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The Beginning of My Stupidity

The Lexi Starr Incident
By April Harrington

That’s what they called it. The Lexi Starr Incident. You may not believe it, but vampires are real. We all knew it, it was common knowledge. It wasn’t an oddity, as people like you like to think. But it had never been this close. Not in Galesburg, Michigan. My name is Lexi Starr. And as you may have guessed, I’m a vampire. I guess I’ll tell you how it all happened. Might as well.
It was October 15. It was bitterly cold, and windy, but I didn’t mind. I liked it. As I was walking home from school with my friend and next door neighbor, Willow, it happened.
“Lexi, do you feel like someone’s watching you? ‘Because I do.” Willow said. Maybe I should explain Willow. She was blond, and thin as a rail. A five year old could beat her in a fight. Willow was always paranoid, but I actually did feel like someone was watching me.
“Yeah, weird right?” I said. I looked behind us. Sure enough, there were these two odd looking guys wearing black suits following us. “Okay, do they look like stalkers or what?” Suddenly, as we turned onto our deserted street, the men seemed to go faster. The first one was pale as snow and bald. The other was black and really tall.
“Oh my god, we have to get away from these weirdo’s, or-“Willow never finished her sentence. The bald guy grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth.
“Keep quiet, and we might let you go. It’s her we want anyways.” He said.
“Me?” I asked. “What do you want with me? I’m just an oboe playing band geek!”
“You are one of them.”
“One of who? The band?”
“Stop pretending you don’t know.”
“Well, if you enlighten me on this extremely interesting subject, I might know.”
The one who wasn’t holding Willow smacked me in the face. “You are a vampire, Alexandrina Starr. You will come with us, and we will let your friend go. If you come with us, no one will get hurt.”
“You promise not to hurt Willow?”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“Then okay. Let’s go.” The man let go of Willow, who, with a startled look on her face, ran down the street and into her house. And then everything went black.

When I woke up, I was in a bedroom that looked exactly like I would like my bedroom. Punk rock posters all over the walls, purple furniture, a high tech computer, everything. It was perfect, except for one thing. The two men, sitting on chairs, watching me.
“What do you want?” I asked them. I was in a bed, and it had dark purple satin sheets, and it was perfect, and I would be happy. Except for obvious reasons, I wasn’t.
“We’ll leave you to change into some better clothes. After that, just open your door and come out, and we will be waiting to explain everything. Got it?”
“Yeah, whatever” I said. They left, and I looked inside what must be my new closet. Inside, there were these amazing clothes. I brushed my hair, long and wavy black, and looked at the clothes. I got out a shirt with the band Queen on it, and some ripped black skinny jeans, and some purple high tops. And I was ready. I walked out the door. And the two men were waiting.
We walked down this really long hallway, and out into this huge room with long tables. This place had to be a castle. We sat down at one of the tables.
“Alexandrina Starr, you are a vampire. This place is a branch of Dracula’s Castle. As a vampire, you are a descendant of Dracula. No, your family are not vampires. It doesn’t run in the blood line. We choose our own. But you are now a descendant of Dracula. This isn’t a school, but you will stay here a while. Now you will meet the people you will be spending time with while you are here. It’s almost lunch time.”
Just as he said that, I heard the sound of footsteps. Then, a whole bunch of teenagers burst through the double doors of the school. When they saw the two men, they knelt. I stared awkwardly through it all. After they got up, the proceeded to the lunch line. I, naturally, followed, because I was starving.
Thank god, they didn’t have blood. That would not have been good. They had fish, so I got some of that, and some Mountain Dew. I sat down at an empty table. After I had been eating for about five minutes, a really hot guy came and sat down next to me. Wow, I thought to myself. You don’t see that every day.
“Hey” he said. “My name’s Jackson. Jackson Blane.” Okay, I have to admit, he was hot, but he was, how should I put it, stupid.
“Lexi Starr” I shook his hand. He ate lunch with me. We didn’t talk much; he didn’t have that much to say. After lunch, I started back to my room. I didn’t get very far; some girl stepped in front of me as I walked out the door.
“Why were you talking to my boyfriend?”
I tried to walk past her, but she blocked me again. “Can you please get out of my way?”
“Not until you answer my question.”
“Fine, whatever. He came up to me, and started talking. Got it?”
“I don’ believe you.”
”You don’t have to. Now get out of my way.”
“This isn’t over. Stay away from him, got it?”
“Yeah, whatever. He’s stupid anyways.” And then I walked away, the girl standing open mouthed behind me, staring. That’s when I made my decision. I was getting out of here. Because everyone here was crazy.

I spent the rest of the day plotting my escape. I walked around the castle, and found that they didn’t have an inch of security. That made escaping easy. As long as they didn’t have guards, I was practically free.

And it was easy. I took a bus back to Galesburg. I found I was somewhere on the outskirts of Kalamazoo. And I went home. My mother was crazy with worry. “Where have you been?!” she asked me. “Why didn’t you come home? I thought you got kidnapped or something!”
And of course, I lied. “I spent the night with Rachel. I thought I told you.”
“Maybe you did, I just forgot. But that doesn’t explain why you didn’t go to school!”
“I didn’t have school today.” And amazingly, she believed me. And so it was over.

I was fine for a couple of days, but then I started feeling weird. Thirsty. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep. And then one night, I ate my cat. I just couldn’t take it anymore! I was so thirsty. I just opened my door, saw Muffin, and went crazy. Amazingly, I didn’t get one drop of blood on the carpet. Mom assumed she ran away. I didn’t object.

And it started getting worse. After a month, I couldn’t stand it. I went on a rampage. I didn’t go to school. I just ran around in a black mask eating everyone in sight. But when the police came and there was no one left in the town, it’s not like I told them I ate them. They believed that an insane killer did it. I became a national celebrity for escaping the killer.

I enjoyed it for a couple of months. But then the people who worked at Dracula’s Castle came for me.

They only sent one person, and amazingly, I beat him. I was super strong ever since I had drunk all that blood. He snuck up on me, and I went all ninja and killed him.
And that was the start of my life as a vampire. I’m in my old house right now, writing this. This is where I live. No one lives in Galesburg anymore. They’re too scared that the killer will come back. After all, they never caught her. (My own private joke.) I’m afraid that the ghosts of my mother, and my friends, will come back to haunt me. But in a way, I want them to. I can’t stand what I did. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. They might be standing behind me right now………..


Publication Date: 10-15-2011

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