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the things that are freely given to us of GOD.

Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the HOLY GHOST teacheth; comparing Spiritual things with Spiritual.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the SPIRIT of GOD: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are Spiritually discerned.

Children, this hour is closing in. Let ME work on your heart. Let ME clean you up in MY Redemptive Blood. Let ME cover your sins with MY Perfect Blood Ransom paid in full by ME on the cross, the shameful cross, where I bled to death for your sin. I did this for you, MY children. All of you - I bled for all - all who would receive this Gift.

Philippians 2:8. And being found in fashion as a man, HE humbled HIMSELF, and became obedient unto death, even the death of a cross.

Yes it was MY Love and Willingness to save mankind from their wrongs under the cursings of this world. Now this Gift is yours if you choose to take it and receive a full pardon for your sinful ways.

You must want it though. You must come to ME in full submission. I want to see you walk away from your ties and love of the world. I cannot have you in MY Kingdom if you are still in love with this world.

So you have a choice to make: MY Ways or do you choose to go your own way with MY enemy? There is no middle ground - it is either one or the other: your will or MY Perfect Will for your life. This is the choice you must make.

If you come into MY Perfect Will, you must come to ME in humble submission and deep repentance for your sin. I will cover you in MY Blood and take away your sin past. All records will be destroyed and your life will be as new.

Hebrews 13:12. Wherefore JESUS also, that HE might sanctify the people with HIS Own Blood, suffered without the gate.

This is what awaits you if you come to ME in humble surrender and repentance over past sin. Now is the hour for this decision. Do not wait. This hour is coming for MY Return. No man can stop it.

You need to be ready. Make yourself ready. I wait on your answer.

This is your Patient, Loving GOD, YAHUSHUA



Let US begin, MY daughter. Children I want to speak to you about a new topic.

Very soon, MY children, I will arrive to remove MY church. So few are ready… waiting… watching, so few will be taken. This is serious, MY children, very serious.

Very few of MY children are really paying attention, so few even care. Many are not reading MY Book or practicing MY Words and following MY Rules that I have set before them. Many just do as they please with no care for what I think at all.

They are completely out of MY Will and making their own willful choices apart from ME. When you run apart from MY Will you are running against ME. This is sad children, that so many do not believe MY Word and choose to follow the world instead.

Children, the world is an enmity to ME. You cannot have the world and ME both.

James 4:4. Ye adulterers and adulteresses know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with GOD? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is an enemy of GOD.

What does this mean to be part of the world? It means turning to the world for all your answers: following after the world for your future security, thinking it holds all the answers for you. This is false security - looking to men for answers - men who know nothing really about the future. Only I, GOD knows what the future holds. The world seeks after men and demons for answers. The world system is MY enemy’s system. He wants to keep MY children distracted by all types of things so that they never seek ME for answers, so they never seek to know ME in a close, intimate way. This is dangerous, MY children.

Psalms 20:7. Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the Name of the LORD our GOD.

He wants you to stay far away from ME where he can entrap you and destroy you.

He will use all kinds of methods to entice you away. He will use your ministry work, your family, your pursuit of money and wealth, entertainment, and every distraction you can imagine. This is his strategy to get your attention away from ME and to keep it focused on everything else.

These are his plans to destroy you and he is successful with most people. Only a remnant truly follows closely after ME, pursues ME, and comes after ME. This is MY true church. These are MY true disciples, who lay down their life to follow ME.

Why do you persist in following after the world, when I am the ONE, True Perfect LIGHT? I am LIFE EVERLASTING. I give you life, I sustain you. I am the ONE WHO guards your life. I am the ONE WHO gives life and takes life - no other.

Job 12:10. In WHOSE Hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.

Why do you persist in disregarding ME and pursuing other lovers, empty lovers? You are digging a hole for yourselves - one you won’t be able to get out of.

Come to ME. Repent and surrender your whole life over to ME. Only I hold all the answers. Only I can make things right for you. Only I hold the key to your future. Get to know ME in an intimate way. Follow hard after ME and I will give you the key to the Kingdom. This world holds nothing for you, only hardship, disappointment, and soon death and destruction are coming to this earth.

Stop pinning your hopes on a dead and dying world - dead because it no longer acknowledges ME as LORD and MASTER by any government in the world.

All world leaders pursue other beliefs than ME as the undisputed LORD and CREATOR. This is an abomination and I will not take this lightly.

The world does not tremble in fear before ME, therefore I must soon re-educate them as to WHO I am. I am taking MY small remnant of true believers out to safety and then the world will realize I am a GOD to be reckoned with and not ONE to be disregarded. Soon then, I will lift MY Hand of Protection and MY enemy will be operating in full force upon the earth - he and his army of devils. It will be a dark time for the inhabitants of earth.

Psalms 111:10. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do HIS commandments: HIS praise endureth for ever.

What can I do to get these Truths across to you? It is all written in MY Book, but very few desire to know the Truth. They run to and fro across the land seeking knowledge and wisdom, but never coming to the Truth.

Daniel 12:4. But thou, O’ Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

It is a sad hour for mankind: men who chase after the world but desire to have no knowledge of their own CREATOR. This is a sad time for mankind. And the effects of disregarding ME, GOD are obvious: rampant evil - crime, disease, death, economic disasters, wars, and rumors of wars. This is the trouble men bring on themselves when they walk away from their GOD and pursue the world.

Children, come back to ME. It is yet not too late. I will take you back. I am waiting on you. Run into MY Arms. Come and follow ME. WE can still be together for eternity. I can make you MY own. You can come into MY Kingdom and enjoy everlasting life with ME there.

Yes children, you can pursue ME, your MAKER or the world apart from ME. This is your choice to make. I am coming soon for those who choose ME as their ONE and ONLY LOVE apart from the world. Make your choice between ME and this world, because I must come soon to rescue MY own, those who choose against this world for ME, their GOD. What will you do? I am waiting patiently, but not for long. Soon I will have no choice but to remove the bride to safety.

This is your LORD and MASTER CREATOR of the world YAHUSHUA. 



Let US begin again. Children, this is your FATHER Speaking. I have more Words to give out today.

There will be a large storm front coming over the world - it is called β€œevil.” It is coming to destroy the world and those who inhabit the world.

It is coming after I remove MY bride to safety. She will come out first. She will not witness the horrors to come. The plague coming across the land will drive the people to madness. Horrors unspeakable will come over them. It will be an hour of pure terror.

Humans will be in desolation and panic. No one will be trusted, what an hour of horror awaits.

The antichrist will make the scene. He will come into full view and his powers will be of worldwide dominion. No one will be able to stop him. Past tyrannical leaders pale in comparison to his power, domination, and lust for blood. He will be unmatched in the terror he brings to the earth. No one will be able to hide.

There will be no relief, no escape from his tyrannical control.

There will be only one escape during his reign and rule: death and dying. This will be a dark time for human history.

Revelation 18:4-5. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, MY people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and GOD hath remembered her iniquities.

Children, waken to this Truth. Read MY Book. Read the description of what’s to come. Don’t

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