Tales Of ForestClan by Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) . (popular books of all time .txt) π

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- Author: Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) .
Read book online Β«Tales Of ForestClan by Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) . (popular books of all time .txt) πΒ». Author - Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) .
"I am loyal to my clan." Echopath sniffed. Her eyes were now filled with tears. Eagletalon could now see she was guilty, luckily for him. He lifted his head up and tried to move his paws, but they were still stinging from when Echopath had thrown him off his paws. Echopath could see this, and she sighed. "I'm so sorry." She gently picked up the tom by the scuff and lifted him out of the thistles and onto the grass.
Blood continued to pour out, and it now dyed the grass a intresting colour. Eagletalon groaned and tried to stand up. But he didn't realise how badly injured he was.
"I'll help you back to camp." Echopath offered. Eagletalon nodded. "Thanks."
As Echopath helped him up, Eagletalon gave a little sigh of relief. Atleast she still wants to stay friends with me. I can't imagine not being friends with Echopath.
Swiftpaw's eyes were fixed on the battlefield, with blood spilt on the grass and dirt. A body of a cat was sprawled on the ground, probably ReedClan. Swiftpaw then noticed Sandtail wrestling with Antpelt, one of the younger warriors. The apprentice pounced onto the ReedClan tom and scraped his claws down Antpelt's flank.
"You mouse-brain!" Antpelt hissed, biting into Swiftpaw's back. Swiftpaw cried out in pain, but Sandtail came to his rescue and scratched the warrior's cheek. She looked at her apprentice. "Go and help someone!" She meowed. Swiftpaw nodded and rushed into the middle of the battle.
Something blue moving into the apprentice den caught his eye. Swiftpaw quickly ran in and found Chickenpaw and Rainpaw hissing at Seaview, who had Featherpaw dangling in his jaws. Swiftpaw's eyes blazed like fire, and he lunged at the big blue tom. He let Featherpaw go, and the black and white tom sprung over to her side. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." Featherpaw meowed, her blue eyes shining. "Thanks for saving me." Swiftpaw nodded. "You're welcome." He then flicked his tail towards the nursery. "We'd better check if any ReedClan cats broke into the nursery." Together, the two apprentices ran into the nursery. Only the five apprentices had got in, but the kits were wailing madly and the queens were protecting their kits while hissing some warnings. Barkpaw, the oldest of the apprentices, whipped his head round and gazed at Featherpaw.
There had been rumors going around that Featherpaw and Barkpaw were in love, but both cats denined it. Swiftpaw wasn't sure if he believed Barkpaw, by the way he was staring at Featherpaw. He muttered something to his little apprentice friends, and they cornered Swiftpaw. Barkpaw just padded towards Featherpaw, his eyes not leaving her sight. He then gently waved his tail around her face, purring. The ForestClan apprentice growled, her fur bristling with anger. "Leave me alone!"
"If you touch her, you die." Swiftpaw warned, flexing out his claws. Branchpaw, Sleetpaw, Yellowpaw and Sharkpaw lashed their tails and hissed.
"Leave my brother alone!" Poppyfoot yowled, pouncing onto Sharkpaw, who was the youngest apprentice. He was squealing as the queen pinned him down, her claws ready to kill. "If you lay a claw on those apprentices, he gets it. Just back away slowly and no blood will be spilled." She threatened.
"Retreat!" Barkpaw yelped to his friends, rushing out. Poppyfoot let Sharkpaw crawl away with his clanmates, and Swiftpaw shot a greatful look at his sister. Featherpaw then nudged him. "Come on, we'd better go and rejoin the battle."
Swiftpaw ran beside his friend, the night air now freezing his pelt. The ReedClan cats were still strong, despite they hated the cold weather more than any other clans.
The apprentices then stopped when they saw Cloudeye being pinned down by Lizardtail. Knowing that the elder couldn't die, Swiftpaw and Featherpaw rushed over and pounced onto the warrior, raking their small yet sharp claws down his back. The ReedClan cat yelped angrily in pain and limped away.
"Thank you." Cloudeye croaked to the apprentices, limping back to the elder den to help her denmate Longstripe.
Swiftpaw then noticed that Dawnsong hadn't returned with the CourageClan cats. Had she been captured? Or maybe even killed? He gently prodded Featherpaw with his paw. "Where do you reckon Dawnsong's gone?"
"No idea." Featherpaw sighed. "I barely know her well enough to know where she would magicly disappear in the midst of battle." Swiftpaw just shook his head and then noticed something very odd. Sandtail was being pinned down by a ReedClan warrior he had never seen before.
"Look at that warrior." Swiftpaw mummered to Featherpaw. "Who's he?" Featherpaw looked at the tom, who had a long dark brown tabby pelt with black stripes. He did have a familar scent about him though.
"Wait a moment, hold the line!" Featherpaw's eyes widened in terror and horror. "The mystery cat is a cat of ForestClan!"
Echopath padded slowly through the misty forest, with Eagletalon leaning on her for support. She did feel guilty, because it had been her fault that her friend was in this state.
Blood was still gushing out of his wounds, where Echopath had kicked him off her and into the thorns. She had badly injured him. But he seemed to have forgiven her, despite he was being silent.
"I wonder where Silverpelt is." Echopath mummered. "The mist has covered the whole sky, and the ground. I hope it's a lot clearer at camp."
Eagletalon said nothing again, but the she-cat could see that his eyes were full of hope. Despite his silence, the warrior's pressence comforted Echopath. She had run away from him not too long ago, and now she felt safer with a clanmate.
"What's that smell?" Eagletalon whispered. "It smells like death." Echopath sniffed the air, and then realised he was right. She could smell ReedClan and blood. And to make matters worse, she still couldn't see anything.
Echopath stopped and listened. There was faint yowls in the distance, but the only thing she could hear clearly was her heartbeat. This frightened her slightly, but she continued onwards with the injured tom.
Suddenly, there was a loud high-pitched scream. Echopath looked at Eagletalon, and then in the direction where the scream came from. She had to investigate the screaming, but she couldn't leave her friend behind to fend for himself.
"We better return to camp. Now." Eagletalon said to her. "I can just about run."
"Are you sure?" Echopath asked. "Because I don't want you to start running and then realise you still have to limp around." The tom just stared at her with his determained eyes, and Echopath started running.
The two cats skidded to a halt when they reached the gorge. ReedClan were attacking their camp, but luckily there were no dead bodies in sight.
"I must check on my kits." Eagletalon said, limping down into camp. Echopath followed closely behind him, hissing at any enemy cats that came close. They got to the nursery to find the queens sitting up, keeping guard. The kits were in their nests watching their mothers. Eagletalon instantly reconised Willowstream sitting at the end, and he limped over to her. "Willowstream..."
"Eagletalon!" The queen rested her head on her mate's neck and purred. "I thought you had died!"
"Nothing will kill me at this age." Eagletalon purred, rubbing his nose against her cheek.
That could have been me. I would be so much happier with my best friend as my mate.
Echopath thought sadly. Leaving the two mates, the young warrior left the nursery and rushed into the battle scene.
Fishstar was beside a small bush, crouching over a young injured warrior from his own clan. Echopath reconised the cat as Cinderfoot, the new ReedClan warrior from the gathering. She watched as the she-cat slowly rose to her paws, and then Fishstar cried "Retreat, ReedClan! Retreat!"
His clan stopped fight and rushed away, desperate to get away. They had trouble climbing up the gorge, but they did eventually get out. Bramblestar let out a loud yowl of victory and the other cats joined in. But Echopath noticed that Tigerpelt, Sandtail, Swiftpaw and Featherpaw weren't there. They were growling at eachother at the other side of camp. They then stopped, and Tigerpelt ran into the nursery. Sandtail and the apprentices now started yowling their victory.
That was strange. Is there something going on that no one knows about? Surely this secret can't be kept from the whole clan?
Echopath wondered.
"Clan dismissed!" Bramblestar meowed, and his clan padded away. However, Echopath stayed behind. There was still one certain cat missing. She went up to the leader. "Dawnsong has still not returned." She annonced to him.
"I am completely aware of this." Bramblestar told her. "Some believe that she has joined StarClan, and some believe that she has been captured by CourageClan. But we cannot make a final decision without proof."
"But why would they take a warrior as young as her?" Echopath asked, sitting down beside the tom. "I know her brother is in that clan, but surely CourageClan aren't trying to get a bad reputation?"
"Only StarClan knows." Bramblestar let the cool breeze ruffle his dark brown pelt before continuing. "We may not know where she has disappeared to, but all we know is that she will be safe, wherever she is. The fellowship of the clan is always within every cat of this clan, wherever they are."
"Maybe ReedClan took her on the way back to their camp." Echopath suggested. Bramblestar shook his head. "We are between the two. CourageClan is not welcome into this arguement, they are just around as silent witnesses. Bravestar will reject to help us, because she is sick of these constant battles. Too many cats have died, many too young to join StarClan. This must stop, no matter what it takes."
"Will we try and find Dawnsong tomorrow?"
"Prehaps. But for now, we must concentrate on training our young to become warriors of ForestClan. The survival and future of all cats lies in the paws of apprentices and kits. They are the youngest cats who replace us older, more experinced cats when our time is up. They must learn our ways and the wisdom required to be a full member, or a leader. This is then passed on through to the cats of the future."
"So it is up to the
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