Just tonight by Delenatwinflames (best pdf ebook reader for android .TXT) π

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- Author: Delenatwinflames
Read book online Β«Just tonight by Delenatwinflames (best pdf ebook reader for android .TXT) πΒ». Author - Delenatwinflames
Everyone turned their attention to Elena. Her eyes filled up with tears at his words and she couldn't believe what he'd just said. It was like he stabbed her with a knife in her heart.
She couldn't look at anyone but him, and he was just smiling at her, like a psychopath. She couldn't stand this any longer. Her tears started to spill over and she quickly ran upstairs, with everyone's glances focused at her.
The truth
Author's note:It took me a while to write this chapter . I just had a few ideas how to start it , but I really had to think it through and decide which one is going in this chapter . However , thanks to everyone who commented the previous chapter-and it seems that you like my story , so I'll continue writing it . I don't own the Vampire diaries nor the characters . Hope you'll enjoy this chapter!
Salvatore boarding house
After what Elena witnessed , she just ran to her and Stefan's room and locked the door.
She sat on the bed and plunged her face into the pillow to stifle her loud sobs . She could not believe this. How could he did this to her?How could he be so cruel? She knew that this was her fault .
She should have ended things with him a long time ago , but she didn't want to give up on them , even though she did know that that was pointless , but every time she wanted to break up with him , something forced her not to . She didn't even get herself . She loved Damon , and she also loved Stefan just in a different way .
And every time she wanted to go and search for Damon , again , it was like some bigger force was stopping her. She didn't know what was going on with her .
Suddenly , she heard a soft knock on the door .
"Elena?Hey , it's me - Bonnie . Caroline and I made everyone leave , it's okay . Would you , please open the door?" she asked politely .
Elena slowly stud up and dragged herself to the door and unlocked it .
Bonnie opened it , and found a terrible view in front of her- Elena's hair was totally messed up , her eyes were red and swollen . She didn't know any other way how to cheer her up , so she embraced her in a hug .
" Elena , I am so sorry!He shouldn't have done that. "
"No , he shouldn't have." Elena said , bitterly .
"He knew that those words would hurt me ! And he'd done it anyway . " she started sobbing again .
"Shhh...Calm down everything's gonna be okay."Bonnie tried to comfort her .
Elena didn't respond-she just cried in her arms .
"I just don't understand myself!I mean , I wanted to break up with him many times , but it's like something's not allowing me to do it- guilty conscience or something else , I don't know!" Elena confessed .
Bonnie suddenly stopped hugging her."Elena , there is something you need to know."
Her voice sounded odd and Elena looked at her with question in her eyes . Bonnie took a deep breath and sat Elena on the bed and sat next to her .
She looked nervous , and that made Elena stop crying , because she was very curious what she'd had to say . And , this seemed to be important .
"What I'm about to say..." Bonnie shook her head ."I've been meaning to say this a long time ago , but I couldn't . I just couldn't.You'll be furious , but I need to tell you . I can't keep this from you anymore ." Elena was now more than confused. Why would she be furious at Bonnie?
Bonnie took a deep breath once again ,and said :
"After Damon left you were depressed and it seemed like you were about to have a breakdown and you were alienating from Stefan...And I wanted to do something , but I told myself that would do no good , so I didn't . At first . Then as months passed by , you weren't getting better . And then... one night , Stefan came to me . ":
Bonnie's flashback from that nightand also her P.O.V.
I was listening to one of my favorite CDs-Waking up by One republic . Then I heard a knock on the door. I got up from the couch and opened the door. I was a bit surprised when I saw who was my visitor .
,, I need to talk to you . " he said without saying hello .
"Stefan. Come in. " and I stepped back so he could . "Please , sit . " I said and pointed to the couch .
Once I shut the door ,I joined him on the couch .
"So , tell me . What's going on?" I asked him .
" It's Elena . She has been so depressed since Damon left . I feel like I'm losing her . I tried to fix things on my own , I tried to talk to her about it , but she wouldn't . She just told me that he's gone and there's nothing to talk about . I don't know what to do anymore . You gotta help me . " his voice was shaking at the end and he almost looked like he was losing it .
" I don't know , Stefan . I don't think that this is the right thing to do. " I said , almost totally refusing him.
"Please , Bonnie . There must be something that you can do .There must be a spell that you can cast. Please , I'm begging you . It's Elena . " he was slightly panicking .
He was right . Elena is my best friend and I can't bare to look at her like this . She needs my help .
Even though I knew that she would kill me if I did this behind her back , I needed to do it anyway .
She is like a sister to me and I would do anything for her , just to make her feel better .
" Okay. Wait here , I'm going to check the spell-book . " as I was saying those words , I saw Stefan's face brighten up . I went to my room and got the spell-book from the top shelve .
I sat on my bed and started searching for the right spell .
15 minutes later
I came back to the living room with the spell-book opened , in my arms .
Stefan looked nervous , while playing with his thumbs.
"Ithinkthat I found it , but I'm not so quite sure about it . " I said , interrupting his 'thumb game' , letting him know that I was here . He stopped playing and looked up at me .
"It's something about feeling better with your partner , but the second page is ripped off . So , I'm not sure what the side-effects are ." I said as I sat on the couch again.
"What do you think the side-effects could be? " Stefan asked me .
"I don't know . But I guess that it couldn't be that bad . It's not a simple spell , but then again , it's not so complicated , either . Like I said , it's a spell to feel better with your partner , so it can't be that bad . "
" Bonnie , please . I'm desperate . If not for me , do it for Elena . Please . "he was staring at me intently .
I slowly shook my head . " I don't know , Stefan . The side-effects can't be that bad , but as told you- I don't know what does it say on the other page , they could be worse than I think . "
"I'm sorry , but I can't do it . You understand it , right ? " I asked him , hoping that he did .
"Yes , I understand it . You can't do it . " he said , hope whipped off his face .
Then , suddenly , he looked up at me.
"But you have to do it . You must putt that spell on Elena." he said and locked his eyes with mine , his pupils widening.
The next day , 8 AM
My alarm clock woke me up , with that annoying buzzing . I tried to find it and turn it off , searching with my hand , but I couldn't find it , because my eyes were shut .
I groaned to myself and opened my eyes . I instantly looked at my window and I forgot about the alarm clock as I remembered something horrifying .
The spell . Elena . Stefan .
Oh , my god! I did it ! I putt that spell on Elena . I didn't want to , but I didn't have a choice since Stefan compelled me . I recovered from it quickly , because it couldn't last longer than a few hours , because of his animal diet . Oh , god! Anything , literary anything could go wrong , because I never found out what the side-effects were . I needed to go to Salvatores'now.
I washed up and quickly dressed and rushed outside to my car .
I started it , and then , as quick as I could , I drove to the Salvatore boarding house .
I parked the car on the side of the front yard and ran to the door . I didn't even knock and I opened the door , just to find Elena coming downstairs with nothing on her , but Stefan's shirt . I instantly looked away .
"Hey , Bonnie . " Elena said and smiled to me .
"Hi. " I said , still looking away .
"I'm sorry , I'm not really dressed . Well , I didn't have the time to do it . " Elena said as Stefan came to her and grabbed her by waist and drew her by him . Bonnie noticed that he was just in his boxers .
I was surprised when Elena didn't moved away from him-she just giggled .
"Good morning , Bonnie . " Stefan said politely , smiling at me .
" Good morning . "I replied .
" While , it is indeed a
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