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Matt before she asked. "Its really fine." I tell her as she types my answers into the computer connected to the white hospital wall.

"O-okay. Thank you." She turns and almost bows, keeping her eyes downcast.

"Are you okay?" I ask, genuinely concerned. 

Her eyes water and her voice cracks when she says, "Yeah I'm good," giving away that shes lying.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Oh, we're just asking questions to see why you passed out and-" she begins but I cut her off.

"Not with this. I already know why I felt so horrible and passed out. I got more memories back. I meant with you. What's going on with you?" It comes out a but harsher than intended and she flinches. "I'm sorry." I tell her quieter.

"I..." She looks like shes about to open up to me but then thinks better of it or something. "It's really none of your business." She states, trying to be confident but fails.

"Please?" I beg, giving her my best puppy dog eyes. 

She laughs at my sad attempts and shakes her head, almost sadly. "I'm fine. I just... I'm in a relationship right now and my boyfriend doesn't treat me all that well." She admits.

"Oh... Do you have your phone on you?" I ask.

"Of course, why?"

"I want to help. Let me put my number in and call or text whenever you need to." She looks skeptical, but after a bit more coaxing, she always me to do so. After that she finished up and leaves. Sky and Kyle come in first, making sure I'm okay and asking what happened, but after them being assured that I knew how much I worried them, and that I was fine, they left so the others could visit. George and Tessa come in, and Tessa has to pry George off of me. 

"We've been so worried." George tells me.

"Hey, hey, stop worrying. You'll get wrinkles!" I exclaim and he rushes to the bathroom, coming back relieved when he sees that he has no wrinkles on his annoying smooth skin. They say they'll see me soon and then leave so Cade can come in. A few moments later, the door handle jiggles as if someone has gripped it, but didn't move it. After about half a minute, the door opens and Cade is standing there with tears in his hypnotic eyes. He shuts that door and is in the bed with me, wrapping his arms around me, before I know it. I engulf and much as I can of his body into my arms, but in the awkward position, that's basically his head, since its resting on my stomach and he's curled up in a ball. "Hey..." I whisper, stroking his soft hair. 

"Don't scare me like that." His voice is muffled by my stomach, but the crack in it gives away his true actions. I lift up his face, and wipe the stray tears that have fallen from his eyes.

"Never thought I'd see the day you cried." I'm still whispering and I don't know why, but I say it with a soft smile.

He blushes, another thing I never thought I'd see. "Shut up." He pats the side of my thigh, so I scooch over a bit, and he slides up next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and kissing my temple. I fling my arm over his stomach and settle into his chest. We lay there in silence for a while, before I fall asleep. "Matt." A soft voice whispers, pulling me from my slumber. I grumble something inaudible, and not even I'm sure what it is. "Hey, we can leave. Let's get you dressed and go, okay?" Now that I'm a bit more conscious I recognize that it's Cade. I semi nod, but he understands. Helping me up, he gets into new clothes, and then leads me out of the room and to his truck. Kyle, Sky, Tessa, and George pile into Kyle's SUV, and they all head to a diner near by. Cade told them that  we'll meet them there, and we leave in a different direction. We end up in a secluded forest around and he looks at me, straight in the eye, with fear written all over his face. "I need to show you something."

The seriousness in his voice and expression makes me close my eyes as I get a small wave of pain washing over me. 


"Matt I need to tell you something." Cade walks up to me. I get excited the closer he gets. I mean, who wouldn't want a big 13 year old talking to you when you're just 12?

"Yeah?" I ask childishly.

"I... forget it." He squeezes his eyes shut and starts to walk away but I reach out and grip his warm wrist. I give him my best puppy dog eyes and he finally gives me a small smile. "I... I don't want you to look at me any different... But Matthew, I like you. There's no logical reason for it, you're my friend and my brothers best friend but I do." He sputters out in a hurry. My cheeks flush. 

I've waited for this moment forever. "I like you too." I say quietly. 

"Really???" Cade's head shoots up and a huge grin break out across his face. And that's when it happens. Little 12 year old me, had his first kiss with his crush from forever. My eyes flutter shut but we both pull apart when we hear Terrance's angry voice.

"Cade! Come on! Now." I smile when I glance back at his retreating figure as I run through the woods to my house.


"Matt?" His much deeper than then voice breaks through the memory and I gulp. "Are you okay?" I just nod, trying to catch my breath. Holy shit. What the hell? "Okay, well I don't want you to look at me any differently." I don't want you to look at me any different. I shudder the echo away and focus on him. "Come on." He tells me and gets out of the car. I follow suit and he turns to look at me. "Stay here." He darts into the forest and I wait patiently. A huge lump forms in my throat when a wolf steps out from the trees. A very familiar one at that.

"C-Cade?" The wolf walks forward slowly and sort of nods. My breathing becomes uneasy as I look at him with wide eyes. "I...I..." I shake my head and the last thing I remember seeing with hurt flash across his captivating yellow eyes before I run back the way we came. 

Chapter twenty-five



I'm not sure how far I ran but suddenly I find myself lost in the trees. I decide the just walk from here, since both my legs and my lungs are burning at this point. I see more light than I have for the past while so I walk to it, and find an opening in the trees. Walking through, I hear growls and suddenly it's all too familiar. This is where I first came with the wolf- Well I guess Cade... "Stand down. Matt? W-what are you doing here?" Kyle chuckles nervously. 

"Cade. He-he went in and came out and suddenly he was-" I stutter, falling into my best friends arms, beginning to hyperventilate. 

"Breathe Matt. I can't have you going to the hospital again." Kyle wraps me up in a half hug and begins walking to a porch on the largest house in the circle of them. "What happened?"

I take a deep breath. "Cade, told me that he had to show me something, and he went in the woods. He came back and he was... He was a... a..."

"Shit." I hear Kyle mutter under his breath. "Matt, please just hear us out-"

"Oh my God." I cut him off, the realization just hitting me. "You're one too." I shoot up and off the wooden swing he had sat me on, and out of his embrace. "When were you planning on telling me you're a fucking supernatural creature???" I'm yelling at this point. 


"Kyle? What's going on out here?" Mrs. Evergreen comes out of tree he house through the screen door, and it slams shut behind her, making me flinch. 

"I gotta go." Despite my unfit-body's protest, I run out of there as fast as I can, and end up on the side of the road leading to my house from school, so I run as long as I can in the four miles to my house, and walk the rest of the three. Considering we left the hospital at about nine in the morning, and I just got home at five P.M., I'd say I need to exercise more.

"Matt!" Skylar slams her body into my with a bone crushing hug. "Where have you been?" I hesitate before answering that. 

"Just got caught up with Cade and Kyle. Sorry." I give her a slight smile. 

She nods and drags me up the stairs to where my dad I'd laying on his bed. "Dad came to the hospital yesterday drunk off his a-" She coughs -Fakely- Cutting herself off. "Really drunk, and George had to drive him home." She explains. 

"Have you given him any Advil?" I ask. She nods and I go to my dad. "Hey dad. You okay?" He groans.

"I should be asking you that." He grumbles.

"I'm fine. You should get some more rest, you look exhausted." I tell him, and with a squeeze of his hand, leave the room. "Where are Tiffany and Wayne?" I ask. 

"Oh yeah... Dad let it slip while he was drunk. He got fed up with them and finally told Tiffany they're getting a divorce. Jade was with them last night, so she just got dropped off since dad actually has a job and home. We all think he'll win custody. She's sleeping right now." 

Wow. That's... Great! I have to go tell Kyle and Cade the- Um...


I feel my smile fade at the thought of them. After saying bye to Skylar, and go to my room. How could they just not tell me something like this?? I mean, they had to have known before we lost touch. Ugh! My anger towards them soon turns to sadness and I feel tears pool in my dull eyes. Silent sobs wrack through my body, until it feels as though there is nothing left in me. I check my phone and find that I've missed about fifty calls- twenty-one from Kyle and twenty-nine from Cade- along with about one hundred text messages. Those come from Cade the most, Kyle the second most, and then a few from Tessa, George, and Sky from earlier today. I ignore all of them, but listen to the few voicemails I have.

"Matt, please pick up. Let us explain. Cade is going ballistic. Please. I'll be here when- if you call back." Kyle sounds really upset. He has a few more, about the same as the first, and then I find the one from Cade. 

"Matthew pick up the fucking phone. Please! I need you. Please Matt. I should have told you, I know, but just let me explain. I wouldn't wouldn't tell you lies. Please..." Just before he hangs up I hear a heartbroken sob leave his mouth. I almost call back, but my inner voice stops me. 

Oh come on. You know better than that. Like he'd actually

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