Tales Of ForestClan by Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) . (popular books of all time .txt) π

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- Author: Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) .
Read book online Β«Tales Of ForestClan by Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) . (popular books of all time .txt) πΒ». Author - Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) .
"Yes. It has always been that way. Otherwise the clans would have fallen by now, and most of us wouldn't be here. StarClan watch over every cat in every clan, no matter how old or how young, or how sick or how healthy you are." Bramblestar then flicked his tail towards the warrior den. "It is getting late. Go and get some rest."
"Alright." Echopath started to pad away. "Thanks for talking to me about this, Bramblestar." The leader dipped his head. "You're welcome. May StarClan watch over you as you sleep."
Dawnsong awoke the next day. It was now dawn, but she could hear the CourageClan cats talking and sending out patrols. She had almost forgotten where she was, until she noticed Noblespirit was still sleeping beside her. The she-cat gently prodded him. "Wake up, it's dawn."
"Huh?" The gold and white tom opened his eyes slowly and yawned. His eyes then were filled with alarm. "There are cats of my clan close by. We have to hide now, because the will be apprentices training around here."
"But how will you get away fast enough?" Dawnsong asked anxiously. "I can jump from tree to tree, but you can't!" Noblespirit shook his head. "But I could hide in the bushes and run through there. Hopefully my clanmates won't suspect me."
"Ok." Dawnsong started to jump branch to branch, whilst her mate ran through the bushes. They were both very swift and skillful, luckily.
A while later, the two cats were hiding at the edge of the forest, panting. Dawnsong imparticular, but she could just speak. "What are we going to do for prey?"
"Easy." Noblespirit disappeared behind a tree, and then returned with a mouse. "Mice live underneath the roots of trees around here. All you have to do it stick your paw in with your claws sheathed, and you'll certainly catch something."
"Thanks." Dawnsong said to him, streching down to eat the prey.
Suddenly, there was a loud wailing sound. Dawnsong's ears pricked up as she listened, not making a single sound. She started to pad slowly towards the edge of CourageClan territory until she came across a pile of logs, neatly stacked and covered in claw marks and tufts of fur.
"Dawnsong!" Noblespirit hissed. "Come back! You don't know what lies beyond there!" The she-cat ignored him and stepped closer. She noticed a small gap between the logs, so she slowly crawled over and stopped beside the gap. There were cats in there, but not clan cats. Their scent was very strange.
"Hello? Is there anyone in there?" Dawnsong called. She then heard another wail, and a crashing sound. Dawnsong backed away, suspicious.
"Mother!" The voice cried. Dawnsong pricked up her ears and stood up. "I can help you."
After she said that, two thin cats crawled out. Their pelts were stained with blood, and their claws were covered in blood. One was a white she-cat with black paws and black eyes, whilst the other cat was a fiery ginger tom with amber eyes. The she-cat approached Dawnsong with caution. "I'm Ghost, and that's my brother Fox. Who are you?"
"Erm, I'm Dawnsong, a ForestClan warrior." Dawnsong told them.
"And I am Noblespirit, a CourageClan warrior." Noblespirit added. "This is my
clan's territory, what are you doing here?" Ghost's paws shuffled as she spoke. "We lived here with our mother, but we were invaded and she just died!"
Dawnsong then noticed that Ghost's claws were sheathed, like she was about to attack them. Her eyes were filled with rage, and her fur was bristling with fury. Dawnsong still kept her claws sheathed, but she spoke in a kind manner. "We won't hurt you."
"We want to live in a clan." Fox annonced. "May we both join your clan?" Dawnsong shook her head. "We are from diffrent clans. You either join me in ForestClan, or Noblespirit in CourageClan." She explained. "It is your decision."
The two siblings mummered away quietly to eachother for a few minutes, and then looked up. "We will join ForestClan. But just a quick question. If you are from diffrent clans, then why is Dawnsong in the wrong territory?"
"Secretly, we are mates." Noblespirit told the rogues in a low voice. "It is against the warrior code to take a mate from a diffrent clan, but too many cats have ignored this. You mustn't tell anyone about this, or we will be crowfood. Speaking of which, you better get rid of that CourageClan scent Dawnsong, or Bramblestar will get suspicious. Jump in the river or something."
"ReedClan own the river. You heard Fishstar last night. I'll be crowfood if I go there." Dawnsong pointed out. "I'll try some fox dung, even if I hate the smell of it."
After a while, Noblespirit was sitting at the border, saying his goodbyes to his mate and new friends. They were anxious about going to the camp, especially Dawnsong, as she had skipped an important battle.
If someone has died, I will never forgive myself.
The she-cat thought. She dipped her head to Noblespirit, and led the two new members of ForestClan towards their camp.
A couple of minutes later, they were just outside camp, on top of the gorge. Dawnsong looked at Ghost and Fox. "You mustn't say a word about me and Noblespirit. I will do the talking for now." She mummered. "Follow me." She started to pad down the slope carefully, watching out for thistles or anything similar.
As she padded down with the rogues, a familar voice echoed in her ears. "Dawnsong!"
More cats started to poke their heads up, and they yowled their welcome. The little grey she-cat felt special, for the first time in her whole life.
Bramblestar padded through the crowd, with Sandtail beside him. "What happened to you last night? I sent you to find CourageClan helpers, but you never returned."
"On the way there, I was attacked by a ReedClan patrol. I don't know who they were, but they were ReedClan. They nearly killed me, but these rogues," Dawnsong flicked her tail towards Ghost and Fox. "saved me. They fought off the patrol, and they wish to join the clan."
"More outsiders?" Tigerpelt spat. "Never!"
"Quiet." Bramblestar growled. He turned back to the cats. "How old are you, and can you do everything that warriors in a clan can do?"
"We are 18 moons old, and we can do everything you would do in a clan." Ghost told the leader. "Oh, I'm Ghost by the way. The tom is my brother, Fox." Bramblestar nodded and rushed down towards the highrock. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join under the highrock for a clan meeting!"
"What's happening?" Ghost asked. Dawnsong smiled. "Bramblestar is making you both warriors."
"Today, ForestClan are going to take in two outsiders as warriors. Can Ghost and Fox come here?" Bramblestar called. The two rogues rushed up eagerly, and Bramblestar looked up. "I, Bramblestar, leader of ForestClan, call apon my warrior ancestors to look down on these cats. They have trained hard, and I ask that you make them warriors in turn." He turned to the rogues. "Ghost and Fox, will you uphold the warrior code and use it to defend your new clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"Yes, we accept." Ghost meowed cooly.
"Then by the power of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Ghost, from this day foward, you shall be known as Ghostfire. StarClan welcomes you as a full warrior of ForestClan." The young leader then padded over to Ghostfire's brother. "Fox, from this day forward, you will be known as Foxtooth. StarClan also welcomes you as a full warrior of ForestClan."
"Ghostfire! Foxtooth!" The clan chanted several times. Dawnsong's voice was the loudest of all, but she couldn't help feeling like she had betrayed the clan.
Swiftpaw chanted along with the rest of his clanmates as they welcomed the two new warriors. Beside him, Featherpaw was chanting quietly, as if she didn't approve.
"What's wrong?" Swiftpaw asked her. The she-cat looked up at him. "I just have this feeling that they can't be trusted. Ghostfire had her claws sheathed throughout the whole meeting."
"We also welcome Dawnsong back to the clan, after yesterday's disappearence. But for now, I will sort new apprentices. Can Willowstream's kits come up here please?"
Finally. We need some new cats in the den.
Swiftpaw thought happily as the three kits rushed up eagerly. Bramblestar looked at them all. "Until these cats have earned the warrior names, they will be known as Leopardpaw, Moonpaw and Clawedpaw. Leopardpaw's mentor will be Otterswim, Moonpaw's will be Pinewhisker and Clawedpaw's mentor will be Tigerpelt."
"That's not very fair." Sandtail muttered. "Why must three toms mentor three kits?" Swiftpaw blinked at his mentor. "Well, it's not your problem. You have an apprentice."
"Also, I have been informed by Brokenheart that Leappaw deserves his warrior name after his bravery yesterday. So, can Leappaw come up here please?" Bramblestar called. The apprentice, still showing his wounds from yesterday, hurried up to the highrock and held his head up proudly.
"I, Bramblestar, leader of ForestClan, call apon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard in your noble code, and I ask that you make him a warrior in turn." He turned to the little injured tom. "Leappaw, will you uphold the warrior code and use it to defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do!" Leappaw said confidently.
"Then by the power of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Leappaw, from this day foward, you shall be known as Leapthroat. StarClan honors you for your courage and quick thinking, and welcomes you as a full warrior of ForestClan." Bramblestar rested his head on the new warrior's forehed, and Leapthroat licked his shoulder in respect.
"Leapthroat! Leapthroat!" The clan chanted yet again. Bramblestar flicked his tail for silence, and he spoke on. "I will sort patrols now. Lionclaw, lead a patrol around the CourageClan border. Take Willowstream, Rainpaw and Snakebite. Sandtail, lead a patrol around the ReedClan border. Take Swiftpaw, Featherpaw, Brokenheart and Runningbreeze. Do not attempt to attack them, unless they fight you. Rabbitleap, lead a hunting patrol. Take Chickenpaw, Pigeonwing and Spiderleg. Otterswim, Pinewhisker and Tigerpelt, you need to take your new apprentices on a tour around our territory."
Well, this patrol should be intresting. Why has Bramblestar selected one of the youngest warriors, two apprentices, a senior warrior and the deputy to go to the border? I thought he would only send one of the oldest apprentices and
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