American library books Β» Romance Β» COLLIDE by PoeticIrises ? (books recommended by bts TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«COLLIDE by PoeticIrises ? (books recommended by bts TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   PoeticIrises ?


"Sometimes, the best thing to do is hide. Hide from the danger, the hurt, the pain. Sometimes it's best to hide from New beginnings, and possibilities. Sometimes it's best to run away.

"You can call it being cowardly, or weak. But you wouldn't understand. Do understand what it feels like to hate yourself? To have everything yet not what you needed the most? How would you know? Your there thinking you know what's best for me, yet it kills you to acknowledge that you don't. " 

Thunder collided as the fearsome bolts of energy lit up the sky, like veins running blood to the heart. The rain beat against flesh, stripping it of warmth, leaving nothing but an empty vessel.

Eyes clashed, each pair trying to make the other understand, yet getting no closer than the trees to the sky.  Neither can tell if the wetness on their skin is do to the blinding rain, or the ocean over flowing behind  the doors they keep locked so heavily.

The female quickly turns to the fate she has chosen. Her one and only escape, the tool that will finally cut the chain from her heart.

""  She hears the male speak softly under his breath, with his gaze locked on his reflection in the water gathering in from of him. "What?" She askes without turning from her destination.

I doesn't matter, nothing he says can stop me.

" I said, how can you say all that to some one, who truly loves you?!" He exclaimed while marching up to her. He then grasps her firmly and turns her to face. Water sprays both their ankles with the hast movement. Yet it was the furthest from each' s mind.

His once blocked expression now shone with so much it emotion, it seemed to stir something in her that had seemed to be asleep. Her ocean then broke loose as he continued.

" And why has it taken so much for you to notice?" And..then she was found.





"MELODY! We need you on standby for the up comming student council selection!"

"Ok, what time?"

"MELODY! Just the person I need, think you could help me after school with chorus? They really need to shape up for the next show."

"Uhhh, sure no problem. Just tell me what ya need me to do."


Yup that's my name Melody. Melody Louis, the most popular and sought after person in this whole damn school. Not only that  but have the most hottest guy as my boyfriend. Kevin Malik, basketball captain the most recognized high school basketball team; the Fire Wolves. 

Being that I'm popular and have the guy every girl in here wants, you would think I would be extremely happy, practically dancing on clouds. But the truth is I'm not, in fact very far from it. I'm just really tired.

I make a loud thump as I sit in my history class seat, exhausted and cranky. The teacher was just going on and on about something that we probably already learned about in elementary. The class wasn't paying attention, doing what they want when they want. Honestly, I don't even know why he tries.

Its two day from summer vacation, people are making trips, planning parties, doing anything but learning. Everybody looks up as the man of the hour my boyfriend, walks in the door, 35 minutes late. Did I also mention he was the bad boy of the school? Oh, I didn't? Well he is. He's also the worst mistake I EVER made.

"What up baby, miss me?" He asked while smirking and planting a hast kiss on my forehead. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't love love him it's just.....he's not the right guy for me. One of my advice giving friends said it has something to with our signs. I'm a cancer and he's an Aries, and in her book the only thing good that's ganna come out of this is physical intimacy. Or in her words sex. We haven't gotten there yet but he's been really pressuring me.

It's very frustrating. I mean he's gorgeous and everything with his hazel eyes, fit body, luscious lips, and a smile that could drop panties from a mile away. But I don't just want that, I want love and safety. To know he'll always be there for me. And that's something I'm not to sure of.

Schools ending soon and I have reasons to believe our relationship is ending right along with it. He's all ready cheated on me in the past, and I'm heading back to my old neighborhood this summer. I just can't trust him, he's given me no reason to.

"Yo babe, I need you to come over later." He whispered in my ear suddenly. His breath leaving goosebumps on my neck.

" okay, what time?" I asked. For some reason it felt like I had repeatedly asked that today. He smiled and licked his lips. I really do love kissing those......

"Around five? I got some stuff to handle before then. That good with you?" He looked into my eyes, silently pleading for me to say yes. I wonder what's up with him..

"Okaay? Sure, no problem."  I replied more than a little confused, but whatever. I just hope I don't regret it.


Gary's POV


The rhythmic sound of the machine, is the only thing reassuring me that one of the two most important people in my fucked up life, is kicking and fighting.

My sneaker squeaks against the clean yet gloomy floor, as I bounce my leg rapidly trying to figure out the formula to this damn problem. The room is small and plain, the walls a pale yellowish color that makes me sick. The smell of disinfectants assault my nostrils, burning a path and causing a headache. I really hate hospitals...

A movement in the corner of my eye, causes me to look in the direction to the whole reason why I'm here.

" look like carp. When's the last time you got laid?" Said my bestfriend of six years. Her name is Cynthia, and she's the most loud, crazy, hardheaded, foul mouthed, obnoxious, and loyal person I've ever met, that has continued to make me go insane since day one.

She's short and round, with wild indigo died hair that has been colored differently every other month.she has light brown eyes that or always filled with mischief, and excitement. She's strong and encourages, yet after going through all THIS she still has the nerve to joke. I love her for that.

"This is comming from the same assface that looks as though she got knocked out by Madea. TWICE." I replied while closing my retarded text book and pushing it FAR away from me.

She looked at me quietly, as if she knows something earth shattering, yet won't give me anything cause, she wants me to figure it out myself. Of course.

"I wish Mel's was here, she would have done something about that sad look on your face.." she said absently, while clenched my hand in a tight fist.

Mel's, Melody, my second important person. She was our best friend for three years. She completed our little rough around the edges duo, in fact she was almost as crazy as Cynthia. They used to have nicknames for each other, Cynthia was called Dora and Mel's was called Biggs because of her curvaceous body and her award winning attitude. I was just Gary, even though they called me gairbear just to get on my nerves.

"We don't know where she is, it's best to just forget about her." I said grudgingly. I hate when she brings her up. She's gone, who knows when's the next time we see her.

Or at least me..... I thought while looking at Cynthia. She doesn't have long, the tumor is starting to kill her lunges. She can't be herself.

"Forget?.....Will you to.........just forget?"


Publication Date: 07-02-2013

All Rights Reserved

This is dedicated to a memory that has long been buried.

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