The Cullens gain a kid by pinkpoppy (motivational novels .TXT) π

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- Author: pinkpoppy
Read book online Β«The Cullens gain a kid by pinkpoppy (motivational novels .TXT) πΒ». Author - pinkpoppy
Edward picked me up and walked down the stairs and outside to a car.
'EDWARD ANTHONY MASON CULLEN! Where do you think you're going?' Alice said.
'Taking Lucy for ice cream, Alice what do you want?' Edward moaned rolling his eyes.
'With her dressed like that? Don't think so. I knew she was going to come live here so I went shopping' Alice said like it was obvious.
Then Edward shook his head.
'C'mon Luce lets go get you some proper clothes on you then you'll be warmer and not get ill' He said pulling me back towards the house.
Then he picked me up and ran me to a room that was pink. It had fairy princesses on the wall and Butterflies. Edward opened a door and there was a bathroom on it. It was white with pink cuboards and pink training toilet seat. Back in the main room we wlked through yet another door which led to a room full of clothes. Edward shook his head and grapped some underwear, jeans and a long sleeve top. I shivered as I suddenly got all cold.
Edwards eyes got all big and then he took the big top off me and replaced it with the new clothes. My stomach suddenly made a loud noise and Edward laughed.
'I think you're hungry, c'mon we'll get a burger while we're out' He said pulling me onto his back.
Then someone really big jumped out shouting 'ROAR'.
I screamed and fell off Edwards back. I hit my head hard on the floor and then everything went black.
Emmett jumped out and shouted 'ROAR'.
Lucy screamed and fell of my back, then she fell unconcious.
'Emmett... why did you do that? You know that she dosen't like being shouted at and she doesn't know you!!!!' I scolded.
'Jasper dared me to do it' he said his head bowed in shame.
His face looked like he was going to cry if it was possible. I rolled my eyes then scooped up Luce in my arms. I ran to Carlisle's office. I knocked on the door then walked in. Carlisle Walked towards me then ran when he saw Lucy unconsious in my arms.
'WHAT HAPPENED?' He asked worry in his eyes.
'Emmett.' I said ' He jumped out shouting 'ROAR' then Lucy screamed and fell off my back'.
Carlisle rolled his eyes and took Lucy off me. He checked her pulse.
'She's ok but she's gonna be hungry when she wakes up, what have I got us into?' he laughed.
I smiled and shook my head. Then I heard Luce stir in Carlisle's arms. I smiled and went forward and took her into my own arms.
'Be careful with her Edward' Carlisle whispered before I walked out the door.
Lucy's POV
The first thing I heard was Carlisle saying 'Be careful with her Edward'
Then a whoosh of air. When I opened my eyes I was in the car. I looked at Edward confused then shrugged and winced from the pain.
'C'mon Luce let me put your seat belt on then we can go get that burger and ice cream' Edward laughed leaning over me and clicking me in my booster seat.
I giggled and started bouncing in my seat. My mouth started watering and my stomach growled. Edward laughed before closing the door and climbing in the front seat behind the wheel.
'Edward, who was that man who scared me before I fell off your back?' I asked him.
'That was Emmett, he says he is sorry, he is a big joker but doesn't usually let people get too hurt' he said his shoulders shrugging.
I nodded and looked out the window until we started to slow down.
'Are we there yet' I asked.
Edward nodded and turned off the engine. He climbed out of the drivers door while I tried to undo my seatbelt. Wow this is hard. Then Edward opened my door and Undid it with one click.
'Show off- I must have loosened it for you, daddy' I said then realised what I said.
I put my hands over my mouth and looked at him guiltily.
'Sorry, Edward I didnt mean to say that' I whispered my eyes filling with tears.
'Shh, it's ok I don't mind' he whispered lifting me out and into his arms.
He carried me into the Food place and sat me down on a seat before sitting next to me. A man in a suit came and gave us both a piece of paper. Edward shook his head and gave the man back his paper.
'I don't want anything, I only brought my sister here to eat' Edward explained.
I looked at the piece of paper, Great no pictures and I can't read.
'Edward, Please can you help me, I can't read' I asked.
'Um why don't you have a beef burger and chips?' He said rolling his eyes.
I nodded excitedly, I love Burgers! But I wonder if I Can get some CocaCola with it?
'Eddie please can I have CocaCola with my Burger?' I asked.
'No You Can't. We Don't want you hyper tonight, so You can have a Milkshake instead' he said firmly.
'Ok Edward' I said frowning.
He grinned and shook his head while rolling his eyes. I'm BORED!!!
'Edward......'I moaned.
'Sir Should I bring her a picture and crayons to play with?' a different man in a suit said.
'Yes please, and can you tell me approximately how long the meal is going to take?'
'About 5 minutes Sir, It is only a Kids portion after all, ha ha ha' He said handing me the big picture of a wolf and a big pack of crayons.
I opened the crayons and poured them on the table then picked up the black. I coloured in his nose and ears black and the rest grey and white I drew little patches of black all over his body. I randomly put a bit of brown on it aswell, but I didn't go out of the lines once! I was really pleased with it. I picked up all the crayons and tried to shove them all back in their pack. Edward Leaned over and helped me really quickly. I grinned and showed him my picture. I saw his eyes widen then turn black.
He doesn't like it!
My eyes started to fill with tears. Edward's eyes turned gold once more and he looked at me worriedly then realised what I was thinking. He got up and sat me on his knee.
'Sorry Luce, I Love your picture, I just had a naughty person in my mind' He whispered just as a man in a suit came over with my plate and glass of strawberry milkshake.
I grinned and my mouth started slavering. As soon as the man left I picked up my burger and bit into it. Then I spat it back out.
'Edward it tastes funny' I moaned my tummy starting to hurt.
'No ****ing wonder, it's raw!!!' He growled.
'Waitor! Get the chef out here now!' He told him.
A minute later the chef came out with an angry look on his face, But Edward looked angrier.
'Tell me "chef" do you cook every burger properly?' he growled at him.
'Yes Why?' the chef said confused
'Come look at this then please' he snarled.
Then the chef strode over and looked at my burger, then growled.
'I havn't made any Burgers all day, I never even got a written order for it, so Who the **** made this burger!!' he shouted.
'It was the waiter' Edward whispered.
He got up and put me on his back and walked over to the chef.
'Ok sorry, for blaming you, it was the waiter obviously so I'll Take a milkshake and a ice cream on the house' Edward said.
When it came out I love it and ate it very quickly. then two police officers came in and arrested the waiter.
Then Edward Picked up my picture and carried me out to the car and put me in my seat just as I started to fall asleep.
'Luce, Good night' He whispered.
When I woke up I was in a dark room by myself and i was going to be sick I tried to climb out of bed by I just fell flat on my face. Then the door opened and Edward ran in and picked me up. I put my hands oveer my mouth and Edwards eyes widened before he ran me into a bathroom. He hovered me over the toilet while I puked into it. He held my hair and rubbed my back while more came out. When I was done Edward flushed the
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