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MY daughter, Let US begin (February 28, 2012). Children, I am your GOD. I am a GOD WHO cares deeply for you. I only want the best for you.

Now MY children, I want you to hear MY Words. Listen closely, the world is about to turn upside down. Soon the world will be turning inside out. There will be much that will happen in and around the world and very little of it will be good. I am lifting MY Protective Hand from the world, because she has revolted against ME. She walks in the opposite direction of MY Heart, MY Ways, MY Truth.

She is an abomination to ME. I am about to allow the dogs of satan to take over the world.

Psalm 22:16. For dogs have compassed ME: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed ME: they pierced MY Hands and MY Feet.

This event has nearly arrived. MY children, these are dark days coming. I will not tolerate much more evil from this world. I am about to remove MY bride to safety. She is coming out very soon. I will not put up with this world much longer. I am about to spue this world out. The evil that has taken over this world is putrid in MY Face. I can no longer look upon it. I will not allow MY dear ones to tolerate much of it any longer either.

MY church is about to be removed out to safety. This hour is coming quickly.

Why do you children doubt so? Where is your faith? Why are you so doubtful? Whether you believe or not has no bearing on what is about to happen. It will happen, MY children just as MY Book sets out that it will. I have been truthful in all MY Words. I have described the end times in MY Book. Read MY Words, familiarize yourself with MY Book. Read these Words carefully. You will see that these are, in fact, the end times and MY Coming is near.

Children stop listening to each other and come seek ME. Come to ME with sincereness of heart and I will show you the Truth, I long to reveal Truth to you.

I do not mislead MY children. But if they choose not to seek ME then I cannot reveal Truth to them. They will continue to go down blind alleyways and paths of destruction.

Come with ME and find your way. I will lead you to MY, O’ so narrow, path. Few find it, MY children few look for it. Don’t be among the many who never find this path. There are so many lost on the wayside, so many on the broad road paved with destruction.

Matthew 7:13. Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Come to your senses, MY children, come alive. Seek ME hard. This is the hour to come to life, to come to life in ME. There are no other routes to freedom and life everlasting.

Now is the hour, now! Run into MY Waiting Arms. Don’t hesitate. Hesitation will be your ending and sure demise. I want to save you. Surrender your all to ME. Give ME every bit of you. I want it all. Partial surrender is not sufficient.

Come to ME and lay your life down. I will receive it and glorify you for MY Own purposes to serve ME and enjoy Heaven for eternity.

Jeremiah 30:19. And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.

This hour is running out. MY enemy is making his way to the scene. Soon there will be no denying the hour you live in, but then it may be too late for your rescue and you will have missed your opportunity to be saved. MY children, I am trying to wake you up and bring you to the Truth. What must I do to get your attention? If you wait too long to come to ME, you will be left behind. I will be forced to leave you. Don’t let this happen.

Repentance, surrender, and intimacy: this is what I desire; this is what I require of you. These are the requirements to be admitted into MY Kingdom. Does MY Book not say this? Come now before it is too late. Come and I will clean you in MY Blood and you will be ready to stand before ME and be received into MY Kingdom, MY Everlasting Kingdom of beauty.

Revelation 1:5. And from JESUS CHRIST, WHO is the FAITHFUL WITNESS, and the FIRST BEGOTTEN of the dead, and the PRINCE of the kings of the earth. Unto HIM that loved us, and washed us from our sins in HIS OWN blood, Time is wasting. Do not waste another minute on this world.




Let US begin (March 1, 2012). Children this is your LORD. I have new Words to bring to your attention: MY children, there is a new age about to dawn over this earth. It is one marked by evil: evil men, evil times. You must prepare to make your departure with ME. I want you to make ready. I will need to pull MY bride out of this evil world and put her away to safety.

I cannot keep her in this world much longer, because soon this world will become very ugly and foreboding. She must be put aside to safety. Then the world will unleash its evil to those who remain behind.

Soon, this event will take place. Even now, all the storm fronts are coming together to create a perfect storm of destruction, a wave of terror that will soon overwhelm all of mankind who choose against ME.

I must be made first in your life. I must have first place so that you can avoid this horror. I am not a GOD WHO wishes to see MY children suffer, but if you refuse to put ME above the idols you place in your hearts above ME, then you will soon learn what it means to reject your GOD, your CREATOR.

I am not a GOD WHO can be toyed with. I want first place or no place. I do not care to be second place or third place on your list of priorities. I created you for MY Benefit to Worship, to Glorify, and to Know ME, I long to relate with you in an intimate way to have close relationship with ME.

If you choose not to know ME in this way, then you can have your way, then WE can part company and you can have company with MY enemy in his eternal destination. I am a Jealous GOD. I did not create you to share you with MY enemy.

Deuteronomy 32:16. They provoked HIM to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they HIM to anger.

You either want to be MINE exclusively or you can follow the broad path to destruction where so many others have already gone. Very few want to get to know ME above all their worldly pursuits.

Where do I stand in your life? Am I not worthy of a first place position in your heart? I died for you MY children, a horrible, painful death. I created you and give you life. I sustain you every day. MY children, soon you will need to decide.

Do you want MY Peace, Calm, and Love? Do you want MY Assurance of safe passage out of a world soon to come apart? Then now is the hour to decide what you will choose to do. How will you embrace your GOD… with love and devotion or with tepid indifference?

Philippians 2:8. And being found in fashion as a man, HE humbled HIMSELF, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

I need you to decide. Are you willing to die to yourself for ME and surrender your all to ME? I am waiting for you to respond to MY Offer to come to ME in humble repentance to ask ME to forgive your sins and to cover you in MY Blood. It is only by MY Blood that you can be saved, only by the sacrifices I made on the cross.

If you accept this Gift of MY Blood Ransom, repent of your sins with sincerity of heart. Lay your life down before ME. Follow ME without hesitation. I can turn your life around, clean you up and prepare you for MY Kingdom. Make you ready to come with ME.

Consider this offer seriously. Children you can only wait so long. Waiting to see what will happen and avoiding this decision could cause you to lose all that I have for you in the next life. Don’t be foolish, come to your senses. Make ready, be ready. I want you to be saved from the horrors ahead.

I am praying for you. I am praying to MY FATHER on your behalf. Children this hour is dwindling. I want you to decide. I WILL COME FOR MY BRIDE! Don’t miss this great move of GOD. Don’t miss everything I have for you.





Let US begin (March 2, 2012). MY children, it is I, your LORD. I have new Words to give you: Children, this is a serious hour. There is much grief coming to the world. There will be much peril and sadness. These troubles have already begun. Sin is rampant among the people.

Do not despair though, I have overcome the world. I am coming to remove MY bride to safety. She is beautiful

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