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Read book online ยซDestined to Change by Harley, M. (top android ebook reader TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Harley, M.

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perfect. I was a little worried about what Jake might have seen, but I decided not to think about that right now.  I could be embarrassed about that later.

For dinner, I made a pan of my famous goulash. And after I got the rolls ready to put in the oven, I still had time to shower.  I decided to just wear jeans and a t-shirt. About the time I got my shirt on and my hair pulled up in a ponytail, I heard someone knocking on the door. When I opened the door, he took my breath away. Jaxon was standing there with faded jeans and a black AC/DC t-shirt on, holding out a yellow daisy. And those eyes, those amazing, big deep brown sparkling eyes.

โ€œHi, can I come in?โ€

I didnโ€™t realize it, but apparently I had been staring at him for a while and hadnโ€™t let him in the house or taken the flower from him.

I took the flower. โ€œSorry, yes, please, uh, come in.โ€

He looked all around the house. My house was not nearly as large as my parentsโ€™, but it was plenty big enough for me and the kids. He was standing in front of the fireplace, looking at my family pictures on the mantle. He turned to me, โ€œWhere are the kids?โ€ I told him they were eating dinner at my parentsโ€™ house.

We went into the kitchen and sat down on opposite sides of the table. I placed the pan of goulash I had made for dinner in front of him.

โ€œUh, whatโ€™s that?โ€ Jaxon said while wrinkling his nose at me. โ€œI mean it smells pretty good, but what exactly is it?โ€

I really am a horrible cook. This was actually the only thing I made that the kids would willingly eat. I usually had to bribe them to force down my horrible concoctions.  And we had to keep a fire extinguisher under the sink, just in case.

โ€œItโ€™s like spaghetti, but itโ€™s made with macaroni and I added some zucchini and mushrooms. I promise it wonโ€™t kill you.โ€

He placed a large ladle full on his plate and when he took the first bite he smiled. โ€œItโ€™s delicious, Loralei.โ€

In my snarkiest voice I smiled and said, โ€œI told you so.โ€

After we finished dinner, I got up and walked over to the freezer to get out some ice cream for dessert, when I felt Jaxon come up behind me.  He was so close that I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.  He reached across me and grabbed some ice to put in his tea.  He dropped a cube on the floor and when I bent down to pick it up, he did too, and we bumped foreheads.

โ€œOw,โ€ he whined.

โ€œReally?  My little head, hurt your big hard head?โ€ I said with a giggle.

โ€œAre you laughing at me?โ€ he asked.

โ€œUm, maybe?โ€

He leaned down over me.  We were almost nose-to-nose, when he said, โ€œI really donโ€™t like it when you laugh at me.โ€

Well, that was that.  That man was making my panties melt.  He backed me up against the counter and placed his arms behind me on the cabinet.  Then I felt it.  He put the ice cube down the back of my shirt.  I screamed.  He jumped back and was cracking up.

โ€œWhatโ€™s the matter, babe?  You cold?โ€

I shimmied the ice cube out of my shirt and chased after him. โ€œYou know what they say about payback?โ€

โ€œNope.  Donโ€™t believe I do.  What is it they say?โ€

โ€œYou knowโ€ฆโ€

โ€œMaybe? But I would really like to hear you say it.โ€ He smirked at me.

I had him backed up against the dining room table. I had one hand on his chest and the other, with the ice cube, beside him on the table.  I pressed forward and while looking into his eyes, said, โ€œItโ€™s a bitch.โ€ Right as I raised my hand from the table and put the ice cube down the front of his jeans.  He was so busy looking in my eyes, that he missed what I was planning.  He screamed and jumped up.

While shaking and shimmying to get the ice out of his pants, he said, โ€œAre you laughing at me, again?โ€

I couldnโ€™t stop laughing.  It was hilarious trying to watch this big, bad guy trying to shake an ice cube out of his pants.  โ€œYes, I am.  I really am.  Because youโ€™re freaking hilarious.โ€

He helped me clear the table and we went into the living room.  I asked him if he would like to watch a movie.

โ€œDepends, itโ€™s not a chick flick, is it?โ€ he said with a grin.

โ€œWe can watch whatever you like. Just check out the movies and Iโ€™m gonna call my mom to check on the twins and tell them goodnight.โ€ I didnโ€™t even think about what I was saying.

โ€œSo the kids are spending the whole night away?โ€

Wow, I must have looked like a total slut after what happened this afternoon and then it looked like I sent my kids away for the night to be with him. I was so embarrassed I could literally hide under the couch. I could feel the blush creep into my face.

โ€œUm, yeah. Mom wanted to keep them overnight.โ€

And thatโ€™s when the entire atmosphere changed. Before I got to the phone Jaxon was behind me whispering, โ€œMake it a quick phone call, we have grown-up things to take care of.โ€

Grown-up things? Holy hell!

I was on the phone a while. I had to describe to Mags all the reasons why she shouldnโ€™t suffocate her brother in his sleep. Apparently, he had once again hidden her iPod from her. When I talked her down and told the kids goodnight, I hung up the phone. I walked toward the living room and found Jaxon sitting on the couch. His eyes met mine.

Before I could get into the room, I donโ€™t know how he did it, but he was off of the couch and standing in front of me. His lips were on mine and he had me pressed against the wall. He

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