American library books ยป Romance ยป I Doubt I Will Survive Living With These Guys (Old Version-Editing) by Alyza Slaton (little red riding hood ebook .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซI Doubt I Will Survive Living With These Guys (Old Version-Editing) by Alyza Slaton (little red riding hood ebook .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Alyza Slaton

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take my Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione.โ€ He said

I nodded and got my car keys. I followed the guys out the front door and went to my car. I unlocked the doors and got in Bianca got in the passengers side. Xavier, Nat, Jerriko, and Kayden got in back.

I put the key in the ignition and started it. I back out of the drive way and headed off to the mall. Bianca turned the radio on and โ€˜Statisticsโ€™ by Lyfe Jennings started playing.

That man is SEXY!

Bianca and I started singing alone and the boys groaned. We ignored them.

If you don't know where you are this is STATISTICS 101
and I'm your teacher LYFE JENNINGS in the flesh baby.

Books out. Let's go!

25% of all men are unstable
25% of all men can't be faithful
30% of them don't mean what they say
and 10% of the remaining 20 is gay

That leaves you a 10% chance of ever finding your mate
That means you better pay attention to these words that I say
I'm gonna teach you how expose the 90%
and show you what to do to keep the other 10.

Don't be a booty call
If he don't respect you girl he gonโ€™ forget you girl

If he's in a relationship
If he will cheat on her that means he will cheat on you

Tell him that you're celibate
And if he wants some of your goodies he gon have to work for it

Be the person you wanna find
Don't be a nickel out here lookin' for a dime


15% of all men got a complex
15% of all men don't practice safe sex
20% of them come from homes without a father
and there's a 50/50 chance that you'll marry a coward

Something to think about when you're taking a shower
Something to swallow when you're drinking bottled water

I'm gonna teach you how to expose the 90%
and show you what to do to keep the other 10


Be patient! He's waiting!
You don't gotta settle for that
Leave what is past alone!
Get you a backbone!
Stop being (sorry for) yourself!

Have you no checklist?
It's gonna take patience
Time is still wastin'

Don't be a booty call
If he don't respect you girl he gonโ€™ forget you girl

If he's in a relationship
If he will cheat on her that means he will cheat on you

Tell him that you're celibate
and if he wants some of your goodies he gonโ€™ have to work for it.

Be the person you wanna find
Don't be a nickel out here lookin' for a dime.

When the song was over Bianca and I yelled the same thing, โ€œThat man is SEXY!โ€

We both started laughing and then โ€˜Babyโ€™ by Justin Bieber started playing. We both looked at each other and pretended to gag as she changed it quickly.

โ€˜Footworkโ€™ by College Boyz came on we sung to that also. We pulled into the mall parking lot and parked. We all hoped out went to the entrace where Dallas and the other guys were waiting.

โ€œTook you long enough.โ€ Dallas grumbled

โ€œAww, couldnโ€™t wait to see my face again?โ€ Bianca said while dramatically putting a hand over her heart

โ€œYeah, your face is too sexy to not see.โ€ Dallas said winking

โ€œOkay guys stop flirting.โ€ I said chuckling

โ€œPsh, he wished Iโ€™d flirt with him.โ€ Bianca scoffed

I rolled my eyes and started walking toward the mall doors. I heard the others following and then someone smacked my ass. Not hard enough to make a sound but hard enough for me to feel it. I looked back an saw Kayden standing there trying to look innocent.

So he wants to play hard ball? Okay then. Game on.

I opened the mall doors and walked in. Everybody else walked in too. Bianca started walking by my side.

โ€œOh my gosh! We HAVE to go to Wet Seal. They have these new jeans that are to DIE for!โ€ Bianca exclaimed

โ€œOkay lets go! Come on guys!โ€ I yelled at them. They all groaned but followed. We walked into wet seal and Bianca showed me the jeans I got a pair and so did she. We shopped everywhere and the guys had to follow us. Dallas never lets me come to the mall by myself. He says thereโ€™s too many pervs here.

Once we finish shopping in like every store we turned to the guys who had bored looks on their faces.

โ€œOkay, what do you guys want to do?โ€ I asked

โ€œTo scope out babes.โ€ Xavier said with a smirk

โ€œUgh, fine.โ€ Me and Bianca groaned knowing weโ€™d have to stay with them because Dallas wonโ€™t let us go off on our own.

Just then this group of guys walked up to Bianca and I.

โ€œHey babe, howโ€™re you? Did you know your hotโ€ Said this guy with baby blue eyes and dark brown hair said to me. Totally hot but he just looked conceded.

I looked over at Dallas and saw him start walking forward but Kayden grabbed his shoulder and said โ€œI got this.โ€

Kayden walked up to me and put his arm around my waist. I tried to get free but he only held me tighter.

โ€œWho are you?โ€ Kayden and him

โ€œNobody you need to know.โ€ The guy said โ€œSo, can I have your number?โ€ He asked me

I was about to say something but got cut off by Kayden.

โ€œI donโ€™t like repeating myself I asked you a question.โ€ Kayden said

โ€œDevon.โ€ said the guys and looked back at me โ€œSo how about that number?โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t think my girlfriend wants your number.โ€ Kayden said to him

โ€œGirlfriend?โ€ Devon questioned

โ€œYes, girlfriend.โ€ Kayden said motioning to his arm that was around my waist.

โ€œHuh, well I donโ€™t care I like taken women.โ€ Devon said smirking

โ€œWell go mess with another โ€˜taken womenโ€™ and back off mine.โ€ Kayden said getting angrier

โ€œI think the lady can speak for herself.โ€ Devon said looking at me again

โ€œSo not my type.โ€ I said walking away pulling Kayden and Bianca with me. I heard the guys following. Then I heard a crunch. I turned around and saw Devon holding his nose.

โ€œThatโ€™s for flirting with my sister.โ€ Dallas spat

As I said before. Over-protective.

I rolled my eyes and let go of Bianca and Kayden. We all waited for Dallas to come.

โ€œThanks man.โ€ Dallas said to Kayden

โ€œThe pleaser was all mine.โ€ Kayden said smirking

โ€œYeah, yeah. Just donโ€™t touch her again.โ€ Dallas muttered

โ€œAww, but sheโ€™s my girlfriend.โ€ Kayden whined playfully

โ€œDonโ€™t touch her again.โ€

โ€œCalm down Ricky Bobby. I was just kidding.โ€ Kayden said holding his hands up in an โ€˜I surrenderโ€™ motion.

โ€œUh-huh.โ€ Dallas muttered

I once again rolled my eyes. Boys are so stupid.

We all went to Victoria Secret because that's where Xavier said all the girls would be and that it would be okay because Bianca and I were there. So it wouldn't be weird, I guess. I gotta say the boys smart.

We walked into the Store and the smell of perfume and powder make-up filled my nostrils. Gross. I'm a girly-girl but not to this extend.

Suddenly Dallas talked, "So, Bianca. You sure you don't want to take up my offer?"

"Oh, I'm sure." She said defiantly

"Okay, then. Let's go finds us so girl boys!" Dallas yelled

Me and Bianca rolled our eyes surprisingly so did Vincent.

All the boys went off in search even Kayden. Loser. Vincent stayed with us.

"You guys wanna go?" I asked them

"Yeah. All this perfume is making me dizzy." Vincent said

Bianca and I laughed and we started walking out the door.

"Where are we going?" Vincent asked

"Zumies." Bianca and I said simultaneously

Vincent groaned.

"I heard they have some new Supra Vaiders." I said tauntingly. Supra Vaiders are his favorite shoes

"Let's go!" He yelled grabbing our arms

He basically dragged us all the way to the store. When we got there he let us go and ran to the guys section.

"He's a weird boy." Bianca commented

"Tell me about it." I said staring after him with a weird expression on my face

We went over to the girls section and looked at the shoes. I grabbed a pair of white zapato del barco vans. I got a size six and put the box under my arm as I looked for more shoes.

I bought the Vans and a red bikini. Bianca bought some purple Vans and a green halter top bikini. Vincent bought his Surpas and we left to go somewhere else but I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I asked

"Where the hell are you?!" Dallas' voice boomed from the other side of the phone.

"Whoa, calm down Ricky Bobby. I'm walking out of Zumies." I told him

"Why'd you leave alone?" He asked still mad

"I'm not alone Bianca and-" I started but he cut me off

"Bianca? What is she going to do if someone tries to kidnap you? Huh?" He questioned

"-Vincent are with me." I said started off where he cut me off

"Oh." He sighed in relief "Well we're coming." He added

"Okay, we'll wait here." I said

"Okay, bye." He said


I hung up and looked and Bianca and Vincent.

"Mad?" Vincent guessed

"Extremely. But then I told him you were you he calmed down. They're going to be here in a minute." I told them

"He's waaaay too overprotected." Bianca said bringing out the a in way

I nodded and so did Vincent. Then I heard laughing. I didn't even have to turn around to know it was the guys. They stopped behind us.

"Hey guys." Vincent said

They all replied with 'Hey' or 'What's good' or they nodded.

"You can't just leave like that." Dallas told me sternly

"Sorry Dad. Didn't know I needed your permission to shop." I said getting annoyed

"You don't but you should have at least told me you left." He said

"You probably didn't even notice I left."

He didn't say anything to that. What now bastard! What now!

"That's what I thought." I mumbled rolling my eyes

I grabbed Bianca's arm and pulled her away. I pulled her to the store Debs and we looked through the dresses. I found a turquoise over the shoulder dress that stopped about mid-thigh. I grabbed my size and went to try it on. I put it on and opened the door to show Bianca.

"Oh my GOD

! You have to get it!" She exclaimed

"I know! It's perfect! and it's only $120!" I told her and went back into the dressing room. I only have $140 left because I bought the Vans and bikibi. I took the dress off and put my clothes back on. Bianca was looking through the dresses still.

"Help me?" She asked pouting

"Haha, sure." I said walking toward the dresses. Bianca's favorite color is green. I looked at all the green dresses and then found one that would be perfect on Bianca. It was a tight green halter dress.I picked it up and ran to

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