Malignant Self Love by Samuel Vaknin (best ereader for students .TXT) 📕

I am, as I said, my own worst nightmare. True, the world is repletewith my contributions, and I am lots of fun to be around. And true,most contributions like mine are not the result of troubled souls. Butmany more than you might want to believe are. And if by chance you getcaught in my Web, I c
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Read book online «Malignant Self Love by Samuel Vaknin (best ereader for students .TXT) 📕». Author - Samuel Vaknin
important aspects of his life at the same time?
Answer: A narcissist is a person who derives his Ego (and Ego
functions) from the reactions of his human environment to a projected,
invented image called the False Self. Since no absolute control over
such feedback of Narcissistic Supply is possible - it is bound to be
volatile - the narcissist’s view of himself and of his surroundings is
correspondingly and equally volatile. As “public opinion” fluctuates,
so do his self-confidence, self-esteem, generally, so does his self.
Even his convictions are subject to a never-ending voting process by
The narcissistic personality is subject to instabilities in each and
every one of its dimensions. It is the ultimate hybrid: rigidly
amorphous, devoutly flexible, reliant for its sustenance on the opinion
of people, whom the narcissist undervalues. A large part of this
instability is subsumed under the Emotional Involvement Prevention
Measures (EIPM) that I describe in the Overview. Instability is so
ubiquitous, so all-pervasive, and so prevalent and dominant - that it
might well be described as the ONLY stable feature of the narcissist’s
The narcissist does everything with one goal in mind: to attract
Narcissistic Supply (attention).
An example of this kind of behaviour:
The narcissist may study a given subject diligently and in great depth
in order to impress people later with this newly acquired erudition.
But, having served its purpose, the narcissist lets the knowledge thus
acquired evaporate.
The narcissist maintains a sort of a “short-term” cell or warehouse
where he stores whatever may come handy in the pursuit of Narcissistic
Supply. But he is almost never really interested in what he does,
studies, and experiences. From the outside, this might be perceived as
instability. But think about it this way: the narcissist is constantly
preparing for life’s “exams” and feels that he is on a permanent trial.
To forget material studied only in preparation for an examination or
for a court appearance is normal. Short memory storage is a perfectly
common behaviour. What sets the narcissist apart from others is the
fact that for him this is a CONSTANT state of affairs and that it
affects ALL his functions, not only those directly related to learning,
or to emotions, or to experience, or to any single dimension of his
life. Thus, the narcissist learns, remembers and forgets not in line
with his real interests or hobbies, he loves and hates not the real
subjects of his emotions but one dimensional, utilitarian, cartoons
constructed by him. He judges, praises and condemns - all from the
narrowest possible point of view: that of the potential amount of
Narcissistic Supply. He asks not what he can do with the world and in
it - but what can the world do for him as far as Narcissistic Supply
goes. He falls in and out of love with people, workplaces, residences,
vocations, hobbies, interests - because they seem to be able to provide
more or less Narcissistic Supply and only because of that.
Still, narcissists belong to two broad categories: the “compensatory
stability” and the “enhancing instability” types.
I. Compensatory Stability (“Classic”) Narcissists
These narcissists isolate one or more (but never most) aspects of their
lives and “make these aspect/s stable”. They do not really invest
themselves in it. The stability is maintained by artificial means:
money, celebrity, power, fear. A typical example is a narcissist who
changes numerous workplaces, a few careers, a myriad of hobbies, value
systems or faiths. At the same time, he maintains (preserves) a
relationship with a single woman (and even remains faithful to her).
She is his “island of stability”. To fulfil this role, she just needs
to be there physically.
The narcissist is dependent upon “his” woman to maintain the stability
lacking in all other areas of his life (=to compensate for his
instability). Yet, emotional closeness is bound to threaten the
Thus, he is likely to distance himself from her and to remain detached
and indifferent to most of her needs. Despite this cruel emotional
treatment, the narcissist considers her to be a point of exit, a form
of sustenance, a fountain of empowerment. This mismatch between what he
wishes to receive and what he is able to give, the narcissist prefers
to deny, repress and bury deep in his unconscious. This is why he is
always shocked and devastated to learn of his wife’s estrangement,
infidelity, or divorce intentions. Possessed of no emotional depth,
being completely one track minded - he cannot fathom the needs of
others. In other words, he cannot empathise.
Another - even more common - case is the “career narcissist”. This
narcissist marries, divorces and remarries with dizzying speed.
Everything in his life is in constant flux: friends, emotions,
judgements, values, beliefs, place of residence, affiliations, hobbies.
Everything, that is, except his work. His career is the island of
compensating stability in his volatile existence. This kind of
narcissist doggedly pursues it with unmitigated ambition and devotion.
He perseveres in one workplace or one job, patiently, persistently and
blindly climbing up the ladder or treading the career path. In his
pursuit of job fulfilment and achievements, the narcissist is ruthless
and unscrupulous - and, very often, most successful.
II. Enhancing Instability (“Borderline”) Narcissist
The other kind of narcissist enhances instability in one aspect or
dimension of his life - by introducing instability in others. Thus, if
such a narcissist resigns (or, more likely, is made redundant) - he
also relocates to another city or country. If he divorces, he is also
likely to resign his job. This added instability gives these
narcissists the feeling that all the dimensions of their life are
changing simultaneously, that they are being “unshackled”, that a
transformation is in progress. This, of course, is an illusion. Those
who know the narcissist, no longer trust his frequent “conversions”,
“decisions”, “crises”, “transformations”, “developments” and “periods”.
They see through his pretensions and declarations into the core of his
instability. They know that he is not to be relied upon. They know that
with narcissists, temporariness is the only permanence.
Narcissists hate routine. When a narcissist finds himself doing the
same things over and over again, he gets depressed. He oversleeps,
over-eats, over-drinks and, in general, engages in addictive,
impulsive, reckless, and compulsive behaviours. This is his way of
re-introducing risk and excitement into what he (emotionally) perceives
to be a barren life.
The problem is that even the most exciting and varied existence becomes
routine after a while. Living in the same country or apartment, meeting
the same people, doing essentially the same things (even with changing
content) - all “qualify” as stultifying rote.
The narcissist feels entitled to more. He feels it is his right - due
to his intellectual superiority - to lead a thrilling, rewarding,
kaleidoscopic life. He feels entitled to force life itself, or, at
least, people around him, to yield to his wishes and needs, supreme
among them the need for stimulating variety.
This rejection of habit is part of a larger pattern of aggressive
entitlement. The narcissist feels that the very existence of a sublime
intellect (such as himself) warrants concessions and allowances by
others. Standing in line is a waste of time better spent pursuing
knowledge, inventing and creating. The narcissist should avail himself
of the best medical treatment proffered by the most prominent medical
authorities - lest the asset that he is lost to Mankind. He should not
be bothered with trivial pursuits - these lowly functions are best
assigned to the less gifted. The devil is in paying precious attention
to detail.
Entitlement is sometimes justified in a Picasso or an Einstein. But few
narcissists are either. Their achievements are grotesquely
incommensurate with their overwhelming sense of entitlement and with
their grandiose self-image.
Of course, the feeling of superiority often serves to mask a cancerous
complex of inferiority. Moreover, the narcissist infects others with
his projected grandiosity and their feedback constitutes the edifice
upon which he constructs his self-esteem. He regulates his sense of
self worth by rigidly insisting that he is above the madding crowd
while deriving his Narcissistic Supply from this very source.
But there is a second angle to this abhorrence of the predictable.
Narcissists employ a host of Emotional Involvement Prevention Measures
(EIPM). Despising routine and avoiding it is one of these mechanisms.
Their function is to prevent the narcissist from getting emotionally
involved and, subsequently, hurt.
Their application results in an “approach-avoidance repetition
complex”. The narcissist, fearing and loathing intimacy, stability and
security - yet craving them - approaches and then avoids significant
others or important tasks in a rapid succession of apparently
inconsistent and disconnected behaviours.
Other People’s Pain
Question: Do they actually enjoy the taunting, the sadistic behaviour,
and the punishment that always follows?
Answer: Most narcissists enjoy an irrational and brief burst of relief
after having suffered emotionally (“narcissistic injury”) or after
having sustained a loss. It is a sense of freedom, which comes with
being unshackled. Having lost everything, the narcissist often feels
that he has found himself, that he has been re-born, that he has been
charged with natal energy, able to take on new challenges and to
explore new territories. This elation is so addictive, that the
narcissist often seeks pain, humiliation, punishment, scorn, and
contempt - as long as they are public and involve the attention of
peers and superiors. Being punished accords with the tormenting inner
voices of the narcissist which keep telling him that he is bad,
corrupt, and worthy of penalty.
This is the masochistic streak in the narcissist. But the narcissist is
also a sadist - albeit an unusual one.
The narcissist inflicts pain and abuse on others. He devalues Sources
of Supply, callously and off-handedly abandons them, and discards
people, places, partnerships, and friendships unhesitatingly. Some
narcissists - though by no means the majority - actually ENJOY abusing,
taunting, tormenting, and freakishly controlling others
(“gaslighting”). But most of them do these things absentmindedly,
automatically, and, often, even without good reason.
What is unusual about the narcissist’s sadistic behaviours -
premeditated acts of tormenting others while enjoying their anguished
reactions - is that they are goal orientated. “Pure” sadists have no
goal in mind except the pursuit of pleasure - pain as an art form
(remember the Marquis de Sade?).
The narcissist, on the other hand, haunts and hunts his victims for a
reason - he wants them to reflect his inner state. It is all part of a
mechanism called Projective Identification.
When the narcissist is angry, unhappy, disappointed, injured, or hurt -
he feels unable to express his emotions sincerely and openly since to
do so would be to admit his frailty, his neediness, and his weaknesses.
He deplores his own humanity - his emotions, his vulnerability, his
susceptibility, his gullibility, his inadequacies, and his failures.
So, he makes use of other people to express his pain and his
frustration, his pent up anger and his aggression. He achieves this by
mentally torturing other people to the point of madness, by driving
them to violence, by reducing them to scar tissue in search of outlet,
closure, and, sometimes, revenge. He forces people to lose their own
character traits - and adopt his own instead. In reaction to his
constant and well-targeted abuse, they become abusive, vengeful,
ruthless, lacking empathy, obsessed, and aggressive. They mirror him
faithfully and thus relieve him of the need to express himself directly.
Having constructed this writhing hall of human mirrors, the narcissist
withdraws. The goal achieved, he lets go. As opposed to the sadist, he
is no in it, indefinitely, for the pleasure of it. He abuses and
traumatizes, humiliates and abandons, discards and ignores, insults and
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