American library books Β» Romance Β» I Doubt I Will Survive Living With These Guys (Old Version-Editing) by Alyza Slaton (little red riding hood ebook .TXT) πŸ“•

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I tensed, closing my eyes tightly. No, don't think about her. Think about Lexi. The girl you've loved for years. Melanie's warm, familiar lips were suddenly on mine. The feel of her lips on mine had the memories rushing back.

I kissed her back, clenching my fist but it didn't help, I need to feel her. My arms, on their own accord, wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer.

In the back of my mind, I knew this was bad. Seeing how I'm with Lexi. Lexi...

I ripped myself away from Melanie, shaking my head, "Stay away from me. I want nothing to do with you. I'm finally happy. You're not going to ruin that!"

Little did I know, I already had.
Melanie's Back

After the game, Dallas ran up to me, grinning. "We won!"

I raised my brows, looking away from him, "I noticed."

"What's wrong?" He frowned, squatting to my level

"Nothing." I threw him a fake smile and limped over to my bag, scooping it up and putting it on my shoulder

Bianca pulled my into a tight hug, "Are you okay? I should go rip her extensions out!"

I chuckled, "It's fine. They wrapped me up good."

Kayden appeared behind Bianca, a large grin on his face. Bianca pulled away and hopped over to the smiling team. Kayden began walking towards me but I turned around and talked to Kenzii who was behind me.

"Good job, Kenzii. You were amazing." I smiled, allowing her to pull me into a hug

"You were know...until you got hurt." She said awkwardly, looking around, "Now, I feel like breaking the little girls face." She grunted, crossing her arms over her chest

I smiled, "Well, don't. Don't need you getting suspended."

Kenzii rolled her eyes, smiling, "Okay. Only because you said not to." She skipped away to the rest of the girls

"Lexi?" Kayden's voice rang behind me

Clenching my teeth, I turned to him and sharply asked, "What?"

He flinched, his browns furrowing into a frown, "What's wrong with you?"

My hand flew out and connected with his cheek, "You know exactly what's wrong with me, Kayden."

Kayden flexed his jaw, reaching out to me. I slapped his hand away and turned around, limping through the crowd of cheering people.

"Hey!" Dallas yelled, grabbing hold of my shoulder, "What was that about, Alexis?"

Jerking out of his hold, I continued walking, "Ask Kayden. Or better yet, Melanie."

Pulling my keys out of my bag, I unlocked my car door and slid in, starting the car.

"Whoa, whoa, what do you think you're doing?" Xavier asked, opening my car door, "Get out. You can't drive."

"Yes, I can." I said firmly, trying to shut the door

"Don't make me pick you up. I'm tired and lazy. Please get out willingly." He sighed lazily, leaning against the door, his dark brown eyes staring down at me

Huffing, I got out and walked around to the passenger side, getting in and buckling up. Xavier got in and put his seat belt on.

"So, you okay?" Xavier asked, glancing at me as he carefully backed out

"My ankle is fine." I said, staring out the window

"No, are you. I saw Kayden and Melanie. Also, I saw you hit him." He smiled, pulling onto the road

"I'm fine. Should have seen this coming. She was the first girl he ever loved." I shrugged, "She can have him. I don't care."

"Melanie wasn't the first girl he loved. She was the only one he was allowed to love." Xavier said, looking over at me

"What do you mean?" I asked, turning to him

"He's loved you since you were eight, Lexi. But you know Dallas' rule. None of us were allowed to date you. I don't know why he would ruin his chances with you. It's probably the only chance Dallas will give him."

I nodded, looking out the window again, "It's whatever. I knew he was a player but...I don't know." I bite my bottom lip, leaning my head against the window

Xavier grabbed my hand, giving it a light squeeze, "It's going to be alright. I highly doubt he wants Melanie back. You should talk to him."

"I don't want to talk to him." I said, exhaling deeply, "He can get back with Melanie. I'm done. I won't let him hurt me."

"He's not a cheater, Lexi. You know that." He murmured

"Well, he cheated tonight. I'm glad I found out before I fell for him more than I already have." I huffed, waiting for him to park the car in the drive way

When he did, I pulled my hand out of his and unbuckled my seat belt, getting out of the car. I slowly limped to the front door and opened it, immediately getting tackled by Aaron.

"Did you win!?" He screamed, lifting my up into his arms

I nodded, "Yeah."

He squealed, pressing his lips to my forehead, "I'm so proud!"

I smiled, "Can you let me down?"

"Fine." He muttered, setting me on my feet

Nodding, I limped passed him and into the kitchen.

"What's wrong with your foot?" Aaron asked, narrowing his eyes on me

"Girl kicked it." I murmured, opening the fridge, "Did you order something to eat?"

"Chinese is in the microwave." Vince said, walking in, "Did you have fun?"

"Some b*tch messed up her ankle!" Aaron yelled, his green eyes ablaze

"Really?" Noah asked, "Someone caught up to you?" He smirked, "I have to meet this girl. She's the new love of my day."

I rolled my eyes, pushing him away from me, "Shut up."

Nate bounced in, grinning, "Ello, love."

"Hey." I smiled, grabbing the Chinese from the microwave

Justin walked in, smirking, "Hey, babe. Whatcha doin' tonight?"

"Not you." I smirked, grabbing a fork from the drawer

Justin smacked my a*s, "You will someday."

I glared at him, "Don't do it again."

He slapped it again, "What are you going to do? You're crippled."

"I'll sick Vincent on you." I smirked, watching Vince's head snap to us

"Fa sho." He mumbled through his bite of my Chinese

I pushed him away and started eating. A door slammed and Dallas walked in, his face red, fist clenched.

"I'm pissed." He growled, his chest rising and falling rapidly

"What happened?" Vincent asked, leaning against the counter beside me

"Kayden cheated on Lexi with Melanie!" Dallas yelled, making me turn bright red

"What?" Vince asked, turning to me, "Is this true?"

I nodded, looking away from his intense, angry eyes.

"Hell, I'm pissed." Vince grunted, "Where is he?"

"I don't know. When I went back to find him, he was gone. I had to ask Melanie." Dallas ran a hand through his hair

"Where's Bianca?" I asked, taking a big bite of food

"I dropped her off at home. Her mom needed her." He explained, clenching his hands

"So, what I'm hearing is that you're single." Justin tried to lighten the mood, his green eyes holding the anger he felt

I rolled my eyes, slowly walking out of the kitchen, "Not for you."

Standing in front of the stairs, I felt dread seep in. Someone scooped me up and started walking up the stairs. Turning my head, I smiled at Vince and took a bite of chicken. Vince walked passed my room and to his, opening the door and walking in. He shut the door with his foot and laid me down on the bed.

"Thanks." I smiled, scooting up a little, "So, how's your guy going?" I asked

"We're not going anymore." He said, laying down beside me

"Why?" I frowned, turning to him

"We both found someone different. We are still friends and everything." He said, locking his hands together behind his head

"Who's your someone?" I asked, setting my food down on his nightstand to poke his cheek

He turned to me, "You don't want to know."

"But I do!" I groaned, "Have you at least told her or him?"

"If I told her, everything would be ruined. Besides, she's kind of taken." He shrugged, looking at his celing

"Tell me!" I shook him, poking his nose

"No. What's the point? I'm never going to be able to be with her. Someone else has her heart." He said quietly, sighing

"Vincent, please. I can help you get with her." I whined, wrapping my arm around his waist

"No. Maybe someday." He smiled, running a hand through my hair

"Fine." I grunted

After five minutes of silence, I closed my eyes and tried not to think of Kayden. Vince pulled me closer, laying his head next to mine.

"It's you, Lexi. It always has been." I heard him whisper


Text: Alyza Slaton
Images: Bing
Editing: Alyza Slaton
Publication Date: 05-04-2011

All Rights Reserved

To All My Readers who Inspire Me Everyday.

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