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sustained with compromised morals.

MY children soon, very soon all this will happen: MY Soon Coming. I do not want you to be lost or left. I want you to come to ME. This is MY Invitation to you. I want you to come along side ME. Walk the Narrow Pathway with ME. Let ME Guide you. Let ME Lead you… take MY hand.

Don’t miss the great chance to become the bride. She is beautiful and prepared.

I love her dearly. She is MY sweet church who loves ME above all else. She bears witness of ME. I am her “ALL in all.” I am coming to save her from the horrors to come. She will be spared all of what is coming, swept away in MY Waiting Arms.



Let US begin. Children, I want to address something new today: I want to talk about the antichrist and his rule and reign on earth.

Soon he will be coming into the earth to rule and reign - all will change.

The earth has never known such a tyrant as this. He will keep no prisoners. He will be bent on destruction. Anyone who stands in his way will know destruction.

It will be a most dark and bleak time.

1 John 2:22. Who is a liar but he that denieth that JESUS is the CHRIST? He is the antichrist, that denieth the FATHER and the SON.

Those who speak MY Name out will be found in contempt. MY Name will mean death. Many of MY Own will cower in fear to use MY Name. This will happen worldwide. It will be worldwide terror, destruction widespread. The world has never known such destruction.

Revelation 20:4. And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the Witness of JESUS, and for the Word of GOD, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with CHRIST a thousand years.

The antichrist will come at a time when the world is looking for answers and solutions to the wake of destruction left following the rapture of MY bride. This event is rising soon. The world is going to know trouble like it has never known before.

1 John 4:3. And every spirit that confesseth not that JESUS CHRIST is come in the flesh is not of GOD: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

The antichrist will try to eliminate all who stand for MY Ways, MY Testimony. The antichrist will bring about the mark of the beast as the first order of business to control the people.

Those who don’t buckle under his demands to take the mark will be eliminated as dissidents against the system. Those who take the mark will ridicule and persecute those who refuse the mark. It will be a most dark hour. Those who willingly take the mark will be forever lost. It is ownership of the antichrist system.

Revelation 14:11. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

Children you must think clearly about your desire to ignore these warnings and what is coming over the earth in short order.

The hour approaches for MY Coming for the bride: those who will be rescued - MY true church. This hour is hastening and coming nearer as the antichrist system is about to come into effect.

The antichrist will be ruthless and blood thirsty. He will allow nothing to get in his way. His is full of anger and lust for power. People matter to him not. He has no compassion at all - he only lives to see himself rule and reign over the earth.

He will be bent on destruction to bring his forces into power. Nothing will stop him until I come back to earth to put a stop to it all. This is when, and only when, he will be stopped. There will be no stopping him otherwise. No human, no organization can stop him. He will be unrelenting in his evil.

2 Thessalonians 2:8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the LORD shall consume with the SPIRIT of HIS Mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of HIS Coming: There are evil times rising. Behind the scenes, the plans are being laid out for this system to come into play. The way is being made clear for the rise of this evil.

Soon the population who remains after the church is raptured will realize the antichrist system of destruction and control that they are being ruled by.

The lukewarm, left behind Christians will then fully comprehend what has taken place before their eyes. The regrets will be enormous. Many will fall away from the pressure of the antichrist. The way of the antichrist will seem too easy compared to not following it. It will truly be an hour of hard decisions. Many will know in their hearts what they must do and by courage and desire to see MY Kingdom will follow through with the difficult decisions they must make. Their faith will carry them: faith in rejecting the antichrist system as the right decision and choosing for ME, GOD. Many will not have this kind of faith and courage. It will be a dark hour.

Revelation 19:20. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Truly children, you want to become sober quickly and prepare yourself to be rescued—to be prepared to be made ready.

This hour is closing in. You need to be ready… waiting … watching… looking and eyes fixed and ready for ME. I am the only DOOR - I am the EXIT - I am the ESCAPE! I will soon be holding the door open and then it will shut. This will be the one and only escape to what is coming. This is coming. The hour approaches.

MY church needs to make ready.

Matthew 25:10. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

The antichrist is in the wings. He is making preparations to rise to power. He is looking for earthly domination. He will stop at nothing. Terror is his moniker. He will reign in terror and no one on earth can stop him. His power comes through MY enemy. This is the one truly behind the terror.

Do not downplay this reality. Nothing looks as it truly is. Things look relatively normal, but looks are deceiving. And this is devised by MY enemy. He wants to throw you off course. He doesn’t want you to walk the straight and narrow path toward ME and MY Soon Rescue.

Deception is running high now. Too many are deluded into thinking all is well. All is not well children! All is not well! The world is coming apart at the seams, flying apart.

Children open your eyes wide. Come to terms with what is about to happen.

Come awake, look around. Dig deep into MY Word then look at what is going on in the world.

This world is rejecting its GOD on all four corners unilaterally. I can no longer tolerate it. I am lifting MY Hand of Protection over the earth and allowing it to have its desire, a world without its GOD, its MAKER, CREATOR.

I am a Reasonable GOD, but when the world asks ME to step aside, I will do just that. Then you can find out what things look like without MY Protection! I am a Patient GOD, but MY Patience has run out for these people who reject ME so! Children, I am pleading… please come to your senses! Come to ME in surrender.

Give ME your life. I will accept it. I will cover you in MY Precious Blood. I will clean you up in MY Word. The hour approaches. You need to be cleaned up so that you can come with ME up hither when I call out MY bride to follow after ME to safety. You can still come. Prepare yourself though, make ready quickly. This hour waits on no one. Nothing will stop MY Return.


John 15:3. Now ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you.



Let US begin again. Now it is time for ME to talk about a new topic: Children, the hour approaches for the time of MY Soon Descent. This comes quickly. Many, so many are not ready, so many are falling away… so many have never been ready. There are many changes about to take place in the world. I want you to come to terms with this Truth.

Children, the hour approaches of MY Soon Return, I see that very many are not ready. Many believe they are ready but are not. Many are still cavorting with the world. This cannot be, MY children. You must break your ties with the world.

She is a sinking ship and she will take you down with her.

MY children, I do not value the time you spend apart from ME chasing the things of the world. You seek answers through the world. It cannot be MY children.

You are looking at empty hope… empty promises… and empty truth. Your loss will be great if you continue down this empty rabbit hole. It is leading to disaster.

Why do you persist in believing that the world holds any truth for you apart from MY Truth? I AM TRUTH!

1 John 2:15. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the FATHER is not in him.

Children, listen closely, your time is running out. You have little time to pull yourself together. It is now time to prepare. If you plan to come with ME, you must focus on MY Coming. MY enemy is preparing to make his move very soon.

His plans will only be altered some by MY Coming.

Do you not see, MY

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