text and began to type as my earphone with pulled slowly from my ears. 'You know who I am right?' he asked a smirk on his face as he took a step toward me. 'Yes you're Hunter, not God. Me Max.' I raised my hand for him to shake with rolling my eyes 'Ha. You're kinda funny' He tilted his head again. 'Pain. So much pain' he muttered quietly to himself a remorseful expression on his face.
'I get it everyone knows everything I'm not some messed up little girl asking someone to hold my hand.' I turned away grumbling to myself about nosey people and small fucking towns.
Pretty, Petty or Prune
Chapter 2
I stared painstakingly into his scorching yet odly freezing eyes. He should carry his own fire hazard sign or something maybe a toxic one too I thought bitterly. I, more than anything, wanted to run free. Outside the wind lapping at my hair like the sea dose my ankles. I sighed happily and grinned as the bell sounded. My gaze slid away from the Goliath of a man before me to enter the room. (Well not before he had the last word so to say, he opened the door, lazily smiling at his small achievement. I just ignored him looking at the poetry book that was left in my locker. As I flicked through a note idly floated and landed in the middle of the small desk. The desks all faced the board, one desk per person single line. I had stolen one of the back seats, hiding from prying eyes.
Maxine Mae,
I regret to inform you of the
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