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Read book online Β«The Cullens gain a kid by pinkpoppy (motivational novels .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   pinkpoppy

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'C'mon Luce we gotta go now,' Emmett shouted.

Then mummy and daddy hugged me and kissed me on my head.

'Good luck Lucy' they both said at the same time.

I smiled before running at Edward who scooped me up and carried me out to his silver Volvo. He strapped me in my seat and climbed into the drivers seat. Jasper sat next to me and Alice sat in the front. I suddenly felt really calm. I smiled at Jasper. Edward started speeding down the road.

'Ok Luce, Do you have your 'Pull- ups' in your bag?' Edward asked.

I nodded and went bright red.

'Ok, the teachers should know so if you feel you need to change it tell the toilet you're going to the toilet and change it' Alice continued.

I nodded again. Then Edward stopped the car. I took a deep breath and undid my seatbelt. Then Edward opened my door and I got out. I then looked up at the building. Oh god. My heartbeat speeded up and my breathing got deeper. Then Eddie's arms hugged me. I suddenly felt really safe with him. I never wanted to leave him, but I had to.

'aww look at that BABY' some boy said.

I let Edward go as he started to growl.

'Remember not to let anyone find out what we are, Luce' Edward whispered.

I nodded and Edward led me into a classroom full of kids. The teacher looked scary.This is going to be one long day.

'Ok Everyone sit down' she shouted.

I sat down in the first empty seat I came to. Then someone pushed me out of it. I looked up to see that mean boy from before who called me a baby.

I just rolled my eyes and went to a seat at the back of the classroom.

'Hi my name is Leo, what's yours?' leo asked.

'Lucy, But you can call me Luce' I said.

He grinned and I grinned back.

One boring lesson later it was break. Me and Leo we're good friends and are going to sit together at lunch. Me and Leo played tag all break then I needed the toilet so I ran to the mean teacher.

'Um, miss I need the toilet' I said.

'Well wait you little brat' she snarled.

Leo walked over to me, with a confused look on his face.

'Hey Luce what's up you look as if you're gonna end up peeing your pants' He said.

'I am, But Miss said I have to wait' I whispered.

'She is such a meanie' Leo said.

'Yeah she is' I whispered.

Then Leo came over to me and hugged me. I hugged him back .

'Aww look at the babies hugging, DEKEG THEM' the mean boy ordered.

Leo shoved me behind him and growled. I gasped. He had golden eyes and was super fast and strong, and his eyes were now black. I knew what he was.

Leo was a vegitarian. A vegitarian Vampire.

Chapter 10

When the mean boys heard Leo growl they ran away. Me and Leo havn't separated since then apart from when I went to the bathroom. At lunch we went to the line and picked what we wanted. We both got pizza and a chocolate milkshake. We went to an empty table and sat next to one another. I grinned and picked um my pizza slice and ate it slowly. He pretended to eat his. I knew it. Vampire's don't eat.

I drank my milkshake and held Leo's hand under the table. Then Leo pushed his drink towards me.

'Do you want to finish my drink, I'm not thirsty?' he asked me grinning.

I nodded and downed it quickly.

'Do you wanna go outside and climb the tree with me?' I asked.

He laughed and nodded before getting up and politely pulling my chair out. I grinned and picked up my tray and he did the same. We went to the kitchen place where we're meant to dump our trays but before we got there Someone's leg stuck out and tripped me up. No prizes for guessing who. but before I hit the floor Leo had caught me. I smiled at him and got up. Boy did my newly healed leg hurt. Great. I carried on walking but I had a limp to it now. I dumped my tray then turned to Leo.

'I Don't think I can climb the tree now' I sighed.

'It's OK we Can just sit and talk If you want' He suggested.

I smiled and took his hand in mine. We walked outside, we I pretended to walk and leo lifted me up, and saw the sun coming out.

'Great, OK we need to go into a shady place' I said quickly starting to run behind the buildings where no one was.

'What do you mean?' Leo asked nervously.

I rolled my eyes and said 'Do you really want to start this Leo?'

He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

'You know?' He questioned.

I rolled my eyes and nodded. He started to shift round nervously.

'Don't worry I won't tell anyone, I like you and I dont want you to leave me here all alone' I whispered pulling him into a tight hug.

'I love you, Luce and always will' Leo Whispered into my ear before leaning in and kissing my cheek gently.

Then the bell went signalling us to go back inside to our torture.

Chapter 11

Two hours of boredom later

(bell rings)

YES! It's over!

'Ok Brats GET OUT' the teacher snarled.

I gathered everything into my bag then jumped out my seat and practically ran out the class. When I got outside I saw that no one was here for me yet. Then Someone yanked my bag out of my hands. It was the mean boy. I found out his name was Tom. Then Tom Unzipped my bag. I jumped up and tried to grab it off of him but he is taller than me.

I started jumping for it, then and Leo came over to me. Then Tom did the worst thing ever (in my case). He poured my Bags contents out all over the path.

I gasped and leo jumped and led on top of my nappies so no one could see them, not even Tom saw them. I sighed in relief and bent down and started to pick my stuff back up and put it back in my bag.

Then I walked to Tom. I looked him straight in the eye.

'If you ever do that you're going to pay' I snarled.

I saw leo shove my nappies in my bag out of the corner of my eye. I'm glad he did it at vampire speed so no one else saw it.

'You have something to hide, and i'm going to find out what Cullen' he snarled back.

Then he walked away. someone slipped their arms around my back.

'Guess who' Leo whispered in my ear.

I smiled and turned round and hugged him back.

'Thank you' I whispered in his ear.

Then daddy pulled up in his car. He got out and saw us hugging. He grinned.

'You're welcome, Luce' He whispered back.

Then I had an idea. I turned round to face daddy.

'Daddy can Leo come back to ours for a bit?' I asked.

He nodded and turned to Leo.

'I'm going to have to see your parents for a minute though Leo' Daddy explained.

I turned back to Leo and his golden eyes were shining bright. I heard another car pull up. We were the only ones on the path now. Two adults got out with bright smiles and walked towards Leo (who happened to be holding my hand).

'Hey Leo, I see you've got a friend' The man said.

'Hello my name is Carlisle Cullen, Can Leo come to ours for a bit, It's just that Lucy has been having a hard time and we would all like to get to know our daughters friend' Daddy said loud enough for me to hear but I knew they were having another conversation quietly as well.

I rolled my eyes and started a game of tag with Leo. I knew he could win if he wanted to but he played fair anyway. When he had won enough times I just threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly. I wanted him to myself. I heard a few chuckles and throat clearings so I let him go. I held his hand and grinned at Daddy. Leo's Parents were grinning as well.

'Well Leo, It seems they know already and well have fun at Lucy's ' His daddy said winking before his mummy slapped him. Then they got in their car and drove off.

'C'mon then kids lets go back to mine' Daddy said opening the door.

Leo climbed in first and sat in the middle so he could sit next to me. I smiled and sat next to him. We put our seat belts on and held hands. Daddy got in the drivers seat and put his seat belt on. Then he sped away from the hell hole school.

'Well guys, how was school?' Daddy asked.

'Well Tom called me a baby, then he shoved me from a seat and Then I met Leo. At break we played together then miss wouldn't let me go inside to the toilet then at lunch we sat together and then Tom tripped me but Leo caught me then after school Tom emptied my bag on the path but Leo covered up my Nappies so no one else saw them' I said squeezing Leo's hand tight.

'Just great! I mean why wouldn't she let you go to the toilet? She will pay for this' Daddy said angrily.

I saw his eyes go black through the mirror and his hands tightening on the steering wheel. Then I heard

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