The Grammar of English Grammars by Goold Brown (free ebook reader .txt) π
"In what regards the laws of grammatical purity," says Dr. Campbell, "the violation is much more conspicuous than the observance."--See Philosophy of Rhetoric, p. 190. It therefore falls in with my main purpose, to present to the public, in the following ample work, a condensed mass of special criticism, such as is not elsewhere to be found in
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Read book online Β«The Grammar of English Grammars by Goold Brown (free ebook reader .txt) πΒ». Author - Goold Brown
"This sentence violates an established rule of grammar."βL. Murray cor. "The words thou and shall are again reduced to syllables of short quantity."βId. "Have the greatest men always been the most popular? By no means."βLieber cor. "St. Paul positively stated, that 'He that loveth an other, hath fulfilled the law.'"βRom., xiii, 8. "More organs than one are concerned in the utterance of almost every consonant."βM'Culloch cor. "If the reader will pardon me for descending so low."βCampbell cor. "To adjust them in such a manner as shall consist equally with the perspicuity and the grace of the period." Or: "To adjust them so, that they shall consist equally," &c.βDr. Blair and L. Mur. cor. "This class exhibits a lamentable inefficiency, and a great want of simplicity."βGardiner cor. "Whose style, in all its course, flows like a limpid stream, through which we see to the very bottom."βDr. Blair cor.; also L. Murray. "We admit various ellipses." Or thus: "An ellipsis, or omission, of some words, is frequently admitted."βLennie's Gram., p. 116. "The ellipsis, of articles may occur thus."βL. Murray cor. "Sometimes the article a is improperly applied to nouns of different numbers; as, 'A magnificent house and gardens.'"βId. "In some very emphatical expressions, no ellipsis should be allowed."βId. "Ellipses of the adjective may happen in the following manner."βId. "The following examples show that there may be an ellipsis of the pronoun."βId. "Ellipses of the verb occur in the following instances."βId. "Ellipses of the adverb may occur in the following manner."βId. "The following brief expressions are all of them elliptical." [554]βId. "If no emphasis be placed on any words, not only will discourse be rendered heavy and lifeless, but the meaning will often be left ambiguous."βId.; also J. S. Hart and Dr. Blair cor. "He regards his word, but thou dost not regard thine."βBullions, Murray, et al., cor. "I have learned my task, but you have not learned yours."βIid. "When the omission of a word would obscure the sense, weaken the expression, or be attended with impropriety, no ellipsis must be indulged."βMurray and Weld cor. "And therefore the verb is correctly put in the singular number, and refers to them all separately and individually considered."βL. Murray cor. "He was to me the most intelligible of all who spoke on the subject."βId. "I understood him better than I did any other who spoke on the subject."βId. "The roughness found on the entrance into the paths of virtue and learning decreases as we advance." Or: "The roughnesses encountered in the paths of virtue and learning diminish as we advance."βId. "There is nothing which more promotes knowledge, than do steady application and habitual observation."βId. "Virtue confers on man the highest dignity of which he is capable; it should therefore be the chief object of his desire."βId. and Merchant cor. "The supreme Author of our being has so formed the human soul, that nothing but himself can be its last, adequate, and proper happiness."βAddison and Blair cor. "The inhabitants of China laugh at the plantations of our Europeans: 'Because,' say they, 'any one may place trees in equal rows and uniform figures.'"βIid. "The divine laws are not to be reversed by those of men."βL. Murray cor. "In both of these examples, the relative which and the verb was are understood."βId. et al. cor. "The Greek and Latin languages, though for many reasons they cannot be called dialects of one and the same tongue, are nevertheless closely connected."βDr. Murray cor. "To ascertain and settle whether a white rose or a red breathes the sweetest fragrance." Or thus: "To ascertain and settle which of the two breathes the sweeter fragrance, a white rose or a red one."βJ. Q. Adams cor. "To which he can afford to devote but little of his time and labour."βDr. Blair cor.
"Avoid extremes; and shun the fault of such As still are pleased too little or too much."βPope cor.
LESSON XI.βOF BAD PHRASES."He might as well leave his vessel to the direction of the winds."βSouth cor. "Without good-nature and gratitude, men might as well live in a wilderness as in society."βL'Estrange cor. "And, for this reason, such lines very seldom occur together."βDr. Blair cor. "His greatness did not make him happy."βCrombie cor. "Let that which tends to cool your love, be judged in all."βCrisp cor. "It is worth observing, that there is no passion in the mind of man so weak but it mates and masters the fear of death."βBacon cor. "Accent dignifies the syllable on which it is laid, and makes it more audible than the rest."βSheridan and Murray cor. "Before he proceeds to argue on either side."βDr. Blair cor. "The general change of manners, throughout Europe."βId. "The sweetness and beauty of Virgil's numbers, through all his works."βId. "The French writers of sermons, study neatness and elegance in the division of their discourses."βId. "This seldom fails to prove a refrigerant to passion."βId. "But their fathers, brothers, and uncles, cannot, as good relations and good citizens, excuse themselves for not standing forth to demand vengeance."βMurray's Sequel, p. 114. "Alleging, that their decrial of the church of Rome, was a uniting with the Turks."βBarclay cor. "To which is added the Catechism by the Assembly of Divines."βN. E. Prim. cor. "This treachery was always present in the thoughts of both of them."β Robertson cor. "Thus far their words agree." Or: "Thus far the words of both agree."βW. Walker cor. "Aparithmesis is an enumeration of the several parts of what, as a whole, might be expressed in few words."βGould cor. "Aparithmesis, or Enumeration, is a figure in which what might be expressed in a few words, is branched out into several parts."βDr. Adam cor. "Which may sit from time to time, where you dwell, or in the vicinity."βJ. O. Taylor cor. "Place together a large-sized animal and a small one, of the same species." Or: "Place together a large and a small animal of the same species."βKames cor. "The weight of the swimming body is equal to that of the quantity of fluid displaced by it."βPercival cor. "The Subjunctive mood, in all its tenses, is similar to the Optative."βGwilt cor. "No feeling of obligation remains, except that of an obligation to fidelity."βWayland cor. "Who asked him why whole audiences should be moved to tears at the representation of some story on the stage."βSheridan cor. "Are you not ashamed to affirm that the best works of the Spirit of Christ in his saints are as filthy rags?"βBarclay cor. "A neuter verb becomes active, when followed by a noun of kindred signification."βSanborn cor. "But he has judged better in forbearing to repeat the article the."βDr. Blair cor. "Many objects please us, and are thought highly beautiful, which have scarcely any variety at all."βId. "Yet they sometimes follow them."βEmmons cor. "For I know of nothing more important in the whole subject, than this doctrine of mood and tense."βR. Johnson cor. "It is by no means impossible for an error to be avoided or suppressed."βPhilol. Museum cor. "These are things of the highest importance to children and youth."βMurray cor. "He ought to have omitted the word many." Or: "He might better have omitted the word many."βDr. Blair cor. "Which might better have been separated." Or: "Which ought rather to have been separated."βId. "Figures and metaphors, therefore, should never be used profusely."βId. and Jam. cor. "Metaphors, or other figures, should never be used in too great abundance."βMurray and Russell cor. "Something like this has been alleged against Tacitus."β Bolingbroke cor.
"O thou, whom all mankind in vain withstand,
Who with the blood of each must one day stain thy hand!"
βSheffield cor.
"Pronouns sometimes precede the terms which they represent."βL. Murray cor. "Most prepositions originally denoted relations of place."βLowth cor. "WHICH is applied to brute animals, and to things without life."βBullions cor. "What thing do they describe, or of what do they tell the kind?"βInf. S. Gram. cor. "Iron cannons, as well as brass, are now universally cast solid."βJamieson cor. "We have philosophers, more eminent perhaps than those of any other nation."βDr. Blair cor. "This is a question about words only, and one which common sense easily determines."βId. "The low pitch of the voice, is that which approaches to a whisper."βId. "Which, as to the effect, is just the same as to use no such distinctions at all."βId. "These two systems, therefore, really differ from each other but very little."βId. "It is needless to give many instances, as examples occur so often."βId. "There are many occasions on which this is neither requisite nor proper."βId. "Dramatic poetry divides itself into two forms, comedy and tragedy."βId. "No man ever rhymed with more exactness than he." [I.e., than Roscommon.]βEditor of Waller cor. "The Doctor did not reap from his poetical labours a profit equal to that of his prose."βJohnson cor. "We will follow that which we find our fathers practised." Or: "We will follow that which we find to have been our fathers' practice."βSale cor. "And I should deeply regret that I had published them."βInf. S. Gram. cor. "Figures exhibit ideas with more vividness and power, than could be given them by plain language."βKirkham cor. "The allegory is finely drawn, though the heads are various."βSpect. cor. "I should not have thought it worthy of this place." Or: "I should not have thought it worthy of being placed here."βCrombie cor. "In this style, Tacitus excels all other writers, ancient or modern."βKames cor. "No other author, ancient or modern, possesses the art of dialogue so completely as Shakspeare."β Id. "The names of all the things we see, hear, smell, taste, or feel, are nouns."βInf. S. Gram. cor. "Of what number are the expressions, 'these boys,' 'these pictures,' &c.?"βId. "This sentence has faults somewhat like those of the last."βDr. Blair cor. "Besides perspicuity, he pursues propriety, purity, and precision, in his language; which qualities form one degree, and no inconsiderable one, of beauty."βId. "Many critical terms have unfortunately been employed in a sense too loose and vague; none with less precision, than the word sublime."βId. "Hence no word in the language is used with a more vague signification, than the word beauty."βId. "But still, in speech, he made use of general terms only."βId. "These give life, body, and colouring, to the facts recited; and enable us to conceive of them as present, and passing before our eyes."βId. "Which carried an ideal chivalry to a still more extravagant height, than the adventurous spirit of knighthood had ever attained in fact."βId. "We write much more supinely, and with far less labour, than did the ancients."βId. "This appears indeed to form the characteristical difference between the ancient poets, orators, and historians, and the modern."βId. "To violate this rule, as the English too often do, shows great incorrectness."βId. "It is impossible, by means of any training, to prevent them from appearing stiff and forced."βId. "And it also gives to the speaker the disagreeable semblance of one who endeavours to compel assent."βId. "And whenever a light or ludicrous anecdote is proper to be recorded, it is generally better to throw it into a note, than to run the hazard of becoming too familiar."βId. "It is the great business of this life, to prepare and qualify ourselves for the enjoyment of a better."βL. Murray cor. "From some dictionaries, accordingly, it was omitted; and in others it is stigmatized as a barbarism."βCrombie cor. "You cannot see a thing, or think of one, the name of which is not a noun."βMack cor. "All the fleet have arrived, and are moored in safety." Or better: "The whole fleet has arrived, and is moored in safety."βL. Murray cor.
LESSON XIII.βOF TWO ERRORS."They have severally their distinct and exactly-limited relations to gravity."βHasler cor. "But where the additional s would give too much of the hissing sound, the omission takes place even in prose."βL. Murray cor. "After o, it [the w] is sometimes not sounded at all; and sometimes it is sounded like a single u."βLowth cor. "It is situation chiefly, that decides the fortunes and characters of men."βHume cor.; also Murray. "The vice of covetousness is that [vice] which enters more deeply into the soul than any other."βMurray et al. cor. "Of all vices, covetousness enters the most deeply into the soul."βIid. "Of all the vices, covetousness is that which enters the most deeply into the soul."βCampbell cor. "The vice of covetousness is a fault which enters more deeply into the soul than any other."βGuardian cor. "WOULD primarily denotes inclination of will; and SHOULD, obligation: but they vary their import, and are often used to express simple events." Or:β"but both of them vary their import," &c. Or:β"but both vary their import, and are used to express simple events."βLowth, Murray, et al. cor.; also Comly and Ingersoll; likewise Abel Flint. "A double condition, in two correspondent clauses of a sentence, is sometimes made by the word HAD; as, 'Had he done this, he had escaped.'"βMurray and Ingersoll cor. "The pleasures of the understanding are preferable to those of the imagination, as well as to those of sense."βL. Murray cor. "Claudian, in a fragment upon the wars of the giants,
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