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that is coming is coming at a rapid rate. Soon nothing will be the same.

I want you children to be ready to ascend out of the earth with ME. I want you to come with ME. You can avoid all that is coming to the earth if you remove your blinders and come to ME in humble repentance and certain surrender.

I long to take you into MY Arms and save you from all the grief that lies ahead, it is MY Greatest Desire to save you from the coming hour of trouble.

I am giving out many Words and signs to bring you to this Truth. Few are paying attention. Too many are still married to this harlot world and all its evil. Yes, children as long as you cling to the world and its ways you are committing adultery against ME and I cannot have you in MY Kingdom. So come away MY children. Walk away from the world and all she stands for. She is vile and immoral, anti-GOD, and I cannot tolerate this world anymore.

Ezekiel 16:35-36. Wherefore, O’ harlot, hear the Word of the LORD: Thus saith the LORD GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out, and they nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominations, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them; Time is wasting. Come to your senses. Open your eyes. See the times you are living in. Don’t be fooled by what looks normal and right.

I will bring you into MY Kingdom for eternity. Make a full surrender to ME. Make ME your LORD and MASTER. The time is now for this decision. No delays! This is your LORD and MASTER, YAHUSHUA.

Luke 21:31-32. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the Kingdom of GOD is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.




Yes daughter, Let US begin. MY children, this is your LORD Speaking.

I want you to know that I am coming very soon. The hour is right at the door.

Soon I will make MY Way to come and get MY bride. She is lovely and her beauty is radiant.

I look on her with great desire and I am anxious to bring her home with ME to her beautiful heavenlies and the home I have prepared for her. This hour approaches, MY children. You need to make ready. You need to hasten to preparations.

There is a dark day looming. Soon I will carry off MY bride. I will pull her aside to safety. This is moments away. MY Return is nearly at the door. So come into MY Waiting Arms MY children, very soon.

You must run, not walk to ME now. Don’t be complacent children. Don’t treat this with disdain as MY Warnings are real. I am bringing you to this place, MY children; I want you to awaken, to come to life, to face the Truth. Very soon this hour is even at the door.

Listen to ME children, I want you to awaken. There is trouble coming to the earth. It is coming like a locomotive. It is barreling down. Nothing can stop it.

No man, no woman, no child can stop what is coming.

There will be stern consequences for those who disregard MY Warnings. I have put out many warnings in many ways, O’ so many warnings. You will be without excuse if you say you never knew.

Everyone is accountable for their own sin - as I have been clear in MY Book. It is all spelled out in MY Book if MY children would bother to read it. It takes time to read MY Book. Something you do *for the world and pursuit of the world must be put aside to find time for MY Book. But you will not put aside your worldly pursuits to make time for MY Word.

Romans 14:12. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to GOD.

You would rather play with the world. But all that glitters is not gold, MY children.

The world looks all shiny and new, but it is pure poison and it only offers death.

Put the world aside and face your GOD. Am I not worth pursuing?

John 12:25. He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

Yes, I died for you a grievous death on a horrible wooden cross. It was excruciating. Yes, I released MY Life over to MY FATHER after hours of torment at the hands of evil, immoral, hateful men who were doing the will of their father, MY enemy. This was the price I paid for you and your life. Am I not worth your time, your love, and attention?

Psalms 22:12-18. Many bulls have compassed ME: strong bulls of Bashan have beset ME round. They gaped upon ME with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion. I am poured out like water, and all MY Bones are out of joint: MY Heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of MY Bowels. MY Strength is dried up like a potsherd; and MY Tongue cleaveth to MY Jaws; and thou hast brought ME into the dust of death. For dogs have compassed ME: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed ME: they pierced MY Hands and MY Feet. I may tell all MY Bones: they look and stare upon ME. They part MY Garments among them, and cast lots upon MY Vesture.

Come to ME. I ask you to come to ME. Let ME take you in MY Arms to hold you, caress you as MY own. I am your FATHER WHO Loves you. No greater love is there than MINE - no higher affection than MINE for you. Do not deny ME your love. Come to ME in humble repentance. Let ME Clean you up, make you right before ME. Let ME fill your heart with joy and gladness. I can do it. I am willing.

Now is the time. Do not wait or hesitate. This is the day of MY Return. I am coming to bring you out. Let ME fill you with MY SPIRIT. Let me make you whole: make you complete in ME. Time is wasting, children. Soon there will be no time left. So don’t discount this wondrous offer of MY Sweet Salvation and the Blood I shed for your redemption so that you might be whole and complete in ME perpetually, for all eternity.

Matthew 25:46. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

I long to know you intimately, WE can have this closeness. It is yours for the taking. Ask ME and I will give it to you. I long to share intimacy with you, to have a closeness, it is MY Desire to be near you always in a deep and personal way.

If you come to ME in this way I will come to you also. MY Word sets out that I require this intimacy of you. I want you to seek ME in a quiet place where WE can share each other’s company.

MY children, this is where I can give you instructions on how I want you to live out your life. When you come to ME in intimacy then WE can begin to know each other and I can lay out MY Plans before you of how I want you to lead your life.

But first, you must be in MY Will and to be in MY Will you must surrender your life to ME - give ME your all in all. Turn your life over to ME and hold nothing back - make your life fully MINE. I want it in complete surrender. This means forsaking all others and the world. I want you to walk away from your commitment to the world and be willing to follow ME wherever I lead you.

This is not something most people want to do. So many want to cling to something that they refuse to let go of. MY children, what are you putting between US? Is it your work, your wealth? Is it your ministry? Is it your children? What are you putting between US? What excites you more than ME?

Matthew 10:37-39. 37He that loveth father or mother more than ME is not worthy of ME: and he that loveth son or daughter more than ME is not worthy of ME. 38And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after ME, is not worthy of ME. 39He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for MY sake shall find it.

Children, if you do not put ME first, you will lose whatever excites you more than ME and ME also. These are serious Words MY children, but necessary to say. I want you to hear them and consider where you are in ME. Am I first place or am I a lower rung in your life? MY children, you need to evaluate your position in ME. What place do I hold in your heart? Children, stand near ME - I long to hold you close to MY Heart. The hour is coming for MY Soon Return. I don’t want you to be left behind to face the worst. Come and find ME. I am always near, waiting on you to pursue ME. MY Love is Great! Don’t miss the enjoyment of MY Love for eternity.




Yes daughter, Let US begin again. MY children it is I, your LORD. I greet you in the Name of the MY FATHER, your FATHER.

Children, the hour is hastening for the descent for MY Retrieval of the bride. She is lovely in all her ways. I am pleased to call her MY own. She is MY beloved.

I will take her into MY Awaiting Arms very soon. She will be with ME for all eternity.

WE will be like shooting stars, she and I. OUR Love will never know an end, endless, eternal love. The peace I bring her will last forever. She is MY sweet bride. She is obedient and loves MY Ways. She is MY love and follows ME. She walks in MY Narrow Path. She watches for ME. Her ways are lovely.

She is

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