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The Universe

Laurentiu Mihaescu

Absolute and Relative

Third edition, January 2019

English translation: Laurentiu Mihaescu

Copyright Β© 2016 by Laurentiu Mihaescu. All rights reserved.

The copyright law protects this digital book, which is intended for personal use only. You may display its content on a computer screen or on a compatible reading device. Any reproduction, printing, lending, exchanging, or trading, including distribution in any form over the Internet or in print is strictly forbidden.

Premius Publishing, 2016,

ISBN 978-606-93843-5-0

1. Introduction

The scientific knowledge helps us to decipher the secrets of all things in this Universe, to solve the mysteries of their emergence and of their interactions. Better or less good explanations were given across the ages, using different terms and means. Democritus has tried to show that all objects are composed of very small, indivisible particles called atoms; he also said that the connections between atoms made all things possible and allowed the diversity of matter. It was a logical, pure rational explanation, highly advanced for those times, which has opened the gates of the true scientific approach.

Science and philosophy progressed a lot since then; now, after more than two thousand years, we have a fairly complete picture of atoms. Many scientific experiments have led to the development of some quantum physics theories that all suggested the existence of an internal structure of atoms; thus, the atoms proved to be formed of smaller things, later called particles. These new entities, elementary or composite, are all interacting due to different forces that are generated by some special "fields". Currently, the Standard Model of particle physics explains quite satisfactorily all interactions of these matter constituents, at quantum level. Along with the Theory of Relativity, it succeeded to provide an almost perfect model of reality; the connections between time, space, energy and mass were transposed in simple and general equations, at both quantum and macroscopic scales. However, with all the scientific development over the last hundred years, there are still many unanswered questions. For example, this universal force called gravity, which links all the bodies from the outer space, does not have yet a complete physical and theoretical explanation, unanimously accepted by scientists. The equations giving the magnitude of the gravitational forces have all been written, and the 'curvature' of space around massive bodies has been well quantified. However, a clear explanation about what causes the gravity, about the true nature of this field (and even of the other ones) is still expected. A couple of new theories have appeared lately, Quantum Gravity and String Theory; despite their exotic beauty, the expected enlightenment is not brought yet upon this subject. Gravity seems to be now even more difficult to understand and its mystery is deepening.

As some objective limitations are present in the experimental field, matter cannot be "probed" below a certain dimensional scale, regardless of technology; therefore, a great opportunity arises for physicists and mathematicians, namely to develop new theories that may be based more on imagination instead on concrete aspects. The same thing is also happening at cosmic scale, where we have already reached some limits of observation.

In order to overcome many of these obstacles, my recent decision was to add one more "layer" to the description of all things, at a truly fundamental, sub-quantum level. The related theory of physics was widely presented in a book named Prime Theory [6] that has been published a year ago. Space was considered as having a granular structure, which means that matter, at any level, is actually made of a unique raw material; in addition, all characteristics of this granular constituent have been described in great detail. Therefore, logically and unequivocally, rational explanations have been easily shaped for all the subjects remained in question, such as gravity, mass, electric charge and fields. The mechanisms of granular interaction have offered a common ground to describe all fields, including the gravitational one; it also allowed detailed explanations over the genesis, shape and stability of any elementary particle. And we are not going back in time this way, to the 19st or 20th century, when the problem of spatial graininess was seriously taken into account; we rather make an important progress by inserting this necessary corollary of new principles into the Quantum Physics. All the quantum mechanisms will therefore have a surplus of determinism and rational, while many of the basic principles remain unchanged. At the fundamental level of matter, however, the elementary rules of interactions have all been extended and adapted, but this will lead eventually to reasonable and causal explanations for any known phenomenon.

If we detach ourselves a little from the usual, these things would seem normal and no one should be surprised. It is natural that, once the scale is reduced to the granular level, the complexity decreases and all the interaction laws become simpler, reaching an absolute elementary. Also, it seems natural that matter of any kind has a common and unique factor, a minimal ingredient that only operates on a basic set of rules. The initial granular fluxes (much stronger) generated the first stable rotational structures and then imposed their interaction rules; the most part of particles in our Universe were produced in this way. It also seems normal that there is a minimal level of energy, the granular level, which determines the conservative interactions between granules or those between fields and particles. These are the natural explanations for a deterministic and causal reality, which all were given in detail by the Prime Theory for a presumed closed, perpetual moving and forever expanding Universe; they also include a profound relativization of all the nature's laws, starting from the lowest possible level of matter - the granular one. However, a new reference point will be further added to this deeply relative Universe, especially by the Theory of the Absolute chapter. As far as it is possible, the connection with the actual formulas and theories of physics (in particular with the Theory of Relativity) will be closely maintained. This is my personal attempt to put the cornerstone of a new construction, intended to succeed describing the physical reality in an exhaustively manner. My approach is clearly deterministic, entirely based on knowing the concrete nature of things; as we really understand their working mechanisms, we may write all the mathematical equations that could describe them precisely. There are causes and there are effects for any phenomenon. The mathematical equations, which are trying to express the rules by formalism, are not fixing the true meanings of things and phenomena, only their objective nature might do that! Thus, some limits and solutions of these equations do not always have a physical equivalent in the real world! Consequently, the natural order of steps a scientist should make is this: firstly, he gets to the basic meanings of reality, then analyzes and understands them, and finally he may try to elaborate the appropriate theories. Even this kind of theories, sometimes excessively abstract, must be continually corrected and improved while we are gaining more and more concrete knowledge of the physical phenomena.

2. Absolute and Relative

2.1. Universe - Time Zero

Let's analyze all things in a temporal and causal context, where the Primary Universe would have been born through the First Bang, then it evolved, transformed, its matter aggregates and then compresses, and new universes were finally generated through other Big Bangs. PT made a detailed description of the creation of the Primary Universe: it all has started from an undefined "nothingness", which through an essentially mechanical process (like a fluctuation) has been separated at a given time into those two constituents of space, the "full" and the "empty" ones. Thus, the entire raw material has been created in a compact form: we have in fact a huge "primordial granule", filled with matter, enclosed within an empty three-dimensional space, where it may move in any direction. The fundamental equation that describes the genesis of the Primary Universe may now be written:

0 = X - X   (1)

This equality should be only regarded from left to right, because it means a transformation, an irreversible separation of the nothingness (0) in two different, complementary things, something (X) and anti-something (-X). More specifically, both space and matter appeared this way, as a closed three-dimensional framework and respectively, as primordial granule. However, there still are a few unknown things in this scenario, like the origin and the consistency of that "nothingness". The mystery behind the Universe's genesis could last forever; any theoretical hypothesis we would formulate, it cannot be applied at this first moment of time, when a very clear limit of the principle of causality is reached. Moreover, a closed Universe objectively adds some cognitive barriers, which all suddenly appear when you try to define and analyze a unique primordial material.

This genesis process continues as follows: the primordial granule, whose material is characterized by a perfect elasticity, begins to divide. Initially, it only splits up in two parts, and this is the first mechanical movement that has ever appeared. Those two halves started to move, one to the other, inside that elastic "bubble" of space. As it has been shown in PT, this granular division will continue faster and faster, and increasingly smaller fragments of matter will collide at increasingly higher speeds; this whole phenomenon is naturally accompanied by the expansion of the spherical space – the empty frame where all this happened.

At the end of the division process, a virtually infinite number of infinitesimal granules results from that primordial, huge granule of matter (presumed fixed); they all are continuously moving, perpetually bumping into each other and into the edges of space. This is a simple mechanistic hypothesis, but it is the only one that justifies the formation of those two components of the Universe; it explains how the granules were formed, why they are moving and how the granular aggregation led to the creation of all elementary particles. The initial energy, as this Primary Universe's birth model has presumed, remained constant throughout the entire process of division and expansion. Moreover, the Third Fundamental Law of PT shows that the sum of all granular energies in our closed Universe is constant over time (remark - these fundamental laws do refer to any universe would have been created, if there were several). If we accept the Law of global energy conservation (energy assumed to be only of mechanical nature), it results that this constant value is the exact amount of energy held by all of the granules at their emergence moment, which is equal to that of the primordial granule.

We may say, in this context, that the primordial energy did not exist. According to the formula (1), the energy has simply appeared from nothing, in form of space and matter. However, each of these components contains an equal amount of energy, but of different signs. A moment later, the energy of that primordial matter was uniformly distributed in a simple conservative process of division; it was actually transferred to an infinite number of granules, being transposed into their motion. The same process creates and expands the three-dimensional geometric space - that place where all granules are moving and which contains the other half of energy.

The hypothetical First Bang and those Big Bangs that followed are similar cosmic events; they gave "birth" to very similar systems (as structure and as functionality), called universes. However, three differences may be mentioned here:

1. Localization:  FB was a phenomenon dispersed across the whole volume

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