Mates, Revenge, and My Psychotic Dad by PoeticIrises ? (mini ebook reader txt) π

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- Author: PoeticIrises ?
Read book online Β«Mates, Revenge, and My Psychotic Dad by PoeticIrises ? (mini ebook reader txt) πΒ». Author - PoeticIrises ?
I never thought this could happen to me. That i could come so close to having it all, then to lose it in less than a heartbeat. Everything i worked for, protected, love could vanish because of one decision I thought was right. And here i am standing among though's who would stand by me no matter what, knowing it would made no difference. My life flashed before my eyes, all the good, the bad, and all the things that could have been. And just when i was about to give in, i heard him. I LOVE YOU.
BRIIIIING!BRIIIING!BRIIING!SMASH! Shit! That's the fifth one in three days!
"Raven time to get up!"
No Duh......
"I'm up!!!"Geez.... I get up and do my daily routine, but like so many other times before, in a new room, in a new house, in a new neighborhood, in a new town, in a new state. You see, I'm half vampire, half werewolf, half angel, half wizard, and half dragon. That makes me unfortunately, the most powerful being in the world.
Because of this me and my mom have been on the run since I was ten. The day of my birthday a witch cousin foretold my future. she said that I would surpass all enemies. That I would become the greatest warrior, and that my path lies in the the balance of the world.
Before me, my mother was the most powerful being. She mated with my father, Alexander commander of the royal guard. When my father witnessed my fortune, he became power hungry. He wanted to train me to be the ultimate weapon, and take over the world. When my mother found out, she fled with me. With some help of our witch family, we were able to hide our sent from the werewolves. We've been om the run since.
Now fast forward seven years, here I am standing in my.... this bare room all except a dresser, and a bed. So not the room a of teen.
"Raven!! Get Down Here Now!!
" Alriiight!"
With the snap of my fingers, I'm decked out in my favorite out fit. Black ripped skinny jeans, my favorite My Chemical Romance graphic tee, and my ever so lovely black steal toed combat boots. I gotta admit I look smexy!. I have long raven hair, plump lips and annoying mood eyes. kinda like a mood ring, the damn frustrating things. Do a quick spell and I'm down stairs in the blink of an eye.
"Good morning my ever sweet mother" i say when I see her.
" Good morning my responsible, respectful, safe, angelic-
" Okay i think we got it mom" I say rolling my eyes. We do this every morning, call each other every thing we're not. Pffft the meany.
" Hurry up and eat. School starts in fifteen minutes."
" Suuuure mother, whatever you say." In less than five minutes, I'm out the door and on my way to the love of my life. BERTHA. I love her so much. Bertha, my baby, is my super cool, super smexy, super sleek, super -. well, you get the idea.
" Hey Bertha!! You miss me baby? Cuz I missed yooooooou!!!!!!!" I put on my beautiful leather jacket, my helmet, and I'm ready to rock those losers off there feet.
" Who's that chick?"
" Who does she think she is commin up in here like she owns the place?"
"Daaaaaaamn she is soooo hot!"
I haven't even been here five minutes and I'm already getting talked about. Stupid humans. And could this school be any bigger, I mean my GOD I'm ganna need a GPS just to find the damn bathroom!.
" It gets worse, trust me." Someone said behind me.
I turn to the voice to find this red head. She looked like we shared the same style. She was clad in ripped black shorts, a ripped red Pierce The Veil shirt, and black and white high top all stars. And with her blood red hair she looked killer.
"Hey I'm Raven." I said to her. Might as well be nice.
" Scarlet." She says and laughs.
" Whats the joke?" I say confused. Who does that? Bust out laughin after saying one word?
"'s just that both our names describe our hair." still laughing. I laugh with her because she's right.
" You need some help findin the office?" She asked turning her amber eyes towards the school.
" Uh... hell yes! I'll probably never find my way around here!" I exclaimed, while running my hand in my hair.
" Well come on then." She said, making her way to the entrance of the school. She was right. It got way worse, the thing must be bigger then the damn white house! When we came to the office, we were met by the principle. He was an okay guy a little sleazy, but all together okay. Then we had to find my locker. The one good thing about this school is that, each floor is a different grade, so my locker is on the top flour with me being a senior.
Well I did find the locker but it was the farthest from any of my classes!As I put my stuff in my locker, Scarlet said she need to get her books for first period, which we had together and almost all my other classes except world history. I had just finished closing my locker when it happened. I felt a colossal power force. Me being me ignored it, I mean come on I'm the most powerful being, and my dad was to simplify, an alpha.
I could care less about some cocky alpha, but then I spoke to soon. And then i smelt him. The most alluring aroma I have ever came across. I had to find out who it was ,I just couldn't shake the curiosity. I guess that should have been the first warning that things weren't right. But I did the stupid thing any way, I turned around.
He was strikingly handsome, with chocolate and black hair, clear and guarded icy blue eyes, and clear tan skin. He was a werewolf, that was definite, and an alpha at that. He wasn't very muscular for a werewolf, but he had a silent strength. I had no doubt he could take care of himself. And then I did some thing even dumber if that was possible, I looked into his eyes.
All time stood still. Nothing mattered more than his piercing gaze holding mine. MATE. I finally found my mate. I'v found the other half of my soul, my heart. I know he new to for a second I saw nothing but admiration and love in his eyes. But with a blink of my eye, it returned back to his hard, cold,guarded stare. He just smirked and kept on walking ,leaving me in a turmoil.
He did not just pass me! I couldn't believe my luck. First day of school, I find my mate, and in less then I heartbeat he doesn't want me. Fuck!!
I can not believe this is happening to me. Just when I get an oppertunity to have something special in my life shit like this happens. Maybeits better this way, ever since Ben I tried not to get to close to any one.
" Benny what's wrong?! You've been ignoring and avoiding me all week. Was it some thing I did? Case if it was I'm sorry."
"It's not you Rave' it's just........."
" Just what Benny? You know can tell me anything."
" It's just that.... I...I'm in love with you. I have for a long time.
Ben was my first best friend. We met during grade eight and since then we were inceprible. When we entered junior high, I began to develope greater feeling for him, and by the end of freshman year I was in love.
I didn't know how to tell him though. I was scared that if I did, it would ruin our friendship. So imagine my surprise when he confessed to me his love. We began dating and it seemed like nothing could go wronge. We hadn't gotten any attacks lately, no unknown visitors. It was peaceful, relaxing, we got more comfortable. Too comfortable.
We were coming back from a date. It was near twilight, and I was just bursting with happiness. We had a passionate kiss, then he was on his way to his car. But, my Benny never did make it. He was attacked, by a werewolf. A spy of my father's, he was dead before he could even try to escape. And my poor, beautiful, kind, and loving Benny was rapidly dieing. I could have healed him, I could have saved him, but he wouldn't let me. He had my attention only set on his eyes. His beautiful eyes, shimering like green jewelz. And as I looked in them he said his last words.
" I'll love you eternally." Then he was lost to me forever.
.....................................................l...............End of flashback.......................................................................................................................................
From that day on I made sure I would never feel so weak and helpless. I trained even harder, pushed myself more, and distanced myself from any one. If no one tried to get close to me, then no one would get hurt.
But when we moved here, i thought that maybe i could have friends. i had finished all training, completed all levels, and even kicked my moms butt ( which is really hard). So when i got here i thought i could take it easy. Then i find out i have a mate, he rejects me and now i'm a total wreck! Could my life get any more complicated?
" Rave is every
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