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The Project Gutenberg EBook of History of Education, by Levi Seeley

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Title: History of Education

Author: Levi Seeley

Release Date: February 2, 2009 [EBook #27963]

Language: English


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Copyright, 1899, 1904, by
Entered at Stationers' Hall.


The importance of a knowledge of the history of education was never so fully recognized as at the present time. Normal schools and teachers' colleges give this subject a prominent place in their professional courses, superintendents require candidates for certificates to pass examination in it, and familiarity with it is an essential part of the equipment of every well-informed teacher. The history of education portrays the theories and methods of the past, warns of error and indicates established truth, shows difficulties surmounted, and encourages the teacher of to-day by examples of heroism and consecration on the part of educators whose labors for their fellow-men we discuss. To the teacher this study is a constant help in the schoolroom, the trials of which are met with the added strength and inspiration from contact with great teachers of the past.

No text-book can be said to contain the last word upon any subject. Least of all can such a claim be made for a history of education, which aims to trace the intellectual development of the human race and to indicate the means and processes of that evolution. Any individuals or factors materially contributing thereto deserve a place in educational history. As to which of these factors is the most important, that is a question of choice, upon which, doubtless, many will differ with the author. Some educators, whose claims to consideration are unquestioned, have been reluctantly omitted on account of the limitations of this work.

On the other hand, many teachers lack time for exhaustive study of such a subject. This book is designed to furnish all the material that can be reasonably demanded for any state, county, or city teacher's certificate. It also provides sufficient subject-matter for classes in normal schools and colleges and for reading circles. The material offered can be mastered in a half-year's class work, but, by using the references, a full year can be well employed. For those who desire to make a more extended study of particular topics, the author gives such authorities as years of careful research have shown to be most valuable. Every investigator knows the labor involved in finding suitable material. To spare the reader something of that labor, the literature is given at the beginning of each chapter. By following the collateral readings thus suggested, this book will be found suitable for the most advanced classes.

The plan of references embraces three features: (1) literature at the beginning of each chapter; (2) foot references to special citations; and (3) a general bibliography in the Appendix. In the first two, titles are sometimes abbreviated because of their frequent repetition. In case of doubt the reader should refer to the general bibliography, in which all the authorities cited are arranged alphabetically, with full titles.

To get the greatest value from this study, classes should be required to keep a notebook which should follow some uniform plan. I suggest the following as such outline: (1) historical and geographical; (2) home life; (3) physical, religious, and Γ¦sthetic education; (4) elementary and higher education; (5) summary of lessons taught; (6) educators: (a) life, (b) writings, (c) pedagogical teachings. Of course each teacher will modify this outline to suit his own ideals. Such notebook will be found to be of value not only in review, but also in fixing the subject-matter in the mind of the student.

It is generally conceded that the plan of an historical work should be based upon the evolution of civilization. In common with other recent writers on educational history, the author accepts the general plan of Karl Schmidt in his "Geschichte der PΓ€dagogik," the most comprehensive work on this subject that has yet appeared. But the specific plan, which involves the most important and vital characteristics of this book, is the author's own. The details of this specific plan embrace a study of the history and environment, of the internal, social, political, and religious conditions of the people, without which there can be no accurate conception of their education.

Our civilization had its inception in that of ancient Egypt, and thence its logical development must be traced. If desirable the teacher can omit the chapters on China, India, Persia, and Israel. It will be found, however, that the lessons taught by these countries, though negative in character, are intensely interesting to students, and most instructive and impressive. These countries are also admirably illustrative of the plan employed in the book, and thereby prepare the way for later work. That plan is more fully set forth in the Introduction, a careful study of which is recommended to both teacher and student.

The author wishes to acknowledge his appreciation of the valuable assistance in the preparation of this volume rendered by Dr. Elias F. Carr of the New Jersey Normal School, and Professor W. J. Morrison of the Brooklyn Training School for Teachers.



I have taken advantage of the necessary reprinting of the book to make certain changes and additions, and to correct a few errors which were found to exist. An attempt has been made to note the recent changes that have taken place, especially in the French and English school systems.

L. S.


The continued and hearty reception which teachers are giving this book has led me to desire to make still further improvements in it. Accordingly, I have added brief sketches of the Sophists, Plutarch, Marcus Aurelius, Rollin, and Jacotot. The space available is all too limited to warrant such treatment as the subjects deserve. All that can be expected is that the reader may become interested and seek further information from special sources. An appendix is added in which the National Educational Association, the National Bureau of Education, the Quincy Movement, the Herbartian Movement, Child Study, Parents' Meetings, Manual Training, and Material Improvements in Schools are each given a brief consideration.

L. S.

    PAGE CHAPTER I Introduction 15   1. Purpose of the history of education. 2. Plan of study. 3. The study of great educators. 4. Modern systems of education. 5. General outline.     CHAPTER II China 20   1. Geography and history. 2. The home. 3. The elementary school. 4. Higher education. 5. Degrees. 6. Examinations. 7. Criticism of Chinese education. 8. Confucius.     CHAPTER III India 29   1. Geography and history. 2. The caste system. 3. The home. 4. The elementary school. 5. Higher education. 6. Criticism of Hindu education. 7. Buddha.     CHAPTER IV Persia 36   1. Geography and history. 2. The home. 3. The State education. 4. Criticism of Persian education. 5. Zoroasater.     CHAPTER V The Jews 40   1. Geography and history. 2. The home. 3. The Jewish school. 4. Esteem for the teachers. 5. The Schools of the Rabbis. 6. Criticism of Jewish education. 7. The Talmud.     CHAPTER VI Egypt 46   1. Geography and history. 2. The caste system. 3. The home. 4. Education. 5. Criticism of Egyptian education. 6. General summary of oriental education.     CHAPTER VII Greece 53   1. Geography and history. 2. Manners and customs. 3. The Olympian games.     CHAPTER VIII Athens 56   1. Historical. 2. The difference in spirit between Athens and Sparta. 3. The home. 4. Education. 5. The Sophists. 6. Criticism of Athenian education.     CHAPTER IX Athenian Educators 61   1. Socrates,β€”life, method, death. 2. Plato,β€”life, his "Republic," scheme and aim of education. 3. Aristotle,β€”life, pedagogy, estimate of him.     CHAPTER X Sparta 68   1. Historical. 2. The home. 3. Education. 4. Criticism of Spartan education. 5. Lycurgus. 6. Pythagoras.     CHAPTER XI Rome 74   1. The Age of Augustus. 2. Geography and history. 3. The home. 4. Education,β€”elementary, secondary, higher. 5. Criticism of Roman education.     CHAPTER XII Roman Educators 81   1. Cicero,β€”life, philosoophy, pedagogy. 2. Seneca,β€”the teacher of Nero, great orator, writer, etc., pedagogical writings. 3. Quintilian,β€”his school, his "Institutes of Oratory," pedagogical principles. 4. Plutarch and Marcus Aurelius.     CHAPTER XIII Christian Educationβ€”Introduction 89   1. General view. 2. New principles introduced by Christianity. 3. Importance of the individual. 4. Obstacles which the early Christians had to meet. 5. Slow growth of Christian education.     CHAPTER XIV The Great Teacher 96   1. Life and character. 2. Impression which Christ made. 3. His work as a teacher. 4. An example of pedagogical practice.     CHAPTER XV General View of the First Period of Christian Education 101   1. The period covered. 2. The connection of the Church with education. 3. The monasteries. 4. Influence of the crusades. 5. Of the Teutonic peoples.     CHAPTER XVI The First Christian Schools 104   1. The catechumen schools. 2. Chrysostom. 3. Basil the Great. 4. The catechetical schools. 5. Clement of Alexandria. 6. Origen.     CHAPTER XVII Conflict between Pagan and Christian Education 111   1. General discussion. 2. Tertullian. 3. Saint Augustine. 4. Augustine's pedagogy.     CHAPTER XVIII Monastic Education 116   1. Monasteries. 2. The Benedictines. 3. The seven liberal arts. 4. Summary of benefits conferred by the monasteries.     CHAPTER XIX Scholasticism 121   1. Its character. 2. Its influence. 3. Summary of its benefits.     CHAPTER XX Charlemagne 125   1. History, character, and purpose. 2. Personal education. 3. General educational plans. 4. Summary of Charlemagne's work.     CHAPTER XXI Alfred the Great 130   1. History and character. 2. Educational work.     CHAPTER XXII Feudal Education 132   1. Character of the knights. 2. Three periods into which their education was divided. 3. Education of women. 4. Criticism of feudal education.     CHAPTER XXIII The Crusades as an Educational Movement 136   1. Causes of the crusades. 2. The most important crusades. 3. Summary of their educational value.     CHAPTER XXIV The Rise of the Universities 139   1. What led to their establishment. 2. The most important early universities. 3. Their privileges. 4. Their influence.    
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