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the last remaining light to the world. She shows the world MY Ways. The world sees ME in her. She reflects MY Image to the world. Her ways are humble and reflecting childlike faith. These are the qualities of those in heaven.

The hour approaches for ME to withdraw her from the earth. I am taking her to MYSELF. I am putting her away in safety. Soon, she will come with ME to safety where I will keep her away from things to come. This hour approaches, do not doubt.

Matthew 18:3. And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

I want you to prepare and make ready as MY bride is ready. She has made herself ready, washing herself in MY Blood. She has cleaned herself and is spot and wrinkle-free. She is ready to come to MY Heavenlies, to commune with ME and enjoy MY Presence.

Ephesians 5:25-27. 25Husbands, love your wives, even as CHRIST also loved the church, and gave HIMSELF for it; 26That HE might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, 27That HE might present it to HIMSELF a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

I am ready for her to come to ME in the skies, to come up hither. This is a mystery, a great mystery, as she will be changed to perfection. She will be made like MY Image in a glorious new body.

Her body will be changed: no flaws, imperishable, eternal light, MY Light. She will shine in the Heavenlies. She will be glorious and radiant as WE share the same qualities. This body will never die or ever know death. It is an eternal fountain of youth. This body will know no limitations. MY children will enjoy their new bodies. They will never experience pain. These bodies will change with the circumstance required by it. They will navigate throughout heaven effortlessly.

These bodies will fly or walk. They will do everything the human body does and so much more. They are bodies of light. These bodies will never be hindered the way human bodies are. There is nothing these bodies can’t do. There are no limitations like that of a human body. MY children will eat and enjoy food just as they do now. Everything about these new glorified bodies will startle and amaze those receiving them. All will change in a breath, in a moment.

MY children will change in a moment. It will happen quickly for them. They will be astounded. Children this is an eternal change. Eye has not seen or ear has not heard what I have prepared for MY children, MY faithful children.

1 Corinthians 15:51-54. 51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

Turn and face ME. You do not want to miss this event and all MY Glory, when I come to receive MY bride unto MYSELF. This event is coming. Children prepare - make preparations. Be vigilant, pursue ME. Very few are watching for ME. They are caught in the clutches of the world.

It all looks so normal and right, but she is deceptive. The world is a liar. She is full of evil and embraces her own truth. She clings to the lies she deals in and passes it off as truth. There is no Truth in her mouth. The world would have you believe all is well but all is not well. Soon, the world will understand this very well.

Make yourselves ready. I will not wait long now. MY Coming is right at the door.

I stand at the door and knock. Let ME into your heart. The hour is shifting. The sand in the glass is waning.

Get out of your comfort zone and get on your knees. Repent of your sin. Turn your life over to ME and I will clean you, make you ready, I long to do this. Set yourselves apart from the world. Come apart, come away. She is death. She will not continue on apart from ME. Her downfall is turning her back to ME and seeking her own evil way.

1 Thessalonians 5:23. And the very GOD of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray GOD your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

No children, you must choose. Do you go with her or come out with ME? This is your choice to make. I cannot make it for you. I can only request that you come with ME.

I want you to be by MY Side for eternity. I long for you to join ME in MY Heavenlies. But this is your choice to make. Surrender to ME or stay behind. I await your decision. MY Love is patient, but soon I must rescue MY bride. These Words are sure. I am a GOD WHO does not lie. Come to ME before it is too late.

The Great β€œI AM” YAHUSHUA. 



So Let US begin again (February 28, 2012). MY children who I cherish, the hour approaches for MY Return. You will need to make preparations. You will need to be ready. Ready yourself. I want you to cover yourself in MY Blood.

The world is closing down. It is reaching its demise. It is coming to a close of its former self. It is escalating into moral decay. It is rising up into pure evil. It is turning its back solidly against its GOD. Very few seek ME on the level I desire by MY children. Very few throw themselves at MY Feet and worship ME and repent to ME. Very few are willing to follow ME wherever I want them to go without reservation.

Mark 8:34. And when HE had called the people unto HIM with his disciples also, HE said unto them, Whosoever will come after ME, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow ME.

Too many are caught up in the world and their worldly pursuits. Don’t you know this world is an enmity to ME? I am not going to tolerate this world much longer.

I will not allow it to carry on. Soon I will remove MY bride and pull MY children away to safety. She is beautiful and I am ready for her to come to the home I have prepared for her in the Heavenlies. This is surely going to happen soon, MY children. You need to be aware. You need to awaken to this Truth.

So many are dozing, sound asleep. They are drifting away from ME. They are falling into enemy hands and soon like birds caught off guard they will fall into the fowler’s net.

Psalm 124:7. Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.

Awaken to these Truths, MY children. Wake and behold, I am coming! Awaken before you are caught completely off guard and fall away completely. The hour approaches for MY Return and so many are still sleeping - sound asleep. This is not the hour to be caught unawares. You must wake! Soon the enemy will have you right where he wants you if you don’t come to ME in a full surrender. This is the time to be serious with your GOD.

I am a Patient GOD, but MY Patience will soon run out. I will no longer tolerate this dying world, dying because it resoundly rejects its GOD. Every corner of the world has rejected ME. It is unilateral rejection. The world now embraces evil.

It hugs evil, it sleeps with evil. It rises to do evil; it lies down to do evil. Only MY bride truly follows ME. Only she is faithful. Only she has kept her hands clean.

Only she pursues ME and has come apart from the world. Only she has not sullied her clothes by partaking in the things of the world.

She is MY Light in a dark world. She shines bright in the darkness. Her light casts a gleam out into a dark world, a world growing ever darker daily.

Soon this light will be extinguished as I must remove her to safety. Then the world will grow ever darker and bleak. This is a dark hour, MY children.

You must step into MY Light while you still have a chance. There is little time remaining. The hour is almost up. The minute hand is about to strike midnight.

Don’t take these Words casually. They are for your benefit: to save you from the worst; to save you from what is coming.

John 8:12. Then spake JESUS again unto them, saying, I am the LIGHT of the world: he that followeth ME shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the LIGHT of Life.

MY children, I love you as only a loving father would. I want you to come into MY Arms where you will be safe. It is only through ME that you will find safety only in and through ME will you be saved. There is no other way. If you turn to the world for answers you will be misled by turning only by the leadings of men, men who know nothing of ME or MY Truth.

This hour is nearing MY children. Come apart from the world. Wash your hands of the filth she brings you to. She is leading you away from ME. Come in close to ME. Keep your eyes fixed on ME. I am the Last Rescue coming before the world totally comes apart. Don’t miss this ONE Sure Rescue to safety.

James 4:8. Draw nigh to GOD, and HE will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

Get ready to be among MY bride. Come to ME in full surrender. Lay your life down at MY Feet. Give ME your allegiance, your all. I will guide you out safely.

This is MY Promise to you - safe passage, freedom from what’s soon coming to the earth.

Don’t turn MY Offer down. Don’t live to regret your decisions. I am true to MY Word. I can deliver you to safety. I am a Strong GOD, faithful to deliver. Let not your heart be troubled. Run into MY Saving Arms.

Your Faithful GOD, YAHUSHUA.

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