BITE by T.D Jackson (debian ebook reader .TXT) π

An amateur work completed August 2013 feedback welcome if you enjoyed it please share with your friends.
This was written as an outlet and for my own personal enjoyment not for fame or money hence the book being free.
This is the first book in the UK Z-Day Series the second book After The Rising has been uploaded following Tom's adventures two years after this book. It is also available for free on bookrix.
Feel free to contact me on my homepage with suggestions comments and questions.
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- Author: T.D Jackson
Read book online Β«BITE by T.D Jackson (debian ebook reader .TXT) πΒ». Author - T.D Jackson
24 Hours earliear
"Let him in" Ty called out. Jane pressed the button near the entrance the metal door swung open and Toby came through carrying an inconcious man on his shoulder's. He was bleeding heavily Toby dropped him to the floor "Theirs 3 more come on guy's" Toby pulled 2 more dishevelled men through and slammed the door shut. All men were examined for bites and passed. The bloodied man died soon after arrival Toby made sure he didn't get back up. That night the survivors sat down for dinner "So where did you guys come from?" Toby asked. The man who introduced himself as Fred put down his tin of beans and wiped his mouth with his hand "Maidstone we holed up in a block of flats like this until the supplies ran out then we went on the run we headed here and ran into a group of people near the court's we thought they were friendly then well they well you saw what they did to Matt poor bastard we ran and we bumped in to you guy's" "Yeah we have had a few problems with them as well" Another man Kieran chimed in "So is this all of you?" "No there are more of us but they are away at the moment" Ty said "Huh how long they been gone?" "A few day's" "They could be dead you know" "They are not" Toby banged his fist on the table "How do you know?" Kieran said spooning more beans into his mouth "I spoke to them this morning they will be back tomorrow" "Oh O.K then and they will decide if we can stay?" "Yeah it's up to them" "O.K do you think they will say yes?" Toby continues to glare at the 2 men "I'm sure they will" Lara said "Oh er good thank's for the beans guy's" "Your welcome" "All right time for bed guys Tom and Jon will be back soon we want to make sure we are up in time to let them in"
Lara and Jenna were on watch that night sitting in armchairs next to the steel door Toby and Ty would be down in 20mins to take over they were tired and about to nod off they didnt notice the danger behind them. Kieran and Fred had made their way down the stairs dropping to the floor Jenna and Lara were chatting about Hastings and what they would hope would be there all of this and everything was cut short blades pierced the back of their chairs blood soaked into the fabric a small whimper and it was all over their eyes closed for the last time death came. Fred withdrew his knife and walked over to the door and hit the button to open the door Kieran spoke into a phone and hung up "They will be here in 25" "Fine" "Don't feel bad we had to do it" "What about Matt? Did the boss have to do that to him?" "It got us in didn't it?"
Men ran into the lobby the raid had already developed into a shambles they had not been quiet on their way to the flats a crowd of undead were attracted and had started attacking as they exited their vehicles they were running into the lobby mainly to avoid being devoured. They slammed the door shut on their comrades. Above the bangs and shout's a gun shot rang out the top of Kieran's head flew off and he dropped to the floor another shot and another. Toby had the carbine on the top floor and was picking them off one by one. The men panicked half made their way towards the broken stair cases and seeked shelter in the side corridor they found none Jack was their with the shotgun he mercilssly put them down. The other half attempted to escape back out the door only to be swarmed by the undead waiting outside for themthe living and the undead clashed in a confined space Toby stopped firing allowing the dead to do their work. After an hour the living were gone the dead were all that were left. Ty and Jane came running down with packed up supplies more dead could arrive any second it was time to go they headed downstairs and saw what was in thearmchairs. They carried the 2 upstairs andlaid them down the others left and Toby waited waited for them to turn. Lars woke up slightly quicker looking at Toby and got up from the floor. He aimed the rifle he couldn't do it he left the room in his way was a man Fred still alive he looked shocked. Toby grabbed him punched him in the mouth and kneed him in the balls and threw him into the room with the girls shutting the door behind him his screams made him feel a little better he gathered up a few last supplies and headed to meet the other's.
I handed the bottle for Toby to finish no one spoke we were silent until I spoke "That's it" "What is?" Ty asked. "No more hiding reasoning and tricking we wipe them out or they wipe us out get ready for war"
And So We Reach The End
No help is coming Kane can't spare the men I understand he has people to prtect he can't waste them on our personal vendetta. He has expressed an interest in turning an area around Tunbridge Wells into a small survival outpost as a rest stop for supply truck's to get through when they finally start coming through he has asked for our help in pacifying the area we said we would think about it. He wished us luck and his condolences for oour loss. We buried Lara and Jenna today in a small garden not our's but I'm sure the owner's wont mind. It was a simple ceromony and a 2 wooden crosses were all that marked the spot where they were buried. Toby said a few words and we left. Ty Jane and Jack will stay at the house if they don't hear from us with in 4 hour's they are to head to Hasting's Kane gave us a safe road route. We are out of ammo on the shotgun and rifle it was all used during the defence leaving us with 7 round's in the handgun and an estimated 15 or so hostile people waiting for us. We got in the Fiesta and drove none of us spoke we checked our weapons and waited for our arrival.
Our reception could not have been more different from the last time as we approached the door was unguarded but locked Toby quickly remidied that by smashing the security glass reaching through and unlocking the door "Knock knock" I joked. No one laughed. We entered the building and made our way to the stair's no one their as we ascended to the 1st floor I went in and Jon and Toby would continue up this is were we met Tooth in the court room he would be here the arrogant tosser. The other 2 floor's would be handled by Toby and Jon. I walked into the waiting room someone was here waiting for me not Tooth but the man who had been playing door guard last time he was sitting down reading a magazine about knitting of all thing's he looked up from it when he saw me "Hey dude is the Judge in?" He put down the magazine "Yeah sorry some one left the front door open so I wandered in" Gun shots came from upstairs "My frends wandered in to" Mr Roid rage rose to his feet I swear he had gotten bigger since the last time over 6ft and arm's as thick as tree trunk's "Don't worry no bomb this time but you'r boss he killed some friends of mine and I want an apolgy" "Boss aint seeing any one today" I stepped further into the room there was a corridor to the left of the waiting room with small individual interview room's and a small kitchen to the right 3 door's one to another interview room another to a Judge's office and the last to the court room "Dont worry I have an appointment I walked towards the court room
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