GILROY by A Hudson (sight word books txt) π

Imagine growing up normal but not knowing what you are until you're suddenly sent from your normal life to a boarding school where you discover that you are actually a descendant of an Angel and a Demon.
Things get worse for Charlie as a battle rises not only between Good and Evil, but also between creatures that were once upon a time myths.
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- Author: A Hudson
Read book online Β«GILROY by A Hudson (sight word books txt) πΒ». Author - A Hudson
I sat and looked around while everyone just chattered until Dee announced we were going to grab food. We left the table and weaved past the seats and tables. We got to the front where the food selection was where trays and tubs of food were. Then a bench at the end with a wide range of drinks from water, juice, dairy to tea, coffee and hot chocolate sat. I wonder how much my parents are paying for this? So, I decided I'd make the most of my money and grab a plate with some spaghetti bolognese, garlic bread and a mug of hot chocolate. After Dee finished grabbing her pluto pups, we headed back through the loud tables and seats. Then a chair hit my leg and my hot chocolate spilt down a white collared shirt. Oh my god. What have I done? I quickly put down my plate and cup which Dee picked up with her free hand as I reached over the table to grab some serviettes. I turned around and he stood in front of me in eye level which without my heels would make him taller than me. I bunched up the serviettes in my hand and started dabbing at his stained shirt. "I am so sorry! I should have watched where I was going." And he shoved my arm away with forced that made me step back. The whole hall went silent. And I even hurt chairs turn to face our direction but that didn't bother him. He stared at me with his gold and green eyes with his brows turned down into a prettty pissed off face.
"You moron! Watch where you're going. Fucking idiot." And with that he turned to his table and grabbed something. He turned and I felt something burn. My stomach. I looked down and the stench hit me hard enough to know what it was. Hot coffee all over the front of my white polo. I looked up in shock with my mouth open. He had a smirk on his face as he looked at me with satisfaction. "Good luck getting that out of your shirt, sweetheart." And then he turned as his table followed him out. I looked at Dee who had her eyes out of their sockets and her jaw was about as low as mine right now. I then squeezed my jaw together. I forgot the burn on my stomach, I was now focused on the fact that I just made an enemy and I haven't even made 5 hours here yet. Go Charlie. Five
I woke up and crawled out of bed to only walk over to my white polo and find the coffee stained front... still there. I sighed and walked over to my my drawers and wardrobe. I went through the drawers to find the socks my mum purchased a few weeks back for me and found them in the draw with my shirts. I then grabbed out a fresh pair of knickers and another bra since my other one hanging on the clothes rack with my shirt and underwear. My jeans hung on the back of my computer chair. Last night, Dee and Lauren showed me where the laundry was in the building behind the dorms. There's apparently a lake here about a mile into the woods.
I looked around and reached for the wardrobe door and slid it open. I looked around and found a black shirt and a skirt that came down to just below the mid-thigh. I quickly walked to my computer desk to find the Gilroy booklet. I flicked through the pages and found the uniforms page. Scanning down to what we had to wear.
Skirts and dresses are provided.
Oh. The mini skirt for school? And girls have to wear some form of skirt? Oh. I went to skim through but the next line answered my prayers.
But, dark pants are also acceptable.
YES! I dropped the dress and skirt on the ground and just dragged them with my foot into the wardrobe. I went to the drawers and pulled out my dark denim jeans. I sat all my clothes on the bed and slid off my knickers which I suddenly feel more comfortable wearing to bed lately. I then slid on my next pair and checked them out in the mirror across from me beside the door. They fitted nicely on the sides of my hips and gave my lean body a good look. I then turned and slipped off my tank top and put the bra on over my shoulders and then reaching behind to clip it up. I wondered what time I start classes. THE TIME! I quickly reached for my phone beside my bed which said 7:51am. I wasn't sure if classes started at 8 or 9 but I better get a move on!
I rushed out of my room with my carry bag over my shoulder and I undid my hair out of its french braid with my free hand as I rushed down the steps and did a quick turn to get to the door faster. I clicked the button on the side of my phone and it said 8:06am. I saw nobody outside so... I'm late.
I finally found the room I'm supposed to be in and I wiped my hands on my jeans as I knocked twice. This building is a fair way from the rest. It's past the laundry building. It took abit and a half to find this place. I snapped back as footsteps neared the other side of the door. Then the door opened and my heart was racing like pharlap. Then it opened and an attractive male stood before me. "Hell-" And before he could finish, his face lit up into a smile. "Ah, goodmorning Charlie! We were wondering where you went to. I'm Mr Crou. But you can call me Evan. Please, come in." He said with a charming smile. I've never spoken to a teacher by his first name. But his hair was neatly done and side burns that came to the middle of his ears. He was cleanly shaven and tanned. He looked amazing. But if he's our teacher... he can't be. He looked like he was in his 20's. My old school had old people. Why isn't he old? I stepped in as he opened the door wider and guess who was in this class with me? That's right, douche bag from the dining hall. He sat their in his chair with a smug look on his face and then he looked at me. I wore one of the fabricated collared shirts. I went and found a seat on the side. He got up from his chair and moved. I dropped my bag down beside my desk and I heard a 'domp' sound to look up and find him sitting in front of me with a look on his face which only resulted in torture.
"I see you replaced it for a shirt just like mine. Already a fangirl, hey?" He said with a cocky expression while his mates watched and smiled from the other side of the room. I looked down at the desk and then thought. "Asshole." I said just so I could hear. But I was wrong. He taunted a, "What was that?" and a "Do you wanna repeat that?". "Mr Stewart." Evan had his arms folded over his chest. I looked up at him and smiled. "I said your hair looks great." And with that, I got a huff from him and he was finally leaving. I sighed in relief until then I coped a table to the gut as he pushed it with his leg and a fierce kick to the shin. I winced but held a stifle in. I bit my lip.
Anyways, what was this class? I looked in my diary at my schedule. It was just this class. And then fitness class but still. This is supposed to be some 'club' that my parents said would help me. How will it help me? Other than having a total jackass in the class who'll taunt me until the day I die. I glanced up and scanned the room and found the dick face staring at me and then down at his sheet that Mr Cr- I meant Evan, must have handed out. What is his problem? His little group were sitting in front of him and behind him. There were four rows of six. He was only 5 seats away thank god. I continued to have a look around at everyone and right then, I found myself taking a second glance at a guy that stood with another 5 guys at the front with a girl sitting with her leg high over the other on a bench. His eyes sat on me for a few moments and then kept scanning the room. Those few moments made my heart burn alittle.
I took one more quick glance at him and gathered how his arms crossed and muscle had shown itself through the black button up material. How his leg slightly crossed over the other and his black jeans sat just perfectly on his waist while his belt sat to keep it in place. The way his shoes showed he was a man of definition and power with their leather point. His lightly tanned skin looking warm and smooth. His white blond hair ruffled from sleep and tousled from the way he just ran his hand through his hair. My eyes traveled down from his hair to his slightly short sideburns kept tidy, and then to his beautifully sculpted cheekbones that went too high and weren't too low. His nose shaped nicely to a medium thickness where it complimented his lips and his eyes that had a nice thick set of eyelashes. I then felt heat roll through my face and body when I realized I was staring at him. My head faced straight down at the table and he looked abit nerved
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