Forever by Trina T (book suggestions .txt) 📕

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- Author: Trina T
Read book online «Forever by Trina T (book suggestions .txt) 📕». Author - Trina T
Present day...
I turn towards the sound to see the screen of my phone lit up. “What now?” I ask to no one. I figure it is my brother wanting me to pick him up or my mom telling me to come outside and help her bring in the groceries. I open my phone to see a text from neither my mom nor my brother but from an old friend, Logan. I’m a little taken aback by this.
Logan and I are old friends. Well we were once a couple but that was many years ago. We’ve mostly stayed in touch on and off for the past five years. You know a “how are you?” here and a “What’s new with you?” there. The last time I even spoke to him was about seven months ago and he was with some girl, which in my opinion would be considered white trash. But of course I didn’t have an opinion. As I saw his name on my screen I instinctively looked down at the ring on my right ring finger. It was gorgeous, it was a simple silver band with small diamonds wrapping around it. Logan gave it me for our first Christmas together and I haven’t taken it off sense.
I felt my phone vibrate in my hand again. I looked down to see another message from Logan. I quickly realized I hadn’t even read the first. I opened them both.
Hey. Wat up?
I didn’t even know he had my number anymore. Months ago I ran into Logan and this girl he had been seeing. She instantly hated me the moment she met me. I have no idea why but she did. She erased my number out of Logan’s phone right in front of me. She was a total bitch. But then again Logan liked those nasty, bitchy girls. His best friend Paul always said that I was the only ‘nice’ girl Logan ever dated. And I had no problem believing that one.
I waited a few minutes before I texted him back. I didn’t want him to think that I was too eager to hear from him again, even if I was.
I quickly got a reply. Aint this Zara?
I had to laugh at how fast he texted me back. I walked back over to my desk where I was working on a sketch. My desk was a complete mess. I was trying to copy a ‘look’ out of one of my art books, they used charcoal. So I tried to do the same thing…the picture in the book looks way better.
Yea this is Zara.
I know this seems childish but I didn’t want Logan to think that I kept his number. I didn’t want him to think that I was eager to become his friend again.
This is Logan. What you been doin
My curiosity was taking over, I had to know why he was texting me again. Why he had gotten in contact with me and how he had gotten my number. I answered his question with my own question.
Howd u get my num?
Still got it memorized. What u doin rite now?
I looked at my failed attempt at my charcoal drawing and replied. Nothing.
I was expecting a reply right away but I didn’t get one. I got bored of staring at my phone so I walked over to bed and turned on the T.V. Channel surfing was my favorite sport. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get Logan out of my head.
About a half hour later I heard my phone start to vibrate again. I looked at my bed side clock; it was 10:23 at night. After I checked that message I was going to bed! That put a smile on my face. I walked back over to my desk and looked at my phone. The message was from Logan.
Come out.
Before I could hold myself back I texted. Come out where?
Not even a minute later I had another text from him.
I’m in town. I wanna c u
Well that shocked me. God! Twice in one night! I looked down at my finger again. The ring was a little worn out from the contest use but I kept it looking a good as I could. I couldn’t help myself I texted.
Down by the old swing.
I couldn’t help but ask. Are you kiddin’?
? no! Im for real. Paul is here with me.
I sighed. I looked in the mirror. I had no makeup on, my hair was a mess of curls and I was in sweats.
Right now? Im not even dressed. I have no makeup on!
Zara stop actin like a girl and come out. We’re in the forest no 1 will c u.
“You’ll see me.” I said to my phone.
I got a second text before I could reply. Plz?
Ugh! I quickly put some old jeans on and took a hoodie off the back of my door, not bothering with a shirt. It was getting cold but it wasn’t cold enough for me to layer up.
Be there in 10
I texted as I wrote a note letting my mom know what I was doing. It wasn’t like I had a curfew. I was 19 and going to the community college in the next town over. But my mom still liked when I told her what I was up to. So I complied.
For real?
I didn’t even bother texting him a ‘yea’ back.
I knew exactly what swing he was talking about. When we were in the 6th grade, before we were together. Him and our friends had found a swing in the forest we used to hang out in. So of course the swing became our spot. The swing was tied to a tree about 50 feet off the ground. Whoever put it up there was seriously good at climbing trees and tying knots. Over the years we had built little sitting areas and a fort big enough to fit 5 boys and me under it. The fort only had three sides and a roof. And the only reason we even built it in the first place was because one time we got caught out in the forest during a rain storm and had to wait till it stopped raining to leave the forest without getting lost. We waited out that storm for three hours. All six of us got really sick after that night. Our mom’s weren’t too happy. But the next time it rained and we had cover in the fort.
I laughed at that memory. I missed those times, back when the six of us were inseparable. But we all grew up and most of us grew apart or moved away. My smile faded.
I turned down the block to see the tall, dark trees come into view. I always hated going into the forest at night. The guys would always jump out and scare me. But I knew there wouldn’t be any of that tonight. I hoped. As I entered the threshold of the forest I let my mind wonder. I was thinking about what Logan would look like now, how he would act, what his favorite things were. At one time I knew all of those answers.
I heard an owl hoot and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I had at least three more minutes until I reached the bend, then I would have to climb up the steep hill to get to our spot. I pulled my hoodie tighter to my body, regretting not wearing a shirt under it. Only having a bra on didn’t really help fight against the chilled air.
I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve walked this path. Maybe a thousand? Maybe more. It felt familiar and comforting to be here. But I also felt jittery, my nerves working on over time at the anticipation of seeing Logan again.
I screamed so loud I thought I would bust a lung. I spun around to see Paul and Logan standing in front of me with huge grins on their faces, with the flash light shinning directly into my eyes. If looks could kill they’d both be dead on the dirt.
“I hate you guys!” I gritted as I smacked the flash light out of my face.
I was so mad and happy at seeing Logan again but right now I was more on the angry side. Paul leaned down and gave me a hug. Paul and I have always been close, we still are actually. We had a lot of the same classes together in the Community College so we see each other frequently.
Paul was a very tall guy. He must be around 6’5”. Compare that to my 5’1” stature, he’s a flipping giant. But he was opposite of everything I was. While I had brownish red hair he had bright blond hair, I had gold eyes he had light grey eyes. He was also very attractive. He had plenty of girls to choose from and he sure liked to be picky.
“You don’t hate us!” Paul smiled. I just glared at him.
Logan reached over to me and gave me a tight hug around the neck. “Hey.” He said.
“Hi…” My smile was huge; I realized this and quickly downsized it. My heart was still beating a mile a minute. I put hand over my heart. “You guys really did scare me.”
“You know it was as fun for us as it was for you!” Paul laughed.
“I don’t know about that one…” I smiled. I could feel Logan’s eyes on me so I looked up to him. He had grown some in the last year; he must be 5’ 10”, if that. His deep brown eyes felt like they were boring into me. I blushed and turned.
I looked around at our old hang out. It looked exactly the same only smaller. “Wow, I haven’t been here in over three years.” I said as I ran the palms of my fingers over one of the trees. I naturally walked over to ‘my spot’ it was exactly how I remembered it. I let my eyes gaze over the surroundings. Paul shinned the flash light my way.
“I can’t believe that is still there.” Paul laughed.
“What?” Logan asked. He walked over to us; again I felt his eyes watching me.
“Remember when you carved yours and Zara’s names into the tree?” Paul motioned at the tree I was staring at.
The carving was crudely etched there like it had been only yesterday when it was written, it read proudly ‘Logan+Zara 4E’ I chanced a quick look at Logan, his eyes no longer looking at me but at the tree, a small smile appeared on his lips. I reached for my ring and began to twist it around my finger.
“Wow, I can’t believe it’s lasted all these years.” Logan said.
“Well, it does say forever!” Paul laughed.
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