Books author - "QuailyCat"

There is a magical world in the region of Eunemphia (pronouced yew-nem-fee-a) called Chickenland, where chickens roam free. However, theses aren't any ordinary chickens, these are magical chickens. They come in all shapes and sizes, and each one is the perfect pet to someone. Learn all about how to care for them with HOW TO LOOK AFTER YOUR MAGICAL CHICKEN.

When Tanya starts to grow super-long hair on her arms and legs, people in her high start to point and jeer at her. "Big foot!" They call her. "Animal!" They call her. Then, a mysterious person, or that's what Tanya thinks they are, who never shows their eyes to her, tells her she's a half blood. Half blood what? Where is this place that Tanya belongs? Who is the mysterious figure? Soon, it all comes into place...