The Grammar of English Grammars by Goold Brown (free ebook reader .txt) π
"In what regards the laws of grammatical purity," says Dr. Campbell, "the violation is much more conspicuous than the observance."--See Philosophy of Rhetoric, p. 190. It therefore falls in with my main purpose, to present to the public, in the following ample work, a condensed mass of special criticism, such as is not elsewhere to be found in
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Read book online Β«The Grammar of English Grammars by Goold Brown (free ebook reader .txt) πΒ». Author - Goold Brown
"The passive voice denotes an action received." Or: "The passive voice denotes the receiving of an action."βMaunder corrected. "Milton, in some of his prose works, has many very finely-turned periods."βDr. Blair and Alex. Jam. cor. "These will be found to be wholly, or chiefly, of that class."βDr. Blair cor. "All appearances of an author's affecting of harmony, are disagreeable."βId. and Jam. cor. "Some nouns have a double increase; that is, they increase by more syllables than one: as iter, itin~eris."βAdam et al. cor. "The powers of man are enlarged by progressive cultivation."βGurney cor. "It is always important to begin well; to make a favourable impression at the first setting out."βDr. Blair cor. "For if one take a wrong method at his first setting-out, it will lead him astray in all that follows."β Id. "His mind is full of his subject, and all his words are expressive."β Id. "How exquisitely is all this performed in Greek!"βHarris cor. "How unworthy is all this to satisfy the ambition of an immortal soul!"βL. Murray cor. "So as to exhibit the object in its full grandeur, and its most striking point of view."βDr. Blair cor. "And that the author know how to descend with propriety to the plain style, as well as how to rise to the bold and figured."β Id. "The heart alone can answer to the heart."β Id. "Upon the first perception of it." Or: "As it is first perceived."βHarris cor. "Call for Samson, that he may make sport for us."βBible cor. "And he made sport before them."β Id. "The term 'to suffer,' in this definition, is used in a technical sense; and means simply, to receive an action, or to be acted upon."βBullions cor. "The text only is what is meant to be taught in schools."βBrightland cor. "The perfect participle denotes action or existence perfected or finished."βKirkham cor. "From the intricacy and confusion which are produced when they are blended together."βL. Murray cor. "This very circumstance, that the word is employed antithetically renders it important in the sentence."βKirkham cor. "It [the pronoun that,] is applied both to persons and to things."βL. Murray cor. "Concerning us, as being everywhere traduced."βBarclay cor. "Every thing else was buried in a profound silence."βSteele cor. "They raise fuller conviction, than any reasonings produce."βDr. Blair cor. "It appears to me nothing but a fanciful refinement." Or: "It appears to me nothing more than a fanciful refinement"β Id. "The regular and thorough resolution of a complete passage."βChurchill cor. "The infinitive is distinguished by the word TO, which immediately precedes it."βMaunder cor. "It will not be a gain of much ground, to urge that the basket, or vase, is understood to be the capital."βKames cor. "The disgust one has to drink ink in reality, is not to the purpose, where the drinking of it is merely figurative."β Id. "That we run not into the extreme of pruning so very closely."βSee L. Murray's Gram., 8vo, p. 318. "Being obliged to rest for a little while on the preposition itself." Or: "Being obliged to rest a while on the preposition itself." Or: "Being obliged to rest [for] a moment on the preposition alone."βBlair and Jam. cor. "Our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is no abiding."βBible cor. "There may be attempted a more particular expression of certain objects, by means of imitative sounds."βBlair, Jam., and Mur. cor. "The right disposition of the shade, makes the light and colouring the more apparent."βDr. Blair cor. "I observe that a diffuse style is apt to run into long periods."β Id. "Their poor arguments, which they only picked up in the highways."βLeslie cor. "Which must be little else than a transcribing of their writings."βBarclay cor. "That single impulse is a forcing-out of almost all the breath." Or: "That single impulse forces out almost all the breath."βHush cor. "Picini compares modulation to the turning-off from a road."βGardiner cor. "So much has been written on and off almost every subject."βSophist cor. "By the reading of books written by the best authors, his mind became highly improved." Or: "By the study of the most instructive books, his mind became highly improved."βL. Mur. cor. "For I never made a rich provision a token of a spiritual ministry."βBarclay cor.
UNDER CRITICAL NOTE II.βOF DOUBTFUL REFERENCE."However disagreeable the task, we must resolutely perform our duty."βL. Murray cor. "The formation of all English verbs, whether they be regular or irregular, is derived from the Saxon tongue."βLowth cor. "Time and chance have an influence on all things human, and nothing do they affect more remarkably than language."βCampbell cor. "Time and chance have an influence on all things human, and on nothing a more remarkable influence than on language."βJamieson cor. "That Archytases, who was a virtuous man, happened to perish once upon a time, is with him a sufficient ground." &c.βPhil Mu. cor. "He will be the better qualified to understand the meaning of the numerous words into which they enter as material parts."βL. Murray cor. "We should continually have the goal in view, that it may direct us in the race."β Id. "But Addison's figures seem to rise of their own accord from the subject and constantly to embellish it" Or:β"and they constantly embellish it."βBlair and Jam. cor. "So far as they signify persons, animals, and things that we can see, it is very easy to distinguish nouns."βCobbett cor. "Dissyllables ending in y or mute e, or accented on the final syllable, may sometimes be compared like monosyllables."βFrost cor. "If the foregoing objection be admitted, it will not overrule the design."βRush cor. "These philosophical innovators forget, that objects, like men, are known only by their actions."βDr. Murray cor. "The connexion between words and ideas, is arbitrary and conventional; it has arisen mainly from the agreement of men among themselves."βJamieson cor. "The connexion between words and ideas, may in general be considered as arbitrary and conventional, or as arising from the agreement of men among themselves."βDr. Blair cor. "A man whose inclinations led him to be corrupt, and who had great abilities to manage and multiply and defend his corruptions."βSwift cor. "They have no more control over him than have any other men."βWayland cor. "All his old words are true English, and his numbers are exquisite."βSpect. cor. "It has been said, that not Jesuits only can equivocate."βMur. in Ex. and Key, cor. "In Latin, the nominative of the first or second person, is seldom expressed."βAdam and Gould cor. "Some words have the same form in both numbers."βMurray et al. cor. "Some nouns have the same form in both numbers."βMerchant et al. cor. "Others have the same form in both numbers; as, deer, sheep, swine."βFrost cor. "The following list denotes the consonant sounds, of which there are twenty-two." Or: "The following list denotes the twenty-two simple sounds of the consonants."βMur. et al. cor. "And is the ignorance of these peasants a reason for other persons to remain ignorant; or does it render the subject the less worthy of our inquiry?"βHarris and Mur. cor. "He is one of the most correct, and perhaps he is the best, of our prose writers."βLowth cor. "The motions of a vortex and of a whirlwind are perfectly similar." Or: "The motion of a vortex and that of a whirlwind are perfectly similar."βJamieson cor. "What I have been saying, throws light upon one important verse in the Bible; which verse I should like to hear some one read."βAbbott cor. "When there are any circumstances of time, place, and the like, by which the principal terms of our sentence must be limited or qualified."βBlair, Jam. and Mur. cor. "Interjections are words that express emotion, affection, or passion, and that imply suddenness." Or: "Interjections express emotion, affection, or passion, and imply suddenness."βBucke cor. "But the genitive expressing the measure of things, is used in the plural number only."βAdam and Gould cor. "The buildings of the institution have been enlarged; and an expense has been incurred, which, with the increased price of provisions, renders it necessary to advance the terms of admission."βL. Murray cor. "These sentences are far less difficult than complex ones."βS. S. Greene cor.
"Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife They sober lived, nor ever wished to stray."βGray cor.
UNDER CRITICAL NOTE III.βOF DEFINITIONS.(1.) "A definition is a short and lucid description of a thing, or species, according to its nature and properties."βG. BROWN: Rev. David Blair cor. (2.) "Language, in general, signifies the expression of our ideas by certain articulate sounds, or written words, which are used as the signs of those ideas."βDr. Hugh Blair cor. (3.) "A word is one or more syllables used by common consent as the sign of an idea."βBullions cor. (4.) "A word is one or more syllables used as the sign of an idea, or of some manner of thought."βHazen cor. (5.) "Words are articulate sounds, or their written signs, used to convey ideas."βHiley cor. (6.) "A word is one or more syllables used orally or in writing, to represent some idea."βHart cor. (7.) "A word is one or more syllables used as the sign of an idea."βS. W. Clark cor. (8.) "A word is a letter or a combination of letters, a sound or a combination of sounds, used as the sign of an idea."βWells cor. (9.) "Words are articulate sounds, or their written signs, by which ideas are communicated."βWright cor. (10.) "Words are certain articulate sounds, or their written representatives, used by common consent as signs of our ideas."βBullions, Lowth, Murray, et al. cor. (11.) "Words are sounds or written symbols used as signs of our ideas."βW. Allen cor. (12.) "Orthography literally means correct writing"βKirkham and Smith
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