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Chapter 1 the Symptoms

Chapter 2 Jacob Young

Chapter 3 Town Square ‘Zombies’

Chapter 4 the Journey

Chapter 5 Safe dreams is the Truth

Chapter 6 the Escape of my Life

Chapter 7 the Life of the Unloving

Chapter 8 Dangerous Liquids Project

Chapter 9 the Preliminary Forge

Chapter 10 Restricted Quarantine

Chapter 11 Survival of the Fittest

Chapter 12 the real Armageddon

Chapter 13 Presidential Prologue

The Solanum Vile

The Solanum Vile
Based on a true unfound story
The future and the past is what you dream
“Sometime in the future” As I lay in the long cold grass awaiting my life’s end I look up at the stars and wonder…if it had all been a dream.
Chapter 1 the Symptoms
It was 23rd March Friday, 4 days before the start of something that was slowly changing planet earth, as it has for decades. We humans have just been too blind to see it happening. That was until my physicist teacher; Professor Marrow had been talking to a mysterious voice on the phone during my class break. I overheard the voice yelling at him saying that he had done something bad. After class I causesly approached Mr Marrow shyly and asked what that man meant by the professor doing something bad not even to think that he would be evil. The professor just looked at me worried then ran off into the dust and dirt of these towns’ factories. I didn’t seem to wonder what was going on in Mr Marrows mind but I didn’t want to either.
24th march Saturday
My studies class had started and no sign of Mr Marrow anywhere, we had done a full day without him. I got home around 5:45 pm; I entered my study and noticed a vile of grey liquid on my shelf as I picked it up I read the viles lament sticker, it said ‘from professor marrow keep it safe .p.s NEVER DRINK THIS’ it of all my years of study and knowledge of physics and chemicals I started to examine the liquid from the outside as anyone most likely would if they had a very curious attitude and a mind that could get through the hardest glass in the world if on the other side where secrets of death itself.6:11 pm, “NO IT COULDN’T POSSIBLY BE” it appeared that the liquid in the bottle was made up of ‘solanum’ a virus only newly found it isn’t very understood yet and no purpose has been found but scientist have found out that this contagious liquid works by traveling through the bloodstream from the initial point of entry to the brain. This virus is very unique and uses the cells of the frontal lobe for replication causing a sickness we call brain reanimation and has also started ‘Hype Vision’ a type of vision to see other contaminated souls.
25th march Sunday
I studied all morning for this strange liquid and could not help myself I wanted to be the first person to find out the side effects of solanum, I wouldn’t drink it of course as it could cause me bad effects in my bodies system. 12:34 am, I just came back from the pet store and had just bought myself a puppy, my choice was because a dogs brain at a young age cannot change the effects even by forcing vitamins in itself by eating its own…removals. As I entered my study once again I layed the puppy down on a bench and opened the solanums cap the dog backed up as if the smell was revolting, I then quickly and forcefully forced the liquid down the dogs throat and backed up. Almost 5 hours had past and the entire dog ended up with was a bad fever with a little dementia, sudden chills, pains in the joints and temperatures of around 99 to 109 degrees. In order for me to get the full accurate result I put the puppy in a cage and never touched it since. 3 more hours past, the dementia rose by 30% the dog had more symptoms such as a loss of muscular coordination and numbing of extremities the dog’s temperature also heightened by 111 degrees. About 11 hours after I gave the dog solanum it appeared that the symptoms where getting worse, I went and fetched the dog a bowl of water and some dog biscuits. I came back to see that the animal had paralysis in the lower body and overall numbness plus a really slow heart rate. I put the bowls of food and water in the cage and went to eat lunch myself. I came back 5 hours later as my mum had asked me to go to the shops for something. When I had just closed my door the dog was laying down I was shocked that none of the food or water was gone I had thought the dog died, I opened the cage and slowly felt the dogs chest he was still alive but was in a small coma. The best thing to do was to wait as I did so I felt sorry for using a puppy but I didn’t realize the threats to this new disease. After a long 4 hours the dog slowly awoke with a surprising heart rate stoppage and had no brain activity what so ever. I started to worry a bit more I think to myself could this be? I thought that it couldn’t possibly be so I waited for the final results. My 3 hard to wait hours finally ended and I got my last result…reanimation. Everything went strangely dark and as I turned my head and saw the sun going down into the horizon of the fields that lay opposite to the town, I fainted into silence and mental stress.
26th march Monday
I awoke with a rattle behind my curtain almost knowing what I would find. Oh it was just a rat looking for food. It climbed up to my cage and had a peek inside as I was about to ‘shoo’ it away I heard a faint growl suddenly a screeching sound was heard from inside the cage I originally had the dog. I slowly approached the cages curtains with my shaky hands; I slowly pulled the curtain off the cage. Out of the darkness of the cage were two glowing red eyes shining right at me. In confusion I opened up the cage and that puppy jumped up and bit my arm. ”OOOW YOU STUPID MUT” the dog jumped out the window and ran into the mist of the fog and headed towards the village. I lied down knowing what effects I would come across pains and comas. As I lied in my bed trying to get to sleep before the initial effects I wondered, what have I done?

Jacob Young

I awoke a couple of hours later with no side effects. What’s going on I wondered? Could it be a late side effect, ‘not having any side effects but still carry the effects of the solanum?’ I couldn’t say to myself what was really going on but I thought to myself it would be best if I leave home and get away from my family.
11.00am, I decided to go to my friend’s house at this time but still understood the fact that I could have a low dementia any time soon, I quickly rushed to my best friends place. His name is Jacob Young; he isn’t a well-known person but has created hair products full of Adamantium and vitamins only known to be found in type R blood humans. I went there hoping for help about this…this new disease, knowing that he might have info about it as he aced his trainings in college. We once weren’t very good friends but that was 6 years ago. Well I might as well tell you because I’m only just running to Jacobs place with a reddish blue swollen hand waiting what I could possibly do to create a nuisance to this world.
Six years ago I and Jacob were foes to each other, it’s kind of stupid to say, but we were enemies because of our brains. We were the two highest students in our training college- Pegasus UNI, we would go on and on about how we thought we were smarter than each other, well it was a bit obvious that I was always smarter than him, but that’s hardly the point. One day we had a test, the test that could get one of us to meet Arjay Reeves, the most brilliant scientist of 2017. We both aced that test as if it were Childs play, as we both went to the meet with Arjay Reeves on that day we both agreed that the way we used to fight was wrong so yeah’ we just became friends on that day. And yes, Arjay Reeves is very brilliant and extraordinary with chemicals but I really don’t think it’s best to take myself to him, besides he lives about 130 kilometres from here, a very long way to walk and I have never had time to go for a drivers licence.
I have finally made it to Jacobs’s house, knocking on his mother’s door whilst trying to catch my breath. His mother opened up the door and ran out crying, she hopped in the car and quickly drove off, she had blood dripping from her right cheek, and it seemed to be ripped off. The house was quite with a fade noise of scratching coming from upstairs; I started walking up the stairs in a fast manor as I rose up the stairs I could smell some sort of stench coming from the bathroom, it smelled somewhat like rotten feet and Cystic from the lower area of the body. As I came closer and arrived at the door of the stench, the scratching stopped, I could only possibly think of the sounds to be him ‘Jacob of course’ I slowly opened up the door, the shower curtain there with a body figure behind it standing up. I whispered out to the figure

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