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face on.
“You say it like they aren’t mated, and haven’t had children yet.” She said slowly, raising a brow, asking for an answer in a motherly way.
“They’re just… still so young, ya know?” Rosa said, her cheeks flaming hot red with her lie.
“You’re calling me young, Luna? Thank you, now mind telling me what beef you have with the Mascot twins?” Her mother put down the shirt she was folding and put her hands in her lap, her black eyes eager and waiting for her to start. The future came to Luna in small snapshots, She’d tell her mom, her mom would freak, Ander and Anna would move back to England, they would lose.
“Damn, can’t do anything anymore.” She grumbled.
“What was that?”
“I said… nothing… anymore.” Luna grumbled, unfolding her arms and hunching her shoulders.
“Good, now… don’t you have something to do?”
“Uh, no.”
“Good, so come help me fold.” Her shoulders straightened and her eyes widened and she backed away.
“Ya know what, I just remembered I’ve got a thing to do… somewhere… else.” With that she skidded from her mother who sat there grinning.
“Works every time.”

She sighed and looked to her left, the boy stood there in the clothes she pulled up for him, his amber eyes wide and watching.
“Anything you wanted?” She asked, not trying to nod off. He blinked and shook his head.
“You gonna play the silent game again?” She asked, her foot tapping on her tiled floor. He just blinked slowly, she closed her eyes and put her head on her couch.
“Why haven’t you killed me yet?” His voice interrupted her thoughts and she opened her eyes.
“Why would I kill you?”
“Because you know what I am, and I know what you are.” Her brow furrowed, but she didn’t move her head.
“Who the hell told you we had to kill each other.”
“My mom, before she died.” He didn’t sound or look hurt by that, so she decided she wouldn’t sound or look like she cared.
“Hm, well. It doesn’t have to be like that. I’m friends with the Tiburon and Maroon pack.” He zoomed to where she sat, his hazel eyes wide with curiosity and awe.
“The packs that fought against the hunters? The one with the Red Luna?” She picked her head up and nodded slowly.
“Yep, that would be them. What do you know about the war?”
“What don’t I know about the war! I know that with the aide of the Luna’s the Tiburon and Maroon pack won victoriously. I know that they were trained by the daughter of Jack Montgomery. I know that they were aided by a mysterious fey who betrayed the… hunters.” He said the last part slowly, his big hazel eyes getting impossibly bigger.
“Holy cow! You’re the mysterious fey!” His tone held astonishment and excitement.
“That I am. How do you know so much about the war?” His face grew sullen as he looked down, his mopping of brown hair moving with him.
“My mom, she died because of it. They used her as a demonstration. Said as soon as they were done destroying another pack they would come to us, and kill all of us like how they killed her.” His voice was dark and worry laced through her.
“Hey, kid, I’m sorry for your loss.” She said softly, he looked up at her, amber peeking through his brown lashes.
“Everybody is always sorry for my loss, I’m tired of it.” She narrowed her eyes and let go of her tongue.
“I know how you feel, kid. When I left everyone was sorry for me, for once I wanted someone to be angry at me. To tell me to pull my head out of my ass, that shit happened. The best I could do was lift my chin up and take whatever life threw at me. I’m not gonna destroy ya, kid, just gonna tell ya what I wanted someone to tell me.” She peered deep into his eyes and raised a brow.
“Nobody gives a fuck what happened to you. The only person that cared was your dad and your mom, everyone else was glad it wasn’t them. Shit happens, we can’t do anything about that. Your Luna is a major bitch, pun intended, and she throws shit at you without even caring. If your mother doesn’t even care for you, nobody else will.” His eyes cleared up as she spoke and a major weight lifted off her shoulder.
“Your father will, I’m only telling you this because I care too. The war has long since been over, and it’s still hurting people. Innocent people. Innocents shouldn’t be hurt. Now go on to bed, in the morning I’ll take you back home.”

When she woke up she woke up to the smell of cinnamon and pork. She sniffed as she sat up on the couch and crinkled her brow. Surely, this was a dream. She stood and stretched, her joints and bones popping. She shuffled to the kitchen to find the boy standing there with a plate of French toast, hash browns, and bacon.
“Figured I’d make you breakfast for being so nice to me.” He said cheerfully, handing her the full plate. She took it warily and sniffed around the whole edge of the plate.
“You trying to kill me?” She asked, picking up a piece of bacon and putting it in her mouth slowly.
“Nah, just trying to get you energized and fed up, wouldn’t want my caretaker to get all hungry. Now would we?” He said, playfully growling and patting his tummy. What happened to the moody boy last night?
“I would hope not.” She grumbled and sat down in one of her kitchen chairs. He picked up a mug off the counter and put it beside her plate.
“Here ya go, a nice cup of Joe to keep you up.” She put her fork down with a loud clatter and sat back, a little smile on her face and her eyes narrowed slightly.
“What aren’t you telling me?” She asked, folding her arms over her chest. A little flash of fear came before his eyes before he smiled coolly.
“No clue what you’re talking about. Now eat up, don’t wanna look malnourished do you?”

She knew he would come to her first, she wouldn’t have to seek him out, and that was good. Because if she’d had she was sure she’d kill him.
“Hello, love, I’m-“
“Dead, you’re dead!” She growled, throwing the lamp she’d been holding for five minutes at his gigantic head. He caught it easily and set it down on the table by the door.
“What I have done this time?” He asked, exasperatedly, running his fingers through his hair. She stormed to him, her eyes turning amber and blue, not seeming to be able to decide what color to land on. She stuffed her wrist in his face and seethed.
“Smell this, tell me what’s wrong with it.” He tried to push her arm away, she only growled and shoved it to his nose. He rolled his eyes and took a sniff, then stiffened.
“Yes, you son of a bitch! You can never do anything normally, can you?”
“Wait, how is it my fault?”
“You were supposed to use protection!”
“I did! The damn thing must’ve acted wonky and broken!”
“Maybe you’re just too damn aggressive for your own damn good!”
“You know good and god damn well you love it!!”
“Shut up! This is all your fault!”
“How the hell is it my fault!?”
“Because you can’t just knock me up! You really knock me up!”
“What the hell does that mean?!”’
“Triplets, fucking triplets! That’s what that means!”

She slammed her car door shut and leaned against it, looking at the modern pack house he’d given her direct to.
“Why, exactly, did I bring you here and not to your fathers’ house?”
“Uhm, my dad’s not exactly… that much of a welcoming person.” The boy said, scratching the back of his neck and walking next to her.
“So you bring me to your Alpha?”
“Well, technically, I’m bringing you to my Luna. My Alpha’s been acting like a douche lately. Luna Kenna is worse, but she can act like she cares. I’ve seen her do it more than once, around strangers though.”
“You have a bad Luna and your Alpha hasn’t mated with someone else?” His story sounded completely fictional.
“My Alpha… they said he had a mate, but ran away from her. Some say he killed his old mate so he scraped at the bottom of the barrel to find Luna Kenna.” She struggled to keep her chortle in, whoever said that was pretty damn funny.
“Huh, interesting.” She got up from the car, keeping her arm crossed, and walked to the pack house. She knocked briefly, wanting this to be over so she could go back to being depressed and tired. The door opened and a furious black haired beauty stood there, her ravens hair mixed up like it’s nest.
“What.” She snapped, the word a quick and furious snarl. Valerie automatically hated her, something just didn’t sit right.
“I believe I found your lost puppy.” She said, jerking her head back to where the boy stood awkwardly, not sure how to advance. Anger flashed in her black eyes, before they quickly watered and a relieved face appeared.
“Oh thank God, you found him!” She yelled out happily, though Valerie could clearly hear the undertone of sarcasm. She reached her hand out to the boy who quickly walked to his Luna. She took his hand in a not so gentle manner an hugged him to her, a little too aggressively if you asked Valerie. But nobody did so she kept shut. Until his Luna grabbed the scruff of his neck and shook a little less than friendly.
“We’ve been missing this little guy, just disappeared out of thin air.” Valerie narrowed her eyes and geared herself for a fight.
“Do you even know his name?”
“… Do you?” Valerie snatched the boy away from his ‘Luna’ and tucked him under her arm.
“I think I’ll wait for his Alpha or father to come.” His Luna geared herself to herself to yell but Valerie merely raised her hand.
“I’m not in the mood to get into a bitchfest with you. I just want to insure he’s safe. I’m sure you are perfectly capable of caring after him, this is just for me.” Kenna glared at her, but opened the door wider.
“You’re welcome to come in, but don’t ask for anything. I don’t know you, so I don’t have to be nice to you.”
“Yeah, somehow, I got that.”

The bitch was annoying, she stomped around her expensive looking house slamming everything she could. Valerie was sure if she could slam air, she would. When the door finally opened both Valerie and the boy were delighted.
“Baby, you’re home! Thank Goddess, I thought I’d die with her.” She snarled the last part, making sure that Valerie heard her in the other room.
“With who? Who has been bothering you this time?” The Alpha drawled, Valerie furrowed her brow and stood from the couch. The boy followed as she walked to meet the Alpha. When she saw him she stopped in her tracks and threw a groan upward.
“Can you not just give me a fucking break!?” She growled, then met the Alpha’s eyes.
“Valerie!?” The boy squeaked, taking a step back and widening his arms, as if that would protect him.
“Hey Jake.” She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. This is gonna be super fantastic, she though dryly. Chapter 16
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