Do you have a hobby? And they call you a nerd? by Maren G. Bergmann (best fiction novels to read txt) π

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- Author: Maren G. Bergmann
Read book online Β«Do you have a hobby? And they call you a nerd? by Maren G. Bergmann (best fiction novels to read txt) πΒ». Author - Maren G. Bergmann
My family knows ist. My friends know it. Yes, even my colleagues at work know it. So what?
Should I be ashamed? Sure not. No way!
Well, some poeple call me, or should I rather say 'us', lunatics. But what is so bad about it?
Many times I have asked myself this question. Am I crazy?
My answer: No. I am not crazy.
My hobby is just a bit more eccentric than playing tennis or soccer or anything else what other people do for amusement.
I read a lot and yes I also write - as you may have noticed - watch television or go to the movies. The last one only if the movie is worth to be seen on a big screen. Romantic movies? No thanks. Not in the cinema. If you want to lure me to the cinema, the movie must be stuffed with special effects. I am not talking about 3D as it's getting more and more popular.
Of course I am fascinated by the technics, but in some cases, I was not fond of not even getting the option to choose if I would like to see the movie in 2D or 3D. It is even worse. These 3D-glasses you hire for the movie - by the way in a nice 50ies Buddy Holly style - are usually full of scratches.
In case you choose the wrong seating in the cinema, the light of the emergency sign reflects inside your 3D-glasses. This is so annoying!
Talking about the size of these 3D-glasses. Have you ever asked yourself who was the model they have taken the measurements from? The skull of a gorilla, is my guess.
Every time I have to wear them watching the 3D movie, it takes a lot of efforts from my side that they stay in place and to prevent them from slipping off my nose.
Great! AND, I payed extra for it!
I still remember my very first science fiction movie.
My mother was, and still is, a fan of science fiction. I suppose, I inherited it from her.
One day she told me about this movie which was aired. I was allowed to watch it together with her. I was over excited. A dream became true! Watching television after 8 pm! Sure I wanted to see this film with her. You can bet!
We watched "War of the worlds" a classic movie from 1953.
I was so fascinated by the colours of the pictures, the ideas, the whole film that I was not able to sleep that night. Sure, I had known science fiction already.
Since 1976 I followed my hero and idol Capt. James T. Kirk on his space ship - the Enterprise NCC-1701 - regularly on his adventures in unknown worlds. But this was different. The colours were more intense and the danger more threatening. I have been a fan since then, followed by fantasy and mystery.
I have always asked myself, why many people in my environment think science fiction is nonsense. Up to now, I have not found an answer.
Let's remember the communicator of Capt. James T. Kirk.
A small, rectangular piece, its cover flicks open with a small movement of the hand followed by a nice blipping sound. Something strucked my mind: the Nokia 6131 mobile phone! Unfortunately it didn't make this nice sound when I opened it⦠Sigh!
What about this funny silver thing Lt. Uruha was wearing in her ear when she communicated with space stations or other space ships? To me it looks like a blue tooth head set.
Doors that automatically open are part of our daily lives now.
Latest example, let's have a look at Star Trek - The next Generarion, also called TNG.
Setting the course without a touch sceen? 1990 unthinkable on the bridge of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard!
And you call me crazy?
Do you have a guess? Yes. I am a trekkie - so what?
The second Saturday in a monthThe overall question: "What exactly are you doing there?"
"We drink like a fish, celebrating wild orgies and having sex without any restraint", is my answer keeping a straight face.
Looking into the face of my opposite, I cannot but burst out laughing. My answer was believable. I can tell from the puzzled look on the face of the interrogator. My conversational partner is gasping for breath and before he is just about to die by asphyxis, I disclose the protected secret.
Many of us grew up with the same tv series where it all began. Let me take you to the real beginning before Star Trek - The Original Series also called "TOS" - encountered the television.
When we were kids we read comics. These books were difficult to get by at that time as our parents refused to buy them, because they thought they were trash. As we only got a little pocket money, it was even harder to think of buying them. But giving up was never part of our vocabulary.
We had our fantasy. We ran to the store, looked through the comic books, ran home as fast as we could, took our coloured pencil and piles of paper in order to draw pictures of what we had just seen in the comic books like these new space ships. Just out of our memories as much detailed as possible.
Some of us still do it today.
One specific day is marked in our calendar. On the second Saturday we have our monthly get-together. The group consists of academics, event mangers up to train drivers. The amount of participants varies. Sometimes we are more, sometimes less. This depends on vacations or whether we are caught up in some fights with a hostile virus from another universe trying to fell us.
Logically there are those guys who turn up whatever may come. Even if they should stay in bed. They just cannot withhold sharing their desease with other people. Aren't they nice?
That's how we are, generous, tolerant, helpful, open for everything that's new, friendly and courteous.
The organising team of this monthly event put a lot of effort in it and we are grateful for their addiction.
It is a long running success. 2011 the Fantastik Dinner Hamburg celebrated its 25th anniversary!
(25 years Fantastik Dinner in Hamburg/Germany)
Many of us are very creative people. Props are made as well as costumes out of movies or are even self-invented or designed. Some of them do not differ from the originals. New acquirements are brought in, be marvled at or discussed as much as the latest movie which people think it's worth to watch.
On special occasions, like carneval or our christmas dinner, special programmes may be presented.
(Skits are presented and are good for a lot of laughs!)
Small theatre plays entertain the crowd as much as poems, stand-up comedy and other stories from outer space. Fantasy has no limit.
A new Star Trek movie? We will be there!
Doesn't matter in which quadrant we are at the moment, the opening night is ours! No matter what happens.
Exceptions? Only an emergency in the next door galaxy might prevent us from coming.
Of course the manager of the cinema would like to have our group coming in costume and make-up. We gladly accept this kind invitation.
Thus it might happen that a science officer and a "red shirt" are running through the aisles causing astonished facial expressions in other people's faces. Don't worry! Our phasers are not real, although they look like real ones and have a fantastic sound system and a laser pointer. If you see some of those well made props you might think they need a gun license.
There is always a lot to look at, play with, have fun with, to sell or even buy things.
(A witness. The last voyage of the NASA shuttles to their final exhibition places. The latest news on first hand account.)
If you fancy meeting us, just drop by. You're welcome! Whether in costume or not, whether in make up or not, this is just up to you.
(Star Wars: General Grieves costume , made by one guy of our group)
Did you notice there is a real person in this costume?
The ConventionOne breathtaking event within our fandom is the convention.
Everybody interested in Science Fiction, Mystery or Fantasy from the whole world, even from different universes meet at conventions. You can find Star Trek, Star Wars, Capt. America meets Lord of the Rings and not to forget the Vampires and many other fanatsy figures.
You like to be in a picture with 'Darth Vader' or 'Q'? No problem. You will defenitely meet them here - and - you will be framed! But only if you like. Don't Panic! You won't be killed or deported into another galaxy far away from home.
A convention usually takes place over three days and starts on a Friday with the opening ceremony.
(Meet the people in the foyer of the hall)
The artists, actors and visitors from different spaces are welcomed here, followed by panels where the artists take the challenge and present themselves on stage, questioned by the visitors or telling funny stories what they had experienced during their time while they were shooting or what happened in their lives.
At the same time, visitors are able to learn the latest space dance or getting a crash course how to act or how to write a script as well as lectures are given. If you fancy a photo with your favourite star - no problem. Against a little money, your star will be happy to be on a photo with you. And if you are still missing some items or part of your costume, take a look around in the Dealers Room. Here you can find almost everything you desire.
(A small part of the Dealers Room)
The Saturday is equally organised. Panels, Costume competition, Photo sessions, Autograph sessions and the most important: Party at night.
(It's Party-Time!!!)
Some of the actors are keen in keeping contact to their fans. They will not miss the party and celebrate with the crowd till dawn.
People chasing after the stars? No way! We are civilized people.
The Sunday morning - well hangover is not excludedβ¦
I always feel sorry for those artists who have to be on stage by 10 am for their panel.
The night was too short! Even for us. Nevertheless everybody is in good spirits. And
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