The Cullens gain a kid by pinkpoppy (motivational novels .TXT) π

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- Author: pinkpoppy
Read book online Β«The Cullens gain a kid by pinkpoppy (motivational novels .TXT) πΒ». Author - pinkpoppy
'No, You go get someone to pick us up, I'll comfort Luce' He said before Daddy Jumped out.
Leo tore the seatbelt off my chest and lifted me out of the car. My Chest really hurt and it hurt when I breathed. Leo's eyes went wide and hugged me tight to him. Somehow that made me feel better. I smiled and sat on his knee. Then Edwards car drove up.
He got out with a amused look on his face.
'Soooo...... What happened?' he chuckled.
'Luce's teacher wouldn't let her go to the toilets at break and this is Leo Luce's best friend he helped her several times today' Daddy explained.
'Good.... good, well c'mon lets go home' Eddie said.
Me and Leo got in the back and stayed in the hugging position. I had noticed a light in his eyes which I had seen Daddy and mummy have when they're looking at each other. Love. I hoped my eyes said the same. I love him.
I love Leo.
Chapter 12
I love Leo.
Then I felt a magnetic pull, pulling me towards Leo. Like It wasn't gravity pulling me to the earth It was Leo. I felt like nothing could go wrong as long as I was with Leo. Then the car came to a sudden stop. Huh. I didn't even know It had set off. Next thing I knew mummy was pulling me out of the car and hugging me. I think she was talking but I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying. Leo was the only thing on my mind.
'Um I think we have a problem' Edward said.
'What's up Edward?' Leo asked.
'You two. Luce well she isn't even listening to us now because she is distracted because you two are soul mates' Edward explained.
'Great.... wait..... she, he, they're only like nearly 6!!!!' Daddy shouted.
'Actually I can change my apperence my neutral look is a 17 year old boy but i'm really 20 years old' Leo explained
'You're not helping Leo, wait why do you go to a infant school if your natrally a 17 year old body?' Emmett asked.
'Have you seen how old my "parents" look? We tried it once but we got lots of weird questions' Leo explained.
'Why don't You go upstairs with Edward and he'll lend you some clothes so you can go to your normal body?' Leo nodded and edward and him sped upstairs towards Edwards room.
As soon as I couldn't see Leo My Chest had some stabbing pains in it. I gasped and Jasper sat next to me and tried to calm me down.
'Calm down Luce, He's gonna be back in a minute, he's not leaving, he's yours' Jasper whispered.
Everyone Looked at each other confused then they all stared at me. Leo was walking downstairs. He was as big as Edward with the same black hair and golden eyes. His mouth was set in the goofy grin that I loved. I got up and ran to him. He bent down and picked me up. I smiled and hugged him tight. He laughed my favourite laugh and suddenly sat down where I was sat before. He turned me round and sat me on his knee.
I love him.
Everyone was grinning and shook their heads before going off to do their own stuff. But Edward, Mummy and Daddy stayed sat with me and Leo.
'Well I guess Leo and his family need to come live here with us' Carlisle Said clapping his hands together.
Leo reached into his pocket and brought his Mobile phone out. He flipped through it and found his mums number then pressed the 'Call' button. He held it to his ear.
'Hey mum, ok You know the man your were talking to before at school? Well he wants to talk to you' Leo said before handing the Phone to Daddy.
'Why don't we take Luce to the Park, Leo - go change into a Kid again' Edward Demanded dragging Leo off the Sofa and up the stairs leaving me sat there alone.
'Lucy go get changed' Mummy ordered.
I nodded eagerly and followed Leo upstairs. Edwards door was open slightly and I had to pass it to get to my room. I heard Leo cry in pain and tears welled up in my eyes. My heart held a stabbing pain. I walked right passed Edwards room and into mine which was next to his. I pulled off my clothes and replaced them with Leggings and a shirt. I put trainers on my feet and brushed my hair again. Tears were rolling down my face knowing Leo was in pain. Suddenly Leo and Jasper ran in. Leo was back to being a little kid and I ran to him hugging really, really tight.
'Why were you crying Luce?' Leo whispered.
'I heard and felt your pain' I whispered.
Jasper calmed us both down before Leo wiped my tears away. Then Jasper swooped down and threw us both over his shoulder before spriting downstairs. Suddenly He handed us over to Edward and I giggled. Then I stopped. Edward put me and Leo down. I needed a wee-wee. Suddenly Leo picked me up and sprinted me into a bathroom. He pulled down my pants and nappy and sat me on the toilet. I sighed guiltily. Leo walked out closing the door behind him. I quickly finished and flushed the toilet. None went into my nappy!
I washed my hands and walked out to see everyone grinning at me. I grinned as well but ran straight to Leo and hugged him. Leo hugged me back and kissed my forehead. Then he took my hand and led me outside to Edward's car. We jumped in the back and Leo helped me fasten my seatbelt. He sat in the middle again so he was right next to me. Edward started the engine and drove off. I smiled looking into Leo's face. I was leaning on him just to get closer to him. I cold feel his cold breath on my neck. I saw Leo roll his eyes and Placed a kiss on my head. Then the car stopped. I removed my seatbelt and Leo did the same before i opened the door and pulled him outside.
I pulled Leo through the gates and onto the swings. I sat on it and started swinging my legs around trying to move.
'Do you want me to push you Luce?' Leo said happily.
I grinned and nodded. He started to push me, low at first then higher and higher. I was laughing and and Smiling. Then he pushed me a bit to high and I fliped over the bar. I held on for dear life but then I fell onto the ground. I burst into tears.
'It hurts' I cried.
Leo picked me up and hugged me tight to his chest. After 5 minutes of being there I calmed down slightly until enentually I was only hiccuping. Leo was shhing me and soothing me. I don't think i was bleeding at least. Finally I smiled and Leo picked me up and carried me to Edwards car.
Then all my vision started going blurry. I paniced and i could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest.
'EDWARD' Leo shouted.
'Edward I can't see' I whispered
Then I heard several gasps. Great My families here.
'WHAT? WHY CAN'T LUCY SEE?' Leo shouted, and I went towards his voice and hugged him tightly to me.
'Well Leo we knew she would eventually go blind just not this early' Carlisle explained sadly.
I felt Leo getting upset in my arms. I hugged him even tighter.
'C'mon let's go home and we can decide what to do then' Emmett Said.
I was shocked. Emmett didn't sound like his bubbly self, he was upset. Now you know things are really bad when Emmett isn't joking around. I suddednly got super scared and hung onto Leo for dear life. Leo picked me up and carried me to somewhere. I was sat on someone's knee and I calmed down. I felt Leo's hand in mine but I was sat on someone else. I breathed in and out and squeezed Leo's hand.
'Ok who an i sat on????' I suddenly asked getting angry.
'Jasper, and Lucy calm down or you're gonna make it even worse' Edward warned and I nodded.
Then I focused on Leo. His scent, his breathing, the tingly feeling his skin has on mine. I smiled then the car stopped sending me flying forward till Jasper stopped me. I shook my head this is going to take a while to get used to. Then I growled.
He was here.
I growled again and Shoved Jasper off me. Luckily it worked and then I found the door handle. I swung it open and ran out, growling all the time.
'Jasper why did you let her go?' Daddy shouted.
'I didn't, she's stronger than me' Jasper whispered scared.
Everyone gasped as they knew Jasper was telling the truth. Meanwhile I was Running towards HIM. Somehow I could smell him, his scent. When I knew he was here I growled really loud.
' I thought you were Dead!' I snarled.
'Um Hi Lucy' He said.
'Is that what your mother told you? Well i'm not' He said trying to be calm.
I felt a loud growl erupt through me and to be honest it scared the c**p out of me.
I felt Leo come and hold me back But i felt myself getting super angry. Then I broke down sobbing. I
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