American library books ยป Romance ยป I Doubt I Will Survive Living With These Guys (Old Version-Editing) by Alyza Slaton (little red riding hood ebook .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซI Doubt I Will Survive Living With These Guys (Old Version-Editing) by Alyza Slaton (little red riding hood ebook .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Alyza Slaton

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Dallas put his face close to Kaydenโ€™s, โ€œIโ€™ll slice you.โ€

Bianca laughed from beside me, โ€œLeave them alone, Dallas.โ€

Dallas looked at her and sighed before glaring at Kayden, slowly releasing his hair.

Kayden patted his hair down before pulling me onto his lap, straddling him.

โ€œOh my gosh! Do you not take me seriously, Kayden White?!โ€ Dallas yelled

Kayden shook his head, โ€œNope. I donโ€™t take you seriously. Whatโ€™re you going to slice me with? Your finger?โ€

โ€œBiancaโ€™s earrings.โ€ Dallas stated, completely serious

โ€œNo youโ€™re not! These are my favorite earrings.โ€ Bianca glared as she held her earrings protectively against her neck

โ€œKidding.โ€ Dallas laughed as he pulled her onto his lap

I looked back at Kayden, his eyes trapped mine. My blue-green eyes clashing with his brown.

My arms wrapped around his neck as his wrapped around my body. He smiled and I couldnโ€™t stop the smile that formed on my lips.

โ€œYouโ€™re so beautiful.โ€ He whispered

โ€œNot so bad yourself.โ€ I teased

โ€œYouโ€™re saying Iโ€™m beautiful? Psh, Iโ€™m sexy.โ€ He smirked

I scoffed, โ€œYeah right.โ€

โ€œYoou admitted that I was the hottest Senior earlier.โ€ He wriggled his brows

โ€œIn the heat of the moment.โ€ I laughed, โ€œI didnโ€™t want to be braโ€™s.โ€

โ€œOkay.โ€ He said sarcastically, โ€œYou said it because you know itโ€™s true.โ€

โ€œDidnโ€™t say it wasnโ€™t.โ€ I shook my head

He laughed, โ€œThank you for thinking Iโ€™m the hottest Senior. Ego booster, right there.โ€

I rolled my eyes and laughed. Dallas popped out of nowhere and poked Kaydenโ€™s neck before running back over to Bianca.

Kayden stared after him in shock, โ€œWhat the hell?! That hurt!โ€

โ€œIt was suppose too.โ€ Dallas stated

Kayden glared at Dallas and Dallas stared back evenly.

My brother is weird.
Chapter 15: I'mma get you!

Jason Martin came back and sat down next to Coach with a clip board.

"Again." Coach said loudly

Huffing, I got off Kayden's lap and stomped over to the field, ripping my shirt off.

We got in our teams again but this time, Bianca was allowed to be shirts. Ugh! It's not fair.

I got in position and grinned at Bianca. She wriggled her brows, "You're goin' down Ryan's."

"Bish, please." I scoffed and kept my eyes locked on hers as I kicked the ball to Kenzii

Bianca glared at me as we ran after Kenzii. Kenzii passed the ball to me and I ran as fast as I
could to the goal, leaving everybody behind.

"Whoooo!" Kayden and Dallas' screamed sounded

I looked over and rolled my eyes, seeing that they had taken their shorts off and were swinging it around their heads, twirling their hips.

Kicking the ball in, I stopped to stare at them. Wow. They're freaks.

"Stop staring!" Coached laughed

"Tell them to put their shirts on then!" Bianca backed me up

The girls laughed and got in position as I ran back to them. I got in position and Lucy kicked
the ball towards me. I turned around and bolted to the goal.

Amanda had her game face on this time, a small smirk played at her lips. Laughing, I kicked it in without difficulty as I faked left and kicked it in right.

She huffed but grinned, "Gosh, Ryan's!"

I laughed, "It's what I do."

Amanda rolled her eyes and kicked the ball out and towards the girls.

"Can we be finished?" Lucy grunted, wiping the sweat off her forehead

"No." Coach said simply

"Oh, hell nah!" Bianca and I screamed as Coach called Dallas and Kayden to her

The boys' were smirking, swaggering over to her.

"Both shirts." Coach chuckled as they groaned in disappointment

"Fine." They sighed flatly and walked over to us

"Didn't you learn your lesson last time?" I asked Kayden as he got in the centre forward position without knowing it

"That lady is out to get me." He stated, glancing at Coach

"Out to get you?" I laughed and flicked his forehead, "She doesn't even know you."

"She's still out to get me." He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest

I looked over at Dallas and he looked confused, "Is this a spot, Lex?"

"No." I chuckled and he stepped over a little

"Is it now?"

"Sure." I shook my head, "Kenzii, kicker."

Kenzii groaned, "Fiiine!"

Bianca's team got the ball and Kayden and Dallas protected Jackie, the girl with the ball.

That's so not cool!

I tried getting through their barriers but I epically failed.

Running beside Kayden, I smirked at him before twisting his ear. He immediately stops running and whined loudly. I run up to Jackie and kick the ball from between her legs.

Dallas runs with me, not knowing what to do. I turned around, leaving him behind. I kicked the ball to Miranda, a girl on my team and she ran to the goal, kicking it in.

"Boom-shaka-laka!" I grinned, "Can we be done, NOW?"

"Yes." Coach sighed

"Hallelujah!" Bianca screamed, running off the field

Dallas laughed and ran after her as Kayden came and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Good job, baby."

"You need a little work but thank you." I smiled and turned in his arms

He hugged me tightly, hurting my boobs.

"My boobs." I groaned in pain

"Are huge." He added, thinking it was SOOOOO funny

"Your head is huge." I scrunched my face up and got out of his arms, walking away

He jogged after me, "It's not bad to have huge boobs. I like 'em!"

"You would." I chuckled and picked up my shirt, slipping it on

"Do you have a fourth period class?" Kayden asked, grabbing his backpack

"No, you?" I asked

"Nope. Does Bianca and Dallas have a fourth?"

"Uh...I don't think so." I said, walking over to the bleachers

"Let's go somewhere. All of us seeing, as Dallas does not trust me." He glared at the ground

"He trusts you." I shook my head and punched Coaches arm as I walked by

"Ryan's!" She hissed, rubbing her arm

"Yes, Coach?" I asked innocently

"C'mere." She beckoned me with her finger

I walked closer. "Closer, Ryan's."

Cautiously, I stood in front of her. She punched me, hard.

"Damn it!" I groaned loudly, cradling my arm. "Oh, I'mma get you good! Watch out! I'm everywhere!"

Jason Martin laughed before looking back down at his clip board, writing something.

Glaring at Coach, I walked away.

Oh, yeah. I'mma get her.

Hurt--In More Than One Way

Kayden, Dallas, Bianca, and I finally came up with a plan to get coach back. Right now, we're at our house, in the living room, trying to make a fake cast.

"No, Kayden, you're stupid! That's not how you do it!" Bianca yelled, pushing Kayden's face away from my leg

"Yes, it is!" He screamed, going back to work on the ugly cast

"Um, I don't think you're doing it right, Kayden." I muttered, not wanting to make him seem stupid

He glared at me, "Shut it. It is how you do it!"

"Bro, it's not." Dallas shook his head, "We should've just went over to Bianca's house. Her mom is a doctor."

Kayden rolled his eyes and huffed, leaning back, "Whatever."

I laughed, running my right hand through his thick brown hair, "It's okay. If it helps, you looked sexy making an ugly cast."

Kayden grunted, standing up, "I'm going to wash my hands. Dallas, Bianca, you make me sick."

Dallas laughed, "Love you, too, Kayd."

"Maybe if we just smooth it out a little, it'll look like a cast." Bianca said, rubbing the cast down

Soon, the cast actually looked like a cast.

"This is the best idea to get a soccer coach back in the history of the world." Bianca stated, grinning

I laughed, letting Dallas pull me into a standing position, "Crutches, please."

Kayden handed them to me and I smiled, putting them under my underpits. I nodded,

"This is a pretty good idea. What time is it?"

"Three o' clock." Dallas said, making my eyes widen

"You guys took three hours to make a fake cast? And you're calling Kayden stupid?" I shook my head at Bianca, chuckling

Bianca scoffed, "I'm genius! I made the cast look good."

I smiled, "You did, thanks."

She popped her collar, "No probs."

Chuckling, I set the crutches aside and sat down on Kayden's lap. He smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Kayden, you're going to die in your sleep." Dallas stated, his glare showing he was serious

"He'll be in my room...again. With the door locked." I smirked, watching Dallas' eyes widened in shock before they turned to anger

"You were in my sisters room?! Alone?!" He screeched, throwing his arms in the air

"I was." Kayden nodded, a cocky smirk playing on his lips

I playfully slapped his shoulder, "Don't be cocky about it, jerk."

He smiled at me before looking back at Dallas, "Yeah, her bed is soft...and bouncy. It's like it was made for her and I."

Dallas' mouth fell open, "Please tell me you're kidding."

"I am but you totally believed it!" Kayden laughed, his chest vibrating against my back

Dallas laughed sarcastically, "Ha ha ha. I will kill you. Don't play around like that, douche!"

Kayden rolled his eyes, shifting slightly, "I think we should get ready to go to the school. Don't you guys have to be there eariler than everybody else?"

"Yeah." I sighed, standing up

Dallas' basketball shorts slid down slightly and I pulled them up,

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