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/> "That's only because he's in love with Future!" Swiftpaw hissed back.
Before Featherpaw could reply, Vulture flicked Swiftpaw's ear with his long, bushy tail. "Pay attention!" He snapped. "Or do you want to die?"
"Sorry." Swiftpaw grumbled.
I'm sick of him!

The black and white appentice decided in fury.
Everyone was silenced when a chorus of yaps, howls, growls and yowls pierced the air. Swiftpaw's fur was bristling and his claws were out, ready to rip out a dog's throat.
"You'll follow my lead now." Vulture told the apprentice, guiding him towards a bush. "If you know your battle moves well, you'll get away with minor injuries."
"I'm the fastest and the strongest apprentice in the clan." Swiftpaw insisted. "I'll be able to get away, easy peasy."
"That's good then." Vulture replied. "Speed and tatics are your greatest allies in battle."
"I already knew that." Swiftpaw mewed through gritted teeth.
"Attack, Outcasts and ForestClan cats!" Arrow commanded, charging through the bushes. The other cats followed, claws poised to strike and fangs glinting with saliva. Swiftpaw hurled himself at a small brown dog and sank his teeth into the dog's scuff, instantly tasting blood. The dog yelped in pain, but then it was cut off. Swiftpaw quickly leapt off as the dog collasped, revealing Vulture with his long claws coated with blood. "All you've got to do is a simple blow to the belly. Having long claws gave me the advantage of taking the dog out easily. Learn that lesson, because the way you're going, you'll be wasting almost all of your energy on one enemy." He explained.
Swiftpaw was about to reply when a high-pitched shriek deafened his ears. He spun round and his face became an expression of pure horror as he saw a familar friend, fur clotted in blood.
"Wolf!" Bear yowled, rushing to her side. The young silver she-cat had blood gushing out of her neck where a dog had obviously struck her. She looked Bear in the eyes and gave him a faint smile. "Joy did say there would be conquences to this attack. The price is high, we all knew that."
"Look, I'll find a cat who can heal you." Bear promised. "I'm not going to let you die."
"It is too late." Wolf spluttered a cough before continuing. "Before I go, I'm sorry for fighting so much with Arrow. I know how much you hated it, I could tell. But thank you for being such a good friend. Please continue these ways without me. I will always watch over you, Bear."
Her chest rose slowly once more, and then she went limp. Wolf was dead.
"No!" Bear roared in grief and anger, dipping his muzzle into Wolf's bloodstained pelt. "Why did you let his happen! She was too young!"
How many more cats will we loose today?

Swiftpaw thought with a shiver. The Outcasts are much stronger than us and they've lost one cat already. If the dogs are that powerful, maybe none of us will make it home to ForestClan.

Swiftpaw's thought was interupted when he saw Future wrestling with a dog double her size. Seeing no one was helping her, he dashed over and raked his claws down the dog's side like Vulture had done. It didn't do much effect, so he sank his jaws into the dog's scuff. The dog yelped in pain, and then Swiftpaw raked his claws across it's eyes, causing the dog to throw Swiftpaw off.
"Swiftpaw!" The black and white apprentice rose up to his paws and realised there was a starry cat in front of him. It took a while to try and figure out who it was, but then Swiftpaw realised who it was. "Lightleaf?"
"Yes, it is me, little one." The cream she-cat told him gently. "It took me a while to get to you as you are currently in the paws of new ancestors."
"What, do the Outcasts have a StarClan?" Swiftpaw asked, confused. "They never mentioned it."
"StarClan and these new ancestors walk different skies." Lightleaf meowed. "But that does not mean that you are alone. StarClan are watching over you, young Swiftpaw."
"Do the clans know where we are?" Swiftpaw questioned. Lightleaf shook her head. Swiftpaw wasn't sure if she believed her, but the only thing that changed his mind was the wisdom and understanding in her eyes. He knew that the StarClan warrior was well-respected by all before her death. She'd had a hard life that Swiftpaw only knew bits and pieces about, while other cats knew more.
"Seek for the light upon water." Lightleaf whispered, her voice like leaves in the breeze. "You will know when you see it, little Swiftpaw. StarClan are always

with you, even when times are hard. Have a little faith in your warrior ancestors and you'll survive."
"What do you mean?" Swiftpaw whimpered, now afraid. "Help me, please!"
"You don't need help, little one." Lightleaf purred gently, resting her chin on Swiftpaw's head. "Seek for the light upon water, that is all you need to know."
The black and white apprentice was about to reply, but the cream she-cat had vanished into thin air.
Lightleaf must be right.

Swiftpaw told himself. We'll be safe if we believe in StarClan. But what does she mean about the 'light on water'?

Sneak peak at Book 3

The quest for home isn't over for Swiftpaw yet, and neither is the prophecy. So there will be a third book, which will be called 'A Moonlit Path'. This third installment will be released at the end of October or the start of November.

The questions that remain unanswered in this book will all be revealed in A Moonlit Path. For example:

What ancestors do the Outcasts follow?

Who is Willowstream's murderer?

Who or what killed Blazekit?

Will the apprentices return home to ForestClan?

What is Lightleaf's backstory?

Will any ForestClan cats stay behind with the Outcasts?

When will the four fulfill the prophecy?

StarClan play a large part in A Moonlit Path, especially Lightleaf. Galewind will play a rather large part and a brand new StarClan warrior will come into play. It's a she-cat and she is related to Noblespirit, which means she is related to Dawnsong's kits! She's got a pretty interesting history, it will all be revealed soon enough.


Text: Warrior Cats belongs to Erin Hunter, most of the names belong to me (apart from a few), clan names belong to me. Do not copy unless you have been given permission by the author.
Publication Date: 05-15-2012

All Rights Reserved

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