The Grammar of English Grammars by Goold Brown (free ebook reader .txt) π
"In what regards the laws of grammatical purity," says Dr. Campbell, "the violation is much more conspicuous than the observance."--See Philosophy of Rhetoric, p. 190. It therefore falls in with my main purpose, to present to the public, in the following ample work, a condensed mass of special criticism, such as is not elsewhere to be found in
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Read book online Β«The Grammar of English Grammars by Goold Brown (free ebook reader .txt) πΒ». Author - Goold Brown
'Simois nor Xanthus shall be wanting there.'"βIb., p. 129.
UNDER CRITICAL NOTE XII.βOF PERVERSIONS."In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."βMurray's
Gram., 8vo, Vol. i, p. 330; Hallock's Gram., p. 179; Melmoth, on
Scripture, p. 16.
[FORMULE.βNot proper, because this reading is false in relation to the word "heavens;" nor is it usual to put a comma after the word "beginning." But, according to Critical Note 12th, "Proof-tests in grammar, if not in all argument, should be quoted literally; and even that which needs to be corrected, must never be perverted." The authorized text is this: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."βGen., i, 1.]
"Canst thou, by searching, find out the Lord?"βMurray's Gram., p. 335. "Great is the Lord, just and true are thy ways, thou king of saints."βPriestley's Gram., p. 171; L. Murray's, 168; Merchant's, 90; R. C. Smith's, 145; Ingersoll's, 194; Ensell's, 330; Fisk's, 104; et al. "Every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."βAlex. Murray's Gram., p. 137. "Though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor."βL. Murray's Gram., p. 211; Bullions's, 111 and 113; Everest's, 230; Smith's, 177; et al. "Whose foundation was overflown with a flood."βFRIENDS' BIBLE: Job, xxii, 16. "Take my yoke upon ye, for my yoke is easy."βThe Friend, Vol. iv, p. 150. "I will to prepare a place for you."βWeld's E. Gram., 2d Ed., p. 67. "Ye who are dead hath he quickened."βlb., p. 189; Imp. Ed., 195. "Go, flee thee away into the land of Judea."βHart's Gram., p. 115. "Hitherto shalt thou come, and no farther."βMurray's Key, 8vo, p. 222. "Thine is the day and night."βBrown's Concordance, p. 82. "Faith worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope."βO. B. Peirce's Gram., p. 282. "Soon shall the dust return to dust, and the soul, to God who gave it. BIBLE."βIb., p. 166. "For, in the end, it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. It will lead thee into destruction, and cause thee to utter perverse things. Thou wilt be like him who lieth down in the midst of the sea. BIBLE."βIb., p. 167. "The memory of the just shall be honored: but the name of the wicked shall rot. BIBLE."βIb., p. 168. "He that is slow in anger, is better than the mighty. He that ruleth his spirit, is better than he that taketh a city. BIBLE."βIb., p. 72. "The Lord loveth whomsoever he correcteth; as the father correcteth the son in whom he delighteth. BIBLE."βIb., p. 72. "The first future tense represents what is to take place hereafter. G. B."βIb., p. 366. "Teach me to feel another's wo; [and] To hide what faults I see."βIb., p. 197. "Thy speech bewrayeth thee; for thou art a Gallilean."βMurray's Ex., ii, p. 118. "Thy speech betrays thee; for thou art a Gallilean."βMurray's Key, 8vo, p. 250. "Strait is the gate, and narrow the way, that leads to life eternal."βIb., Key, p. 172. "Straight is the gate," &c.βIb., Ex., p. 36. "'Thou buildest the wall, that thou mayst be their king.' Neh., vi, 6."βMurray's Gram., 8vo, p. 210. "'There is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayst be feared.' Psalms, cxxx, 4."βIb., p. 210. "But yesterday, the word, Cesar, might Have stood against the world."βKirkham's Elocution, p. 316. "The northeast spends its rage. THOMSON."βJoh. Dict., w. Effusive. "Tells how the drudging goblet swet. MILTON."βChurchill's Gram., p. 263. "And to his faithful servant hath in place Bore witness gloriously. SAM. AGON."βIb., p. 266. "Then, if thou fallest, O Cromwell, Thou fallest a blessed martyr."βKirkham's Elocution, p. 190. "I see the dagger-crest of Mar, I see the Morays' silver star, Waves o'er the cloud of Saxon war, That up the lake came winding far!βSCOTT."βMerchant's School Gram., p. 143. "Each bird, and each insect, is happy in its kind."βIb., p. 85. "They who are learning to compose and arrange their sentences with accuracy and order, are learning, at the same time, to think with accuracy and order. BLAIR."βIb., p. 176; L. Murray's Gram., Title-page, 8vo and 12mo. "We, then, as workers together with you, beseech you also, that ye receive not the grace of God in vain."βJames Brown's Eng. Syntax, p. 129. "And on the bounty of thy goodness calls."βO. B. Peirce's Gram., p. 246. "Knowledge dwells In heads replete with thoughts of other men; Wisdom, in minds retentive to their own. COWPER."βMerchant's School Gram., p. 172. "Oh! let me listen to the word of life. THOMSON."βIb., p. 155. "Save that from yonder ivy-mantled bower, &c. GRAY'S ELEGY."βTooke's Div. of Purley, Vol. i, p. 116. "Weigh the mens wits against the ladies hairs. POPE."βDr. Johnson's Gram., p. 6. "Weigh the men's wits against the women's hairs. POPE."βChurchill's Gram., p. 214. "Prior to the publication of Lowth's excellent little grammar, the grammatical study of our own language, formed no part of the ordinary method of instruction. HILEY'S PREFACE."βDr. Bullions's E. Gram., 1843, p. 189. "Let there be no strife betwixt me and thee."βWeld's Gram., p. 143.
"What! canst thou not bear with me half an hour?βSHARP."
βIb., p. 185.
"Till then who knew the force of those dire dreams.βMILTON."
βIb., p. 186.
"In words, as fashions, the rule will hold,
Alike fantastic, if too new or old:"
βMurray's Gram., p. 136.
"Be not the first, by whom the new is tried,
Nor yet the last, to lay the old aside."
βBucke's Gram., p. 104.
"They slew Varus, who was he that I mentioned before."βMurray's Key, 8vo, p. 194.
[FORMULE.βNot proper, because the phrase, "who was he that," is here prolix and awkward. But, according to Critical Note 13th, "Awkwardness, or inelegance of expression, is a reprehensible defect in style, whether it violate any of the common rules of syntax or not." This example may be improved thus: "They slew Varus, whom I mentioned before."]
"Maria rejected Valerius, who was he that she had rejected before."βMurray's Gram., 8vo, p. 174. "The English in its substantives has but two different terminations for cases."βLowth's Gram., p. 18. "Socrates and Plato were wise; they were the most eminent philosophers of Greece."βIb., p. 175; Murray's Gram., 149; et al. "Whether one person or more than one, were concerned in the business, does not yet appear."βMurray's Key, 8vo, p. 184. "And that, consequently, the verb and pronoun agreeing with it, cannot with propriety, be ever used in the plural number."βMurray's Gram., p. 153; Ingersoll's, 249; et al. "A second help may be the conversing frequently and freely with those of your own sex who are like minded."βJohn Wesley. "Four of the semi-vowels, namely, l, m, n, r, are also distinguished by the name of liquids, from their readily uniting with other consonants, and flowing as it were into their sounds."βMurray's Gram., p. 8; Churchill's, 5; Alger's, 11; et al. "Some conjunctions have their correspondent conjunctions belonging to them: so that, in the subsequent member of the sentence the latter answers to the former."βLowth's Gram., p. 109: Adam's, 209; Gould's, 205; L. Murray's, 211; Ingersoll's, 268; Fisk's, 137; Churchill's, 153; Fowler's, 562; et al. "The mutes are those consonants, whose sounds cannot be protracted. The semi-vowels, such whose sounds can be continued at pleasure, partaking of the nature of vowels, from which they derive their name."βMurray's Gram., p 9; et al. "The pronoun of the third person, of the masculine and feminine gender, is sometimes used as a noun, and regularly declined: as, 'The hes in birds.' BACON. 'The shes of Italy.' SHAK."βChurchill's Gram., p. 73. "The following examples also of separation of a preposition from the word which it governs, is improper in common writings."βC. Adams's Gram., p. 103. "The word whose begins likewise to be restricted to persons, but it is not done so generally but that good writers, and even in prose, use it when speaking of things."βPriestley's Gram., p. 99; L. Murray's, 157; Fisk's, 115; et al. "There are new and surpassing wonders present themselves to our views."βSherlock. "Inaccuracies are often found in the way wherein the degrees of comparison are applied and construed."βCampbell's Rhet., p. 202. "Inaccuracies are often found in the way in which the degrees of comparison are applied and construed."βMurray's Gram., p. 167; Smith's, 144; Ingersoll's, 193; et al. "The connecting circumstance is placed too remotely, to be either perspicuous or agreeable."βMurray's Gram., p. 177. "Those tenses are called simple tenses, which are formed of the principal without an auxiliary verb."βIb., p. 91. "The nearer that men approach to each other, the more numerous are their points of contact and the greater will be their pleasures or their pains."βMurray's Key, 8vo, p. 275. "This is the machine that he is the inventor of."βNixon's Parser, p. 124. "To give this sentence the interrogative form, it should be expressed thus."βMurray's Gram., 8vo, p. 279. "Never employ those words which may be susceptible of a sense different from the sense you intend to be conveyed."βHiley's Gram., p. 152. "Sixty pages are occupied in explaining what would not require more than ten or twelve to be explained according to the ordinary method."βIb., Pref., p. ix. "The present participle in -ing always expresses an action, or the suffering of an action, or the being, state, or condition of a thing as continuing and progressive."βBullions, E. Gram., p. 57. "The Present participle of all active verbs[457] has an active signification; as, James is building the house. In many of these, however, it has also a passive signification; as, the house was building when the wall fell."βId., ib., 2d or 4th Ed., p. 57. "Previous to parsing this sentence, it may be analyzed to the young pupil by such questions as the following, viz."βId., ib., p. 73. "Subsequent to that period, however, attention has been paid to this important subject."βIb., New Ed., p. 189; Hiley's Preface, p. vi. "A definition of a word is an explanation in what sense the word is used, or what idea or object we mean by it, and which may be expressed by any one or more of the properties, effects, or circumstances of that object, so as sufficiently to distinguish it from other objects."βHiley's Gram., p. 245.
UNDER CRITICAL NOTE XIV.βOF IGNORANCE."What is an Asserter? It is the part of speech which asserts."βO. B.
Peirce's Gram., p. 20.
[FORMULE.βNot proper, because the term "Asserter" which is here put for Verb, is both ignorantly misspelled, and whimsically misapplied. But, according to Critical Note 14th, "Any use of words that implies ignorance of their meaning, or of their proper orthography, is particularly unscholarlike; and, in proportion to the author's pretensions to learning, disgraceful." The errors here committed might have been avoided thus: "What is a verb? It is a word which signifies to be, to act, or to be acted upon." Or thus: "What is an assertor? Ans. 'One who affirms positively; an affirmer, supporter, or
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