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Read book online Β«One Bite by Deaundre Brown (rooftoppers .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Deaundre Brown

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 This is the Second Book of my series "The Team" I hope you enjoy. I enjoy editing and writing. So yea. Enjoy. (IF YOU GET TO A PART THATS NOT DONE THEN RELAX, IM GETTING THERE. I STILL HAVE TO MANAGE SCHOOL TIME AND UPLOAD TO YOUTUBE. PLEASE NO HATE COMMENTS, But please feel free to favorite and comment all you like. Add me as a friend and ill text you when i edit and update. ENJOY

Chapter 1 Late In the second quarter

"Here we are late in the  second quarter and the Golden state Bandits are still down by two tochdowns. Fred Larson is doing one of his worst preformances in his entire carrer. Throwing four interceptions adn with a completion rate of fifty- six percent. If he doesn't strp up to the plate. This will be a huge loss for The Bandits. So far Fred has been passing the ball more often to Brent Myers and Bryan Myers. The twins playing a huge roll for this offense."  "This is it. We need to score here." shouted Jacob. My mind was filled with what if's and possibilites of losing. We truged onto the feild after the big third down inteerception by Lynal heckins. "Whats the call' shouted Jason from the hudle. "There wont be a call if we don't step it up on the field. We have to get the ball into the Green-Zone. The Green Zone was the area past the 20 yard line of the endzone. I looked over to coach who was waving his hands like a mad man. He drew a Z through the air, the pointed to the oposing team. " Alright JAson get ready, We got zig right 23 hole, Zig Right 23 hole. Snap it on Third, Ready Break." We came to the line with a huge burst of energy. Jason walked up to my left and hit my hip. Within seconds i knew he wanted me to hand him the ball on the right before he would run for the left. "READY?" I yelled as the line all balaced out. "RED 92, B FIRE." I shouted and almost imediatly the line shifted over to the right. " SET HIKE." The oposing team, the Rockets, jump through the line and yellow flags flew all over the field. A few seconds later, we were on the forty- yard line. We decided to run the exact same play but on the first call.

"READY, WOLF 95, WOLF 95 SET HIKE." My voice rumbled deep in my chest. The ball snaped hard into my hands and i pulledthe ball to the right. Jason was there within seconds to take the ball. As soon as jason touched the ball, I was hit. Hard. It felt like i had been hit by a full double decker bus. But within seconds all the pain drew away but a smell had caught my nose.  Almost as if another vampire was there. (If you havn't read my first book to this series, GO READ IT> IT EXPLAINS SO MUCH)

I glanced around looking for the man who hit me. He had vanished into the crowed of people chasing Jason as he ran down the field. I pushed my seelf off the ground and began jogging after the group. Although Me and Jason were strong enough to win the game by ourselfs, we try to be normal humans. The loud speaker came on and the man began yelling"TOUCHDOWN BANDIT" I turned around and began to jog off the feild to the sideline. I waited there for Jason to come up to me. After A few moments of Slaps on the helmet and yelling he walked up to me. "Great Play". I opened my mouth to speak but after realizing no words were coming out i just closed my mouth and stared at their sideline.

"Theres another. Another vampire was on the feild. He hit me as soon as i gave you the ball." i somehow managed to tear my eyes away from their sideline and up into the stands. I let my eyes gaze across the faces of the people watching. (I just realized that my first book was placed for sale. Its going to be 14 days before I can put it back on bookrix maybe) I thought back to That night in the car. Before Mr. Clark Gave me the bite that changed my life. Thoughts rushed through my head. "Would i have even made it this far without it. Why cant I  just turn the whole team into vampires and win this game"

 I realized that now i was staring at the oposite sideline again. Now someone was staring back. I know you can hear me Fred. A voice rang into my mind. I realized that the man standing across from me, staring deep into my eyes, was the other vampire. I gave a slight nod for him to continue. I will lay off on defense and alow your team to win if you make one simple deal. Join me and become the leader of our aliance. I knew that alliances liked to hunt down and kill Warewolfs, just like the WV hunter group. "Ill do it on one condition my friend doesnt get hurt.  I nodded in the direction of Jason, now over by the water coolers. 

Chapter 2 Your friend

Eli's POV

I stood behind the defensive line and listend to their play. They would be running the ball. I called out our formation and everyone began to move to teir spots on the field. I slowly creeped forward and leaned down to hide behind the D line. I looked to my left and waited for the ball to move. Seconds later the ball snaped into Fred's hands. I pushed the guy in front of me and ran through the line Just in time I thought as I inched closer to Fred. I slowed my pace and waited for him to give the ball to Jason, their starting running back. Every muscle in my body wanted to turn and jump on him and begin to tear each bone out of his body. But he was not the objective, getting fred to be the leader of our alliance was. I hit fred with all the power in my body, just to make sure he was a vampire. Any normal guy would have stayed on the ground and cried because every bone in him would have been broken on impact. Fred just began to stand up then froze. I let him catch a wiff of me. "TOUCHDOWN BANDITS"

At that signal i ran towards the endzone, full sprint so jason wouldn't see me. I stood behind the line once more but this time was for the feild goal.  I leaned on my heels and let the ball fly over my head for an extra point.I joged off the field and walked over to the water coolers. After picking up a water bottle i stood on the side line and began my search for fred. I saw him standing beside the warewolf, he muttered something but i didn't strain to hear it. I waited until The warewolf left his side to talk to fred. "I know you can hear me, Fred." I whispered the words and almost instantly his blue eyes looked deep into my hazle eyes. He gave a slight nod for me to continue so i did. "I will lay off on defense and let your team win if you make one simple deal. Join and become the leader of our alliance." i returned the burning gaze from fred. He seemed to be thinking about something. Ill do it on one condition. My friend doesnt get hurt.  he nodded in the direction of Jason, who was over by the water station.

"Your friend. Your friends with a Warewolf." I muttered so it would sound more like im yelling to him. "Fine. We wont touch him.". Just as i said that jackson threw an interception and our defense was being called. We jogged confidently onto the field. "Fred, run the ball to the left, we have a strong blitz coming from the right. " I muttered to him. He simply nodded. I walked to the line of scrimige and set my feet


 My fist book is now back on Book rix, so if you havnt read it go read it now.

Chapter 3 Your responsible

Brent's POV

It was now the fourth quarter and I had 3 touchdowns. Somhow we made a comeback. Now we were winning. I dont know what happened to the linebacker that had everything locked up. In the first half he had seven interceptiontions, now he has none and he was taken out of the game. I lined up on the outside and pointed to the ref who was staring at me from the sideline.  Once I

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