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The Word of God about the true Church

«However, the Most High does not dwell in places made with hands, as the prophet says:

 ‘Heaven is My throne, and the earth is a footstool for My feet. What kind of house will you build for Me?’ says the Lord; ‘or what is the place of My rest?» (Acts: 7/48-49.)


«But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will express adoration to the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such [people] to express adoration to Him.

God is a spirit, and those who express adoration to Him must express adoration in spirit and truth». (John: 4/23-24.)


«However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth because He will not speak from Himself, but whatever He hears, He will speak. He will tell you of things that are yet to come». (John: 16/13.)



                                                    The true Church


            „There is no church which stands on the heights built by man”


                        Text selection from the Word of God[1] on this subject.

                                                (Translated by I.A.)



… It means oppression what today is in the world. They measure to you; they measure to you until the measure and the one who measures will be broken down. It spoiled the church of God; it spoiled the church. You see it standing up, but it is useless. You see it standing up, but is has no more grace and gift, for there is no more holiness in the mouth that serves in it; and he serves in the church without God’s Spirit, for the evil one has taken out God’s Spirit. The evil spirit cast Him out. Take heed Christian, and seek the one who has not denied God’s Spirit from his bosom. Seek him as Mary the Egyptian sought him; as Mary Magdalene sought, for not all of them are servants, and they remained as in the time of Elijah, the priests of Baal.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 28-09-1977.



... I build a house, and the unclean spirits broke it down; they broke it down; and may it not happen with this as with that one too. Keep it so that it may not be broken down, for you will see in it what the eye of man has not seen on earth. This house is established on Peter’s foundation too, and let no one say: “This is my house”.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 26-12-1977.


… The earth is filled with sects who commit acts outside of God’s will. These sects, who left the right way, will talk with the Right Judge. There is no more time and these sects, who are walking on wrong ways, beside the right way of the Orthodox Christian people, will be brought to light and will be called the angels of the antichrist. (See the selection topic „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[2]”, red. note[3].)

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 28-01-1983.



Woe to the people who say about themselves that they are the law of the church and who wrote books over books about My name and My laws, for those books are not! Those are dust and to dust return, for the spirit of those books is not a spirit with life, because of the lifeless ones who made them, and those books are not, and these works stand against them. This anointed son, who is called the angel of the church in heaven, stands by My choice, for I, and not they chose him, but woe to those who hack his power from Me! Woe to those who want to walk upon the light of the work of this son! This son is like a sword, and woe to those who try themselves on its edge, because I am the word of this anointed son with a great anointment within this time of distress and disbelief. He is the apostle of the nations of the earth and it is only I who know how to work upon him. But behold, the Lord, Jesus Christ has something to talk with you, shepherds of the people of this work, for there are things that are done without the ordinance that comes from above, and these hidings are called works without obedience; they are called works that are not come from heaven to be worked out and are called works that are accomplished from the earth; and you produce Me blains worked out secretly and carved out outside of the spirit of obedience. You spirit is fighting against My Spirit and you insist on overcoming according to the will of your spirit, and this fight, worked out from the sides, is not leading to what is good. Love and embrace with joy this moment of counseling with God and let you under the obedience to Me, because it is better for you to listen to Me then for Me to listen to you. Sons, let My time come, and turn around the other end also, for it is not good only for Me to listen to you. Painful trouble catches you in this work that you are working from bottom up and you keep Me subjected to the wills of your own hearts. Do you not really believe what I tell you? I am happy in My spirit that the moment has come to sit in counsel with you, shepherds of My people.

Excerpt from the word of God at the Church entrance feast of the Lord’s Mother, from 04-12-1992



Behold what a peace in the word! Oh, you Sanhedrin from the time of the Holy Spirit, the Sanhedrin of My Romania, here I am by the word in your and My gazebo. I am. Peace to you! I have always spoken to My little people that I kept it hidden from the Herods and Judases. For forty years I have been coming and talking in its midst and I have enwrapped it in the spirit of peace telling it: “Peace to you, little people!” And I called it a bouquet of little flowers and I called these little flowers My warm manger, the manger of God’s word, and I arrived with the tiny one to the banks of the Jordan, but the way it was long and hard through the wilderness of disbelief. Oh, and I knew you Zion, I knew that you are not prepared and that you are stiff-necked and I did not knock too much for you to open to Me, but I took this well of honey above and I made a fence around this vineyard, so that the land of this garden may be holy and to have in this little garden a tiny Eden, from which I may start a resurrection from Me, a living fragrance and a stream of clean and undisturbed water, from which to take out and give to the thirsty crowds to catch a spirit of joy and holiness and a heavenly and eternal peace; even to the wolves I give to drink and to graze near My lambs, so that they may be lambs too, as I love your country much, Romanian people! 

Oh, you were born at the same time with Me in the world, My country! When I came incarnated into the world, My Father brought you into existence at the same time and I sent to you the first one called of My apostles (St. Apostle Andrew, r.n.) and he breathed a new and holy Spirit upon you and you became Christian, My first one called; and My Father named you then the first one called, according to the rank of the first one called to the apostleship. Oh, but you were a martyr afterwards, you country beloved by My Father; you have been a stumbling block among the nations all the time, and behold what God has kept for you in order to give you as a reward for your patience. My Father has had for this time a piece of work and sent Me with it to you so that I may cleanse you and wake you up to do the will of My Father and then to call under your vineyard the one who oppressed you and to give to him from Me so that he may also be like Me and like you, and to make Me a new garment, a new church, pure and holy, the same way My first church was. Oh, come with the first love! Come My love; so that I may also come with a visible glory and that you may sing with Me God’s song! Come into my love! Behold, I do not let you die in your blood, and I am coming towards you and sound the trumpet upon you. Oh, let yourself be woken up by your God and wash and consecrate yourself and be in the law of your God, My love!


… Oh, you shepherds of the church! I am the head of the church. I am the good Shepherd, in the order of Melchizedek. I have come to you My church and I have come with the shepherds of My flock. I have come to see your face and to remind you of how your face and heart should be in My life. I have not come to break the law; rather I have come to remind you not to violate, not to break My law and to turn to me, for I am the One Who forgives your sin, but be with a heavenly economy in your spirit, so that the Holy Spirit may work upon your spirit, upon your counsel, upon your Sanhedrin.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of St. Basil the Great Hierarch, from 14-01-1993



The people of the earth do not know how to understand this Scripture which is from heaven. They do not even know that My church is from heaven and not from earth, and that I do not dwell with the New Jerusalem in human places, but rather I live in dwellings which want to be from heaven and not from earth. If I commanded and spoke that a stone of witness may be founded, and My word came down with Me from the heavenly ones, behold, I am the God of what is not seen and of those from heaven that are seen and not of the earthly ones, and I am of the earthly ones which mean those from heaven, but the Lord sees no longer faith on earth and sees no longer heavenly wise men, and He sees only earthly wise people that remained but clay, that is swallowed by the earth, that is without wisdom from heaven. This is what I have been speaking through the time in this work, and I have been speaking that I will take it above and I have said that he who will strike it and not believe it, that one will be swallowed by the earth and will lose the wisdom that comes from this age.

Excerpt from the Word of God to His chosen Irineu, from 17-01-1993.



You sat at My table, Christian. You have sat without deserving it and My angels have written you down that you have sat and whenever you have sat and what God has been speaking to you. When you go to church, there is a word which says before the prayer for the coming of the Holy Spirit for the transformation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood, and that word says:

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