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have new Words for you.

All is not as it appears. Things are coming to a close the way you have known them. MY children, it is turning dark. All is turning dark. Life as you know it is changing dramatically. Soon, there will be no turning back, no chance for reprisal.

This is MY Warning. I am giving stern warnings and very few are heeding them, very few are paying attention, even listening.

Why are MY children not listening? They are caught up in their own worlds - not MY World, not MY Thoughts, not MY Warnings. This is serious, MY children. I am not putting out MY Warnings for MY good, but for your good. I know what is about to happen. I want you to know too.

Matthew 6:24. No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve GOD and mammon.

Children, I do not want you to remain in the dark. I want you to awaken to Truth. I want you to come alive to the reality of what is about to happen. Please awaken! Smell the evil - it is within your very senses. All has turned evil. No one embraces holiness. Everyone has turned astray.

Isaiah 53:6. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on HIM the iniquity of us all.

Only MY sweet bride remains faithful. Only she has eyes for ME. Only she looks fondly for ME, pursues ME at every turn. This is MY bride, MY church, MY true church.

Children, stop squabbling with each other. You are destroying each other. Stop arguing over MY Words. This is not the hour to be angry toward your fellow brothers and sisters. The enemy has come in and deceived you. He wants to bring you down to his level. Please stop the petty bickering among each other and love each other.

John 13:34. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Repent for your sin toward each other. Bring blessings, not cursings to each other. This is not the hour to be fighting. Lay down your strife and come to ME.

I will show you how to get along with each other. MY children have fallen away because they fight with each other.

This is not the Way. This is not MY Way. Face ME children and repent. Then go to each other and make amends. Forgive one another. Time is wasting. Don’t let these issues you have between you, bring you away from MY Eternal Salvation.

I want to rescue you MY children, but I can’t save MY children who fight among each other. This cannot be. You are blocking your intimacy with ME when you withdraw your forgiveness for each other.

Matthew 6:14. But if ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly FATHER will also forgive you: So forgive and forgive completely, keeping no record of each other’s harms and trespasses. This is MY Way children, the Way of a HOLY GOD. Put your grievances aside that you hold for each other and come to ME in repentance.

Matthew 6:15. But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your FATHER forgive your trespasses.

I want to free you of this sin. There is no sin on this earth that is worth losing your eternal salvation over. Please remember this. Children, MY Love is great, but I cannot overlook sin. So repent today and forgive each other. Run to do this. Leave nothing undone. Forgive all, so that I, your FATHER in Heaven can forgive you. This is so simple, yet so few grasp the importance of forgiveness and releasing past hurts.

Let ME care for your past pain. Put your sorrows on MY Shoulders and let ME bring you to healing. Only I can do this. Come to ME and let ME bear these burdens. I will do it. I am willing.

Let ME rebuild your life and repair your pain. Bring your pain to ME. Forgive those who have hurt you and turn to ME for relief from your pain. I am willing to bring you to completion and wholeness of heart. These are MY Promises.

Read MY Word. I am a GOD of restoration. Let ME Restore you to wholeness and gladness. I am the ONE WHO Restores and makes Wholeβ€”no other. Let ME show you True Love. Only I offer True Love.

Joel 2:25. And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, MY great army which I sent among you.

Yes, this hour is closing in for MY Return. Let ME clean you up and restore you to new life in ME. Let ME prepare you for MY Coming. I am ready and willing. I am your HOPE, only HOPE.

Come to ME. Now is the time. Don’t wait too long. Only I am worthy. Worthy is the LAMB. Run into MY Arms, quickly.

This is your LORD, YAHUSHUA.



Let US begin. I am ready to give you more Words: Children, the hour is nearing for MY Soon Return. It comes right on schedule.

Many think I am not coming ever. Many think I will not come for many years. MY children, I am coming very soon. MY Approach is near. Even at the door. It will catch many off guard. Many will be asleep when I come, spiritually asleep.

1 Thessalonians 5:6. Therefore let us not sleep; as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

Soon, this time is coming. Only those who are watching and waiting will be ready.

All those who are not paying attention will be left to face what is coming. The time is very close.

Children, you need to be ready. Don’t be caught unawares. I do not want to leave anyone behind, but sadly many will be left. What a sad hour is coming. I want you to awaken. Come to terms with this reality. I am approaching and I am even at the door. Soon, no one will be surprised anymore as reality will set in as to what has happened. The world will know that change has come to it, great changes. It will not be the same place very soon.

MY children, listen to ME closely, I will not take you if you have unrepentant sin.

I cannot take you with ME. It cannot be, MY children. So come before ME and repent of your sin. Please make this a priority.

Luke 13:5. I tell you, Nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Come make things right with ME. I desire to bring you into MY Kingdom. I want to rescue you from what is coming. I cannot take you, if you are not MINE. If you have not come before ME, and given your life to ME, you are not MINE. This is very important children. You need to give your life over to ME. Lay it down at MY Feet, holding nothing back.

This is the time to come before ME in humble repentance. Bring your cares and worries to ME… I want your life. I will exchange your life with all its imperfections and troubles, for a life of love, joy, and completion.

Soon, very soon, I am coming and you want to be ready. This hour is closing in.

Let ME bring you to MY Completion and restore you to wholeness. MY Love can cover all of your sins. Come to ME, I am waiting with open Arms, Arms that long to hold you and to love you.

Luke 5:31. And JESUS answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.

Don’t delay. This is an important hour. I will not be late to remove MY bride.

I am ready to take her home to the mansions I have prepared for her. This is where she will go for safekeeping.

So MY children, make yourselves ready, as MY Coming is nearly nigh. I am speaking to you as a FATHER WHO Loves and Cares for you. I want to save you, to rescue you from a world soon to go mad. Let ME show you the door to safety. It is opening soon. But then it will close. So be ready, as I am ready to receive you.

This is your LORD GOD from Heaven, YAHUSHUA.



Luke 13:24-25. Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, LORD, LORD, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto, I know you not whence ye are: Let US begin again: Children, this is your LORD Speaking.

I want you to stay focused on ME, eyes fixed on ME. Now is not the time to be running to and fro and focused on the world. This is the hour of discernment and focus. This is the hour to be paying attention and watching for ME and MY Soon Return. Each day it draws nearer.

Do not discount MY Warnings. These Warnings are coming from all sides. I am sending messages from many directions. They are coming through disasters, through wars and rumors of wars, through MY prophets and messengers, through signs and wonders in the skies, through the mouths of babes. You will be without excuse if you are left behind. You will have no one to blame but yourself if you are left to face the worst.

MY Book has been clear about the times you are living in and what is about to take place on this earth. Children, you must awaken to these Truths. Don’t stand empty-handed believing I gave you nothing to go by and no warnings. I gave you MY Book, but if you refuse and ignore MY Words and Warnings, I can’t help you.

I have been clear and prolific in MY Messages given out. You will stand before ME without excuse if you refuse to receive these messages. I can plead, cajole, request for you to pay attention, but I will never force you in making this decision.

The choice is strictly yours.

2 Peter

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