Ranting Me by Lilly W. (the beach read txt) ๐

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- Author: Lilly W.
Read book online ยซRanting Me by Lilly W. (the beach read txt) ๐ยป. Author - Lilly W.
I just want to tell you a little bit about me.
I am a very colerful person and can forgive easly. The people around me have a lot of influence to my life.
When I was young I was abused and I will never forget that, nor do I want to.
It tells who I am, and what I over came.
Do I want you to feel bad?
Heck no!
I am proud of all the things in my life that have happened.
The things that inspire me to be me. The things that have formed and shaped me. Every person in the world knows somebody.
Wait! No, I don't. Do I?
Yes, you do. If you read a story. If you talk to people. If you look around you know someone. And sometimes the people around you are part of who you are and you can never change that.
Things happen in the United States that Americans will never forget. But that is who we are and what we may or may not stand for.
What in the world does this have to do with you?
That is who you are. How you are raised. Who your friends are. Why you like the things you do. Why you are alive.
Hold on!
Don't space off and think off all the things that have changed you. They are there, weather you know it or not.
And yet again you don't know anybody or you don't want to?
Well, to bad. Because you are going to know me and some of the people that have changed me. This is my ranting and my writing. How I keep hold of the edge of the clif.
The same clif that was made for us to climb and conquer. The one that we will. In our own way. Weather you share or not, you will know your story.
I'm sure you have a way to tell other people about yourself, but this is my way and I hope that you like it.
Thanks for all the support, I owe you.
By the way I have some ramdom thoughts and stories in there and poems that have changed me.
Feeling PoemsOne Look
I have to say
I had a good day
It was because of you
Day after day
You make me see
That you can see and be
All that you plee
Flying through the Sky
Whooping in the willow trees
Whispering in the wind
Wishing to a stat
You like to joke
Even when we poke
Wrapping us in an invisible cloak
One that canโt be broke
You give me that look
Knowing you canโt be shook
Your sturdier then a book
Wall it took was that look
For me to have a good day
This is for one of the best teaches I have ever had, she truly inspired me every day and was one of the people that helped me make it through life. I'm not sure if she relizes it or not.
Gold leaves falling to the ground
Winter calling to be heard
Snowflakes falling to be found
Cold coming to be absurd
Christmas coming
Carrales calling
Snowflakes flaring
Me not really caring
But for the blare of cold
Rain for rainbows
Rot and restlessness
Mosquitoes and misleadings
Depression and darkness
Sadness and sorrow
Cold is dark and dumb
Instead of cold we need to see
Sun not snow
Heat not hail
Rainbows without rain
Just to be fair
Because I really care
I hate everything that has to do with cold. Winter, rain, hail, fall and yes, snow. Yes, some things are beautiful but like the cold, they can be stupid. Sorry about being hateful, but the cold is really dumd, at least that's what I think.
Grinding of the Gut
Heart pounding in pain
Feeling the sorrow of shame
Every storyโs not the same
I can remember the time
When I took something that wasnโt mine
Only if I was worth a dime
It was a tiny crime
But I still had to do the time
You were bad
That makes me mad
I cry to the man who calls himself principal
Saying I was unthinkable
I cried and cried
My eyes were never dry
I can remember the pain from that day
I have to say that I changed
I stayed all that day
Thinking of what was done
Coping with the pain
And the grinding of the gut we call guilt
What did I take what did I take!
Oh that's easy.
It was when I was in third grade. We had those open desks and I just so happened to see one of those nice pens sitting there. Of course I took it. There was really nothing else to do really. And so I put it in my pants. Yes I said pants. But it was only on the sode, don't worry. And then it took 3 days for them to figure out it was me. But it was one pen.
I had to sit in the office over lunch to think of what I should have done instead.
Yup, I should have taken them all. Then they wouldn't have known he had any in the first place, wow I am just so smart.
The worst part wasn't sitting in the office. It was the fact that it was on my birth day. I stayed in the office, ON MY BIRTH DAY!
The building is a pillar of knowledge
Whispering in the wind itโs wisdom
Waiting to be wanted
Always there watching like a hawk
It calls to them to get to class
As the wisdom is wasted
The whining of wounded up teens
Zigzags through the halls
Flying like butterflies and humming like bees
Itโs a place here and there
And almost everywhere
Where you learn and grow
Where you cry and shout
Whine and pout
It hears the sighs and happy cries
When the day is done
And they leave to see the sun
The School says bye as they go to have fun
They will come back
They donโt think itโs good or cool
But itโs the school
That was me everyday in school. But most of the teachers hate us anyway and know I'm at the age that I know that school is a good thing.
See You and Me
You and Me
Are meant to see
And there will be all those
Weeping willow trees
Me and Myself
Can very well sit on the shelf
Thats whats meant to be with me
Itโs not like Iโm an elf
They and them
Grew like a stem
Us and we
Can climb that tree of misery
Look about without a doubt
You are meant to see with me
Go to the shelf with myself
Go like a stem with them
Climb that tree of misery with we
Itโs like a bell and you can tell
Ringing with me
Marvlus for myself
To the tree with we
We were always meant to be
But you donโt seem to see
I think that every one in the world has a crush once that didn't like them back.
Why there is no point
There is always pain
There is no pride
You sometimes do cry
When you decide to lie
When you donโt care to share
It is not only you that will seem so care
Because when you play truth or dare in life
You take the dare
Because you didnโt want to share
Just open your mouth
Make your choice to let it out
Only when Itโs a lie does it not count
They will feel your loud voicing dout
What wrong with the truth
Like babe Ruth
You always look to the truth
If you lie then you will die
There will be no good bye pie
You will cry for what you have done
All because you decided to lie
Maybe you will just die inside
Yes, Iโm sure that youโve heard not to lie. Everyone is told that, but not all listen. Iโm not saying that I donโt lie. Iโm saying that I do. Thatโs why it has such an impact on me. Because I told a lie and I did indeed die inside a little bit. I got in even more trouble for telling the lie then I would have for the action. We all lie and now it is time for you to accept it and tell the truth.
Do I have a lot of friends?
No I donโt, but the ones that I do have matter everything to me. They were the ones that got me through everything. And friends like that are always true to you and what you stand for They are the ones that accept your weirdness and roles with it. They accept you so you do the same. Over time me and my friends grew closer and closer. It was so much fun and I did learn a lot to.
Crap, thatโs basicly my little pony all over again. Yes, i watched that, but only because I had a younger sister.
So me and my pony friends all had the magical power of friendship. And somehow everything was so much more dramatic than it had to be. And then one of them became princess and then ond was a party planner. And somehow everything stopped making sense when everything got to dramatic and stupid.
Soโฆ yup thatโs my life. My little pony in real life.
Just add people. And boys. And real life. And a little more drama. And donโt forget the stupid people. And the part in life when sometimes you werenโt meant to be friends.
And I would love for you to know a little bit more about the people that have been there for me.
So lets start with a rescent memory.....
You look over the steep hill and dread you choice. You want to go back, you will die if you go down. There are arms reaching out to grab you on the way. You donโt know it but the monsters are behind you. You look at the slick icing cover
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