American library books Β» Romance Β» I Doubt I Will Survive Living With These Guys (Old Version-Editing) by Alyza Slaton (little red riding hood ebook .TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«I Doubt I Will Survive Living With These Guys (Old Version-Editing) by Alyza Slaton (little red riding hood ebook .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Alyza Slaton

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off my mascara. I brushed my teeth and went back into the room. Bianca wasn't there. Guess she went back downstairs. I opened my door and ran downstairs. Guess what?

There's no more seats. ONCE again. I sighed and sat on J.T.'s lap and put my feet on Chris. We started watching Silent Library on MTV.

This show is so weird and nasty sometimes.

I looked over and saw Kayden looking at me. I frowned and raised my eye brown. He shook his head and looked away. My frown deepened. Okay then.

I felt someone touch my leg. I looked over at Chris.

"Don't touch." I told him

He laughed and set his hand on my calf. "If it's on my lap, I can touch it." He said

"Fine." I said lifting my legs off his lap and standing up. Then I say back on J.T's lap so my back was against him.

"Happy?" I asked

"Ugh." Was all he said

I laughed and started watching T.V again.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Jerriko suggested

We all say okay and piled into a circle.

"Okay, Bianca, T or D?" Jerriko asked

"Dare." She said without hesitation

"Kiss Dallas. Tongue and all for a minute." He said

Dallas smirked and mouth a thank you to Jerriko. Bianca glared at Jerriko as she got up and walked over to Dallas. She sat down next to him and grabbed his neck. She crushed her lips to his and they started making-out. I looked away disgusted.

"Okay, minutes up." Jerriko said

Bianca pulled away from Dallas who was smiling like an idiot. She wiped her mouth and came to sit next to me again.

"Disgusting." She whispered to me

"Yeah, it was disgusting to watch." I whispered back

"Okay, Noah, T or D?" Bianca asked Noah

"Dare." He said

Bianca smirked. You never want to pick dare if Bianca asks you. "Seven minutes in heaven with Chris."


!" Chris yelled

Bianca laughed and nodded.

Chris flared his nostrils and stomped over to the hallway closet. I laughed quietly and Noah followed his with a frown of disgust on his face. They slammed the door shut.

"And we need some proof!" Bianca yelled

"Whatever!" They yelled

We set a timer for seven minutes.

Seven minutes later Chris and Noah came out looking thoroughly disgusted. They came and sat down. Chris handed Bianca his phone.

"That picture DOES NOT GET OUT

!" They yelled

Bianca grabbed the phone and we looked at it together. It showed a picture of Chris and Noah lip-locked.

We bust out laughing and we hand the phone to the guys who start laughing as well.

"Ha ha, it's sooo funny." Noah said sarcastically

I sobered up some. "I'm sorry that's just so funny. Haha."

Chris and Noah just glared at us.

"Whatever. Aaron T or D?" Noah asked

"Truth." Dallas said

"Way to ruin it but okay. How many girls have you slept with?"

"59." Dallas said without hesitation

"Gross." I muttered

"Whatever. Lexi T or D?" Dallas asked me


"I dare you up and down the street in your underwear twice screaming 'I'm lezbo'

." He said

"Weirdo." I muttered getting up.

I went to the front door with everybody following me. It was pretty hot outside. I stripped my clothes and walked down the porch stairs. I went out to the road and started running while sreaming 'I'm lezbo'. I did that twice and then went back to the porch where everyone stood.

"Happy?" I asked Dallas


I grabbed my clothes and put them back on. We all went inside and sat back down.

"Vince? T or D?" I asked him'

"Dare." He said

"Call your mom and say 'Mom...I'm gonna be a father'."

His mom's gonna freak.

He took his phone out and put it on speaker phone.

"Hey sweetie." His mom said

"Hey mom...I have something to tell you." He said feigning nervousness

"What is it?" She asked

"I'm gonna be a father."

"What?! How?! Why?!" She scream questions at him

He laughed and hung up.

"Justin, T or D?" Vince asked Justin

"Kiss Jerriko." Vince said

"What's up with this group and kissing?" Jerriko and Justin asked

"On the lips?" Justin asked

Vince nodded and Justin groaned. They both leaned over to each other. Their lips touched and then they pulled back and wiped their mouths.

I giggled. Two players kissing is just funny.

"Ugh, ewwwww. Zave T or D?" Justin asked


"Out of Bianca and Lexi who would you like to kiss more?" Justin asked

"Lexi." Xavier said

I gagged and looked away.

"Kayden, T or D?" Xavier asked Kayden


"What celebrity do you want to kiss the most?" Xavier asked

"Kristanna Loken. She looks just like Lexi." He said smirking

I rolled my eyes.

"Lexi, T or D?" Kayden asked me

"Dare." I said

"Kiss Bianca." He said

Bianca and I looked at each other in pure horror. We stayed like that for a while.

"Any day now." Kayden said

"This is horrible. Tongue?" I said to him

'Please say no, please say no.'

"Yes. Now get on wit' it." He said

I looked back at Bianca and we started leaning toward each other. Our lips met and we kept our eyes open.

"Tongue." Kayden sang

I growled, closed my eyes and shoved my tongue in her mouth. Ewwwww. Her tongue dances with mine. All I was thinking was 'Ewwwww'.

"Okay you guys can stop." Kayden said huskily

We pulled apart and started wiping our mouths on anything we could. We looked at all the guys and saw lustful looks on their faces.

They were all moving around trying to hid their boners. Nasties!

"You guys are gross!" We yelled

"That was so hot!" They yelled. Even Cam. The guys are rubbing off on him

"NO IT WASN'T!" We yelled

They started laughing and we just glared at them.

"J.T. T or D?" I asked J.T.


"Dare you to kiss....Vince. Tongue and everything, two minutes." I said evilly

He glared at me and turned to Vincent. He shook his head and Vincent look fearful. J.T. leaned into Vince and set his lips on Vince's.

"Tongue." I sang

J.T groaned and opened Vince's mouth. They french kissed for three minutes. But I didn't tell them they could stop.They pulled apart after three minutes.

"That was way longer than two minutes!" J.T. yelled

"Yup. Three." I said smirking

"Why would you do that?!" He asked/yelled

"It was hot." I said

"No. It wasn't." J.T. and Vince said exasperated

"Yeah it was." Bianca said backing me up

They rolled their eyes.

"Nate, T or D?" J.T asked


"I dare you to make out with Lexi's Channing Tatum poster." J.T said

Nate shrugged and got up.

"That's my poster. I don't want his lips on it!" I yelled

"Too bad!" J.T. yelled

Everybody ran upstairs and into my room. He has to kiss my Channing Tatum poster! Ugh!

He walked up to the poster and started making out with it. I about cried.

He finished and wiped his mouth off. He smirked at me.

"Best make out session EVER

." He yelled

"Wipe it off!" I yelled

He chuckled and grabbed a towel next to him. He wiped my poster off. I walked up to it.

"I'm sorry you had to endure that." I apologized to Channing

I turned around and glared at J.T. and Nate.

"Let's play in here. I don't want to go back down stairs." Jerriko said plopping down on my bed

"Cam, T or D?" Nate asked Cam

"Dare." He said

"Dare you to french kiss Lexi." Nate said

"Why do you guys always want me to kiss people?" I asked

Cam shrugged and scooted over to me. He grabbed my jaw in his hand and kissed me softly. He's a pretty good kisser. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me. I deepened the kiss-

"Stop." Nate said

We just continued kissing. We eventually pulled apart. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Pretty good sophomore." I told him

"Not so bad yourself junior." He said chuckling

Everybody was staring at me.

"What?" I asked

"I want a turn to kiss you." Chris whined

"You just might with all this kissing you guys are making me do." I said

We continued to play and I ended up having to kiss half of the guys.

Everybody left my room and went to theirs. Bianca stayed in my room and Cam went to the guest room. The other guys went to their rooms. Me and Bianca stayed up till two in the morning and then fell asleep. I woke up three hours later thirsty. I got up and stumbled down stairs. I walked into the kitchen and went to the sink without turning the light on.

I grabbed a cup from the cabinet. I filled it up and drank it. I put the cup in the sink and turned around. Someone cleared their throat and I jumped startled. I looked at the table and saw someone sitting there.

"Who's there?" I asked

"It's me. Vince." He said

"Oh, why're you up so late?" I asked walking over to him

"Can't sleep." He said

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked sitting beside him

"It's big." He said looking at me

I took his hand in mine. "You can trust me." I said looking into his eyes

He took a deep breath. "You promise not to disown me as a friend or anything?" I nodded and he continued "I'm bi."

"What? How long? When?" I asked

"About a month. But I like guys a little more." He said looking sad and not making eye contact with me

"Is this why you don't go looking for girls with the guys anymore?" I asked

He nodded.

"Does anyone else know?" I asked


"I don't understand. Your a player." I said confused

"I only do that stuff so the guys won't find out." He said

I grabbed his face gently. "Look at me." I said softly

He slowly raised his eyes to meet mine.

"You don't have to be ashamed." I said quietly

"I'm bi Lexi. How can I not be?" He asked just as quiet

"It's not like they'd disown you as their friend." I said

"Your not going to tell them right?" He asked panicked

"No. I when I said you could trust me I meant it." I said

"I just don't want to be like this. I want to be normal." He said quietly

"It's not your fault and your one of the most normal people I know. Besides until the guys find out you get to hang out with awesome me." I said

He smiled slightly and put his hand over mine that was still on his cheek.

"Thank you." He whispered

"Not a prob Bob." I said smiling

"Your the best Lexi."

"I know." I

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