American library books Β» Fiction Β» ForestClan Adventures by Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) (romantic novels to read .TXT) πŸ“•

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him. He had lost his father in his first battle, and he hadn't been an apprentice long either.
"Sandtail, Tigerpelt, Eagletalon, Frostear, Leapthroat, Foxtooth, Echopath, Otterswim, Spiderleg, Lionclaw and Foxtooth are coming to the Gathering tonight." Bramblestar announced. He then jumped down from the highrock and signalled for his clanmates to follow.
Eagletalon padded along beside Spiderleg, who was looking depressed. "Are you alright?" He asked. He then added in a quieter voice. "Icebound did what she had to, it wasn't your fault."
"But I never had a chance to say goodbye!" Spiderleg wailed. "I wanted to keep her safe because... because.."
"You loved her." Eagletalon finshed the sentence for him. "Yes, I know that you and Icebound were close, hence why this is hard on you. But there are other cats who have lost family and friends in the past, and today as well."
Before Spiderleg could reply, Tigerpelt barged past and stopped the two cats. "Foolish cat!" He snarled.
"What do you mean?" Spiderleg asked, stepping forward. "Eagletalon and I have left you alone."
"Not you, mouse-brain." Tigerpelt hissed. "I was refering to your friend."
Eagletalon blinked in suprise. He didn't know what the senior warrior meant, but this was normal. Tigerpelt was always grumpy.
"It's your fault that the apprentices are missing!" Tigerpelt spat in fury. "My apprentice is among them, and he's your son!"
"My fault?" Eagletalon repeated, suprised. "I was on border patrol when they went out training! And yes, I know that Clawedpaw is my son, his disappearence and Willowstream's death has shaken me..."
"Don't you dare

mention that wretched she-cat!" Tigerpelt growled. He then stalked off in front, muttering some words to Sandtail.
"Hey, ignore that grumpy furball." Eagletalon whipped round and saw Echopath. "He must have a thorn stuck in him somewhere."
"He always

has a thorn stuck in his pelt." Eagletalon pointed out with a sigh. "I must be a hopeless father to let my kits get away."
"No, wrong. Featherpaw and Chickenpaw are gone too, remember." Echopath said gently. "I made a faithful promise to Roseheart, and so far I haven't done very well. However, you lost your mate and continued to care for your kits. Don't worry about it. It's no one's fault."
"Thanks." Eagletalon gave her a quick lick on the shoulder, and she nodded. "I'm still your friend."
"Keep up." Tigerpelt snapped. Echopath pulled a face behind his back and padded back over to Lionclaw. Eagletalon let out a loud sigh. He couldn't understand why the pretty she-cat was going after his brother, who was not the cheeriest or the happiest of all cats.
Perhaps they are trying to get revenge on me.

Eagletalon realised, frowning.
ForestClan then arrived at the sacred Gathering place. CourageClan were already there, so Eagletalon went over to Crowpelt and Noblespirit. "How are you?"
"Just because you helped us doesn't make you our ally." Noblespirit snarled. "Go back to your own clanmates!"
"Hush, Noblespirit. Eagletalon is Dawnsong's friend." Crowpelt meowed. He then turned to Eagletalon. "Sorry about that, Noblespirit has been a bit techy since Clawedear died."
"I wouldn't blame him." Eagletalon told the young warrior. "Brokenheart told me that Clawedear and Noblespirit were good friends when they were younger, before you and Dawnsong were born."
ReedClan arrived before Crowpelt could answer. Fishstar jumped up onto his rock.
"Let the Gathering begin!" Bramblestar yowled. "ForestClan are not at our best. Prey has been scarce, and our apprentices and a senior warrior have disappeared into thin air. No one has seen them since dawn, but only StarClan knows their whereabouts."
A instant buzz of chatter came from the cats below. Noblespirit glanced at Eagletalon, sympathy in his eyes. "Your kits are apprentices now, aren't they? I'm sorry to hear about that."
"However, that is not the only thing we have lost." Bramblestar continued. "Flamesnake and Icebound were killed in the battle earlier today. Willowstream was found dead in the forest a few nights ago."
More cats cranked their heads round to look at Eagletalon. Noblespirit dipped his head in respect to the warrior. "I am sorry about your losses. Willowstream was some special cat." He muttered silently. Eagletalon nodded his head and continued to listen to his leader.
"But we aren't just filled with bad news." Bramblestar meowed. "StarClan has blessed us with many kits. Specklenose gave birth to three kits, and Silverleaf gave birth to two kits. Dawnsong is expecting kits. Frostear's kits have become apprentices, Eagletalon mentoring Gorgepaw while Spiderleg mentoring Heatherpaw."
"Heatherpaw! Gorgepaw!" The clans chanted below.
"Also, we have welcomed a new warrior, Leapthroat!" Bramblestar announced.
"Leapthroat! Leapthroat!" The clans chanted again.
"And to finish off, we have welcomed two loners to our clan. They have taken the names of Ghostfire and Foxtooth." Bramblestar said. "What news do you have, Fishstar?"
"Thank you, Bramblestar." Fishstar meowed coldly. "ReedClan are doing well, we have had no deaths and no births. However, we are still scenting ForestClan on our territory. Stay away from our fish."
Several snarls went up from the ForestClan warriors, including Eagletalon. He hadn't known any cats to steal ReedClan's fish.
"One of our patrols scented a fox on our territory earlier today." Fishstar continued. "That is all. Bravestar?"
"Thank you, Fishstar. CourageClan are not at our best either. Like ForestClan, we have lost cats. Streamkit died of greencough yesterday, Mudfang died peacefully in his sleep three nights ago and our deputy, Clawedear, was killed by a unknown ReedClan warrior. CourageClan's new deputy is Noblespirit!" Bravestar yowled.
"Noblespirit! Noblespirit!" The clans chanted below, especially the CourageClan cats. Eagletalon smiled at the golden tabby tom. "Congratulations. You'll make a great deputy."
"Thank you." Noblespirit replied, dipping his head in respect. "I hope to serve my clan well."
"The Gathering is at a end!" Bramblestar yowled, jumping down from Three Rocks. He signalled for his clan to come over, and they left the Gathering place in silence.


Dawnsong woke up hearing a twig snap as the Gathering cats returned. She rushed out of the nursery and greeted Eagletalon and Echopath. "What's the new gossip from the other clans?"
"Not much." Eagletalon mewed. "We seemed to have the most news." Dawnsong was about to reply when Echopath added "Noblespirit is a deputy now since Clawedear died in the battle earlier."
Dawnsong wanted to act delighted that her mate was now CourageClan's deputy, but she knew that she would give her secret away. So she just nodded. "He should do well, being a popular cat within the clans."
"Your brother sends his best wishes." Eagletalon said with a yawn. "I'm going to get some rest."
"Wait for me, then." Echopath told him. "I'll get us some prey. You haven't eaten since sunhigh!"
"Prey is scarce, leave it." The warrior sighed. "You need your sleep if you want to get better, Echopath. ForestClan need you, being one of our best hunters."
Dawnsong watched as the two cats continued to speak. She felt a bit left out, but she didn't say anything about it. There was no point.
"Hey, Dawnsong, do you want to join us?" Echopath asked, her blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "If your kits are asleep, anyway."
"They are." The young queen replied. "I hope my kits come soon, Runningbreeze is desperate now." There was a hint of amusement in her voice, which made Eagletalon chuckle slightly. "Typical impaitent cat. I never even knew you two were close!" He streched a bit and yawned. "I think I'll get some rest, actually. Good night."
He then padded off towards the warrior den, not looking back at the two she-cats. Echopath sighed. "He's still upset by Willowstream's death, and his kits disappearing doesn't make it any better."
"I know." Dawnsong replied. "Poppyfoot is terribly upset about Swiftpaw, being his sister and all. She thinks that they'll never come back."
"They have

to come back!" Echopath cried. "My kin are among them, and I promised Roseheart that I would look after them!"
"Yes, we know." Dawnsong sighed, giving the she-cat a comforting lick. "Anyway, moving on, some cats have been saying that you and Lionclaw are mates. Is this true?"
Echopath looked a little startled at Dawnsong's question, which made her regret asking now. But the silver she-cat gave her a answer.
"No. Although I think he might be rather fond of me."
Dawnsong snorted, then gave a little giggle. "Mouse-brain! He's been padding after you for a season or so, and you haven't even noticed!" Echopath ducked her head in embrassment, and plodded over to the fresh-kill pile to get a small sparrow. She then went back over to Dawnsong and dropped it at her paws. "For you." She said. "You will need your strength if you want healthy kits."
"Thanks." The queen meowed, picking it up in her jaws. "You seriously need to get some sleep, Oakpelt will rip your whiskers off otherwise!"
"Alright, alright, I'm going." Echopath told her brightly, padding off. "Good night!"
Dawnsong pretended to go back to the nursery, but she instantly rushed across the clearing and poked her head into the warrior's den. Echopath was already in her nest, with Lionclaw beside her. Eagletalon slept away from everyone, facing the wall of the den.
The young grey queen padded in quietly and prodded Eagletalon's shoulder with her claw.
"Stop it." The warrior grumbled in his sleep, twitching his tail. Dawnsong decided to stop and go away.
She sat down in her nest, her tail wrapped around Galekit and Flashkit. They had been asleep for a long time, to Dawnsong's great relief. She curled up beside them and slowly dozed off into her sleep.

Bright rays of sunlight shone through the walls of nursery and onto Dawnsong's pelt as her eyes fluttered open and she stumbled sleepily to her paws. She had a uneventful sleep, but she was expecting for StarClan to try and make contact again.
Maybe they spoke to Echopath or Eagletalon instead.

She thought, licking her paws.
Runningbreeze then padded in, with Galekit swinging from his jaws. He then placed the young kit down. "This little one is turning into a pawful of trouble already. I found him in the medicine den, playing with Flowerpaw." He sighed.
"Sorry." Dawnsong sighed, nudging Galekit over. "I didn't get much sleep." Runningbreeze nodded and went back out, seeming a bit miserable.
I think he's sad because he can never be my true mate.

Dawnsong realised, feeling a bit guilty. I could have lied, but that wouldn't make it any better. I've already lied to the rest of the clan, I don't need to lie to Runningbreeze. Anyway, he's been really sweet to me. He would make a great father if I wasn't already mates with Noblespirit.

Dawnsong then heard a terrified scream. She rushed out and saw Ghostfire dashing down the gorge carrying a small bundle of black and grey fur.
"What happened?" She asked anxiously.
"I-I came across this in the forest." Ghostfire shuddered, placing the bundle down. "I think he's d-dead."
The grey queen sniffed at the fur. Ghostfire was right, it was laying limp on the ground. But that was not the thing that had shocked her.
The motionless bundle

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