American library books Β» Horror Β» BITE by T.D Jackson (debian ebook reader .TXT) πŸ“•

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her let go of my hand and focus on the other I then grabbed her by the shirt and with all the strength I could muster hurled her out the open doors. She landed on the track and rolled before she was out of view. I got up and moved away from the door picked up my baton and hit the driver contact system "Jon why the hell are we going so fast?" "Er I dunno it wont slow down no matter what I do" "Fuck" I made my way back to the drivers cabin. The dead mans handle was locked in place me and Jon both tried to pull it back but couldn't do it we tried the emergency break nothing. I looked down at the console something was flashing red "Hey er what does that mean?" "Oh it means oh fuck we need to get off" Jon grabbed his bag and headed for the door I followed "Why do we need to get off?" Jon was already half way down the carriage and had scooped up Sky "It means obstruction ahead" "Oh goody and I thought today was going so well"
We didn't have many options the train was now going at full speed if we jumped the impact would kill us or the we would be electrocuted on the rails. Soon the decision was made for us a tremendous impact threw us off our feet, Sky screamed as the train started to twist as it came off the rails "Move" We ran down the carriages as soon as we made it out of one carriage the one behind us was ripped away eventually we hit the end we threw ourselves to the floor and held on to the hand rails. It felt like we was in a tumble drier we turned over and over I lost my grip on the pole fell and hit the ceiling or the floor or what ever the carriage turned over one last time and the world faded in to darkness.
"They O.K? Toby asked "There fine they should be in Hastings in an hour and a half or so" Jack put down a mass of wires he was glad to have people around him again but he missed Sky the her curiosity about everything he did, he personally didn't agree with Tom's decision to take her with them but he didn't want to rock the boat "Jack snap out of it man how are those cameras coming along?" "Well I chopped up Tom's webcam smashed a few video cameras we found in the flats so we can have a camera for each side of the building and one for the entrance way if they come round we will know about it" Toby nodded and walked off he played with Duke and tried to takes his mind off how quiet everything was what he wouldn't give for some excitement.
I woke up and was immediately disorientated I looked up and saw the seats on the ceiling what the hell happened? We were on a train and oh yeah we crashed "Jon! Sky!" "What?" I looked over and saw Jon pick himself up from under a few bags of luggage that passengers were never going to collect "I'm O.K" Sky had landed on Jon we stood up our carriage had become separated from the others moonlight was coming through the sliding doors "So who wants to get out and push?" I asked. We checked ourselves over apart from bruises and cut's we had fared pretty well. We exited the carriage and made our way to the embankment and Jon checked our position on his i phone I hate those thing's. We were near a town called Battle about 6 miles away from Hastings at a place called Malt-house Wood. From the aerial view we could see we were in a field and that there would be a few more to cross to get to Hastings. We decided to spend the night in electric generator shed there was no roof and the floor was gravel but as long as we didn't poke the generator with a stick or make to much noise to attract the undead we should be fine.
Sky had fallen asleep I had draped my coat over her it was a cold night "Do you miss the times when we used to do nothing but play video games" Jon pondered "All we did in video games was kill zombies so I guess this isn't to different" "No continue option" "Yeah there is that you had a look at the route were taking tomorrow?" "Yeah I think we should stick to the fields away from the towns it will take a bit longer but be a dam site safer" "Sounds like a plan get some sleep I'll keep watch for a bit""All right night dude" "Night" I kept watch the whole night I didn't bother waking Jon I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway.
"What do you mean the train crashed" Toby yelled down the phone "Well we were kinda on the rails then we kinda came off the rails" "Are you O.K? Where are you?" "Near malt-house woods about 6 miles away from Hastings it's not to far so were gonna head through the fields on foot" "No head back home" "Tob whats the point were almost there now if there are no survivors we will jack a car and head back I'll call you when we get there" Toby started to yell down the phone so I hung up. We packed up climbed out of the generator shed and started to walk through the fields. There was only a few dead we saw one chasing after a house that was easily out trotting it then it left it alone and focused on us and was easily dispatched. Me and Jon took turns carrying Sky over the odd stream we both fell in at some point getting covered in mud and I lost a shoe somewhere. Then we hit it a wall 12ft high that stretched for miles. It was made of what building sites commonly used to stop nosy people looking in to construction sites for stuff to steal patched together with concrete cars barbed wire skips junk and anything you could imagine. One of the panels had the Queens award for enterprise logo on it and Better homes for the future written below it or at least that's what it used to say before someone had written fuck you all over it. More promising was a sign that read survivors this way and arrow pointing East. We followed the wall for about an hour "STOP SAY WHERE YOU ARE DO NOT MOVE DO NOT FUCKING MOVE!!!!" Before we knew what hit us the wall stopped and what looked like a large metal sliding gate improvised from junk and various items of debris to cover it's flanks and in front of the gate a tank It's barrel swiveling to aim at us, the owner of the booming voice walked in front of the tank with a SMG in his hand's and flanked by 6 more men in military fatigues "I said don't move!!" "Whoa wait were not dead!!" "How many of you are there" "3 me my friend and a little girl" "Are you armed? "Er I have a baton and my friend has a club thing" "O.K walk towards us slowly" We moved towards them which is very unnerving when you have 7 SMG's pointing at you. I moved to shake the mans hand he was i his late 30's short browns hair starting to grey it looked like he had not slept in a week, he politely declined to shake my hand "Sorry Sir cant do that til you get checked over for possible bite's" "I understand so what's going on here?" The soldier motioned for us to follow him, we did not go through the large main gate instead he motioned for us to go through 1 of 4 doors 12 ft apart. We entered into a bare room with nothing more than a chair "The civilians here started to build a wall as soon as the outbreak hit they were in pretty good shape when the rest of the country was overrun the wall stretches for most of Hastings with the sea behind us so we get food and can send out raiding parties by boat when our good Lord master politicians decided to show there faces again they were on the first helicopter ride here to save their arses" I nodded taking this in "I'm afraid we are going to need you to remove your clothes so we can check for bites sir" "Sure no problem but call me Tom" The soldiers were very professional and I took no offense to them doing their job it was for everyone's safety after all a nurse came in and checked us over she bandaged my arm and injected me with an antibiotic just in case any of the numerous cuts and bruises I had collected were infected. We were moved on to another room this one was larger and had tables and chairs the soldier at the gate offered us a seat and I offered him a smoke, he had not been able to get a fag for weeks and joyfully light it up and we chatted casually "Right I'm gonna need to fill out some paperwork on you guy's" I laughed "End of the world but the government still loves it's paperwork" He smiled at that. His name was Stan and he asked me and Jon various questions where we had come from how we survived etc he then gave us 2 electronic passes completely whit apart from the magnetic stripe. Apparently we would use this to get our food rations from the stations located in the town all public buildings had been converted into sleeping and living areas for people who had made it here but as so few people had they were practically empty money was still good for everything except food which was now tightly rationed and attempting to subvert it was a criminal offense. Then came the difficult discussion about Sky "So is she your daughter?" "No" I sighed "Her father was killed and we rescued her we don't know about her mother but she said her grand parents lived here we were going to try and reunite them" Stan nodded "So what do we do here Stan? I'm quite happy to take her home to find her grand parents she knows where they live "What if their not there?" "I hadn't thought about that" I looked over at Sky who was a couple of tables away coloring she waved, I waved back "If I can I'd like her to stay with me could I do that?" It turn's out that a lot of kids had lost there parents during the rising the few public buildings that were full were full of kids who's parents had died to protect them. Stan did a background check on me and Jon we both had no criminal record and in light of the job we had done protecting her so far awarded us provisional custody upon til the time a close family member was willing to look after her a full time foster family could be found or until I applied for official adoption. Then that was it we were waved through several large gates given directions for food and a place to stay and we were in. Hastings it didn't look like it had changed much I breathed in the sea air even the mid day sun was shining brightly it was like all this had never happened.
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