BITE by T.D Jackson (debian ebook reader .TXT) π

An amateur work completed August 2013 feedback welcome if you enjoyed it please share with your friends.
This was written as an outlet and for my own personal enjoyment not for fame or money hence the book being free.
This is the first book in the UK Z-Day Series the second book After The Rising has been uploaded following Tom's adventures two years after this book. It is also available for free on bookrix.
Feel free to contact me on my homepage with suggestions comments and questions.
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- Author: T.D Jackson
Read book online Β«BITE by T.D Jackson (debian ebook reader .TXT) πΒ». Author - T.D Jackson
We got back and work on improving our defense had already started. Organized by Jack we started bricking up all the downstairs and 1st floor doors and windows. Jack was now doing welding metal to the front door. Me and Jon after a crash course of brick laying we built a 20ft long corridor out side leading up to the main entrance and placed another metal coated door at the entrance and one halfway down between the 1st door and main entrance. Jack welded and bolted more metal to form a roof for the corridor. At the 1st door was a swipe card lock that Jack had taken from the scrap yard at the second door was a webcam so anyone arriving could be checked after that the main door was simply a bar through the door handles. It took 12 hours and we were working into the dark but it's amazing how shambling corpses can speed you up. We collapsed exhausted upstairs providing a massive horde didn't attack before the concrete set we should be safe. Sky made us sandwiches from the last of the frozen bread they were pretty awful but we were so hungry we didn't care"
The next morning we all slept in til 9. But even though we were safe Jane's absence hung over us. Me and Jon packed up a few things and headed out the new corridor was now set hit the button and the door unlocked. I made sure to check I had my key card on me it used to be a coffee loyalty card until Jack had rewritten it. We got in the car and proceeded to the court. As a defend able position it was not a bad place to set up shop most of the doors had coded locks plenty of toilets spread over 3 floors plus a small ground floor reception area but it reeked with age "So whats the plan?" Jon said swerving to the left to clip a nearby undead "Nice shot and I haven't thought about that yet maybe we could just pull up and say hi and ask if we can have Jane back?" "You do remember that she tried to kill you right?" "I dunno I have had a few whacks to the head lately" "That explains a lot" "Well I'll just pop back to the hospital and see if I can get an MRI" Jon grunted. We pulled up outside the court no one was outside but we could just about see into the reception area and there were 2 guy's on watch well on watch in the sense that they were playing cards "You think Jack's little trick will work" "I think theirs a good chance it could blow us to hell" "Well what a jolly day this will be" We got out of the car and jogged to the entrance and knocked on the glass the two guys jumped out of their skin and scrambled for their weapons "What!" A tall bald black man who looked like he had steroids for breakfast lunch and dinner demanded "Hi were you're neighbors?" "The question remains the same what?" "I think you have a friends of ours could we have her back" "There's a lot of people here I aint looking through them all" "Oh that's O.K if you let us in we will look for you" "You aint coming in" "Why don't you get your boss he will want to speak to me" "Oh really why's that?" "Tell him I'm here to return his teeth he left them on my driveway" The guard frowned "Huh he said you died you and Graham killed each other" "Well not much stays dead these day's go grab your boss chopity chop I cant dilly dally here all day" He whispered to his cohort who ran off upstairs "So how are you?" He didn't smile. After a couple of minutes waiting his friend returned "Boss says send them up" They opened the door and we entered "Leave any weapons you might have here" "Why?" "Boss don't like you that much" "Oh well we wouldn't want to upset him now would we" Me and Jon didn't want to chance upsetting them before we found Jane so we placed everything we had in the tray" "You want to check my pockets?" Jon asked. Mr. Steroid grunted and waved us up the stairs another guard was waiting to show us up. We headed up 2 flights of stairs and entered a former waiting room that had been transformed into a sleeping area numerous stains were on the grey carpet and most of the furniture had been broken. "This way" He showed us through another door and we entered the actual court room. The seats were full of people shouting yelling and cheering a bottle was thrown in our direction that Jon had to duck "Nice group" "Shut up" The words came from the Judges seat there was Tooth in a black Judges robe and wig "Hey dude long time no see could we have our friend back please I hate the idea of her eating all your food so we will take her off your hands" Tooth grinned "Don't worry we haven't been feeding her" I frowned and made my way to the front of the court Jon followed beer was poured over us as we walked Jon smacked one who got in his face that settled them down a bit "O.K then your honor could we please have our friend back" "That depends" "On what?" "You're trial of course" The crowd roared with approval and mine and Jon's trial was about to begin.
"Tom and the bald one" "Jon" "I don't care you stand accused of murder how do you plead?" I almost laughed "Er who's murder? "Graham" "Oh yeah that guy don't I get a lawyer?" "No" "Mistrial?" "No" "Plead insanity?" "No" "Dam I'm out of excuses can I make a request?" "Make it quick" "Before we start 2 things 1 I want to see Jane and 2 what happens if were found guilty?" "We throw you off the roof to see if you can fly but I will grant the other request because I am a merciful and honorable Judge" The crowd roared with laughter even I laughed. I turned to Jon "Don't worry I got this I have played Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney" "You realize that video games aren't real right?" "Really?" A door opened and Jane was dragged by her arm into the court by her arm she looked a bit roughed up but otherwise not to badly hurt "Hey" I said waving cheerfully. She smiled slightly and moved towards us but the guard directed her to the seat next to the Judge. Tooth banged the gavel "I call this court to order and call the first witness me" "Objection" I said "Overruled" "Dam thought I had him" Tooth began to speak "I accuse you of murder who agrees" The crowd roars again "Excellent guilty" "Er do I get a chance to say something?" "Oh what the hell why not?" I stood up the people in the room visibly stiffened almost daring me to run so they could chase me down "I stand here today in front of you learned individuals to say your old boss was an arsehole" Boos flooded the court and I ducked a whiskey bottle "It's true though if you think about it i did you a favor now you have his honor up there" Even Tooth laughed "And look at my arm and this" I lifted my coat and shirt a little to show the stab wound "It was clearly self defense so I think we should be free to go" The court was in silence Tooth broke it "I agree Graham was a horrible bastard in fact were all horrible bastards in fact were such horrible bastards were gonna kill you anyway grab them" This didn't surprise me "Before you do that there is one last thing you should know" "Whats that" I unzipped my coat and revealed 8 jam jars attached to the inside packed with nails green and yellow wires were attached to all of them leading to a red box that had another couple of wires leading to a light switch. The crowd and guards froze where they were "Don't fucking move Jane come over here" Tooth stood "Stop them you morons it's fake" "You want to risk it?" Jon demanded. Jane slowly made her way over to us "You O.K?" She looked a lot better before she saw the improvised bomb "O.K were leaving try and stop us big bang etc" We backed out of the room and down the stairs at the reception Mr Steroids quickly stepped aside when he saw what I was carrying as we were heading out the door Tooth appeared at the stairway "Next time I see you I swear to God you die" I unhooked the red box from my jacket and a jar of nails"Well why don't you say that to God right now?" I threw the box and jar in his
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