The Grammar of English Grammars by Goold Brown (free ebook reader .txt) π
"In what regards the laws of grammatical purity," says Dr. Campbell, "the violation is much more conspicuous than the observance."--See Philosophy of Rhetoric, p. 190. It therefore falls in with my main purpose, to present to the public, in the following ample work, a condensed mass of special criticism, such as is not elsewhere to be found in
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Read book online Β«The Grammar of English Grammars by Goold Brown (free ebook reader .txt) πΒ». Author - Goold Brown
"Naught else sublimes the spirit, sets it free, Like sacred and soul-moving poesy."βSheffield cor.
UNDER NOTE VII.βEXTRA COMPARISONS."How much better are ye than the fowls!"βBible cor. "Do not thou hasten above the Most High."βEsdras cor. "This word, PEER, is principally used for the nobility of the realm."βCowell cor. "Because the same is not only most generally received, &c."βBarclay cor. "This is, I say, not the best and most important evidence."βId. "Offer unto God thanksgiving, and pay thy vows unto the Most High."βThe Psalter cor. "The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High."βId. "As boys should be educated with temperance, so the first great lesson that should be taught them, is, to admire frugality."βGoldsmith cor. "More general terms are put for such as are more restricted."βRev. J. Brown cor. "This, this was the unkindest cut of all."βEnfield's Speaker, p. 353. "To take the basest and most squalid shape."βShak. cor. "I'll forbear: I have fallen out with my more heady will."βId. "The power of the Most High guard thee from sin."βPercival cor. "Which title had been more true, if the dictionary had been in Latin and Welsh."βVerstegan cor. "The waters are frozen sooner and harder, than further upward, within the inlands."βId. "At every descent, the worst may become more depraved."βMann cor.
"Or as a moat defensive to a house
Against the envy of less happy lands."βShak. cor.
"A dreadful quiet felt, and worse by far
Than arms, a sullen interval of war."βDryden cor.
"It breaks forth in its highest, most energetic, and most impassioned strain."βKirkham cor. "He has fallen into the vilest and grossest sort of railing."βBarclay cor. "To receive that higher and more general instruction which the public affords."βJ. O. Taylor cor. "If the best things have the best and most perfect operations."βHooker cor. "It became the plainest and most elegant, the richest and most splendid, of all languages."βBucke cor. "But the principal and most frequent use of pauses, is, to mark the divisions of the sense."βBlair cor. "That every thing belonging to ourselves is the best and the most perfect."β Clarkson cor. "And to instruct their pupils in the best and most thorough manner."βSchool Committee cor.
UNDER NOTE IX.βADJECTIVES SUPERADDED."The Father is figured out as a venerable old man."βBrownlee cor. "There never was exhibited an other such masterpiece of ghostly assurance."βId. "After the first three sentences, the question is entirely lost."βSpect. cor. "The last four parts of speech are commonly called particles."βAl. Murray cor. "The last two chapters will not be found deficient in this respect."βTodd cor. "Write upon your slates a list of the first ten nouns."βJ. Abbott cor. "We have a few remains of two other Greek poets in the pastoral style, Moschus and Bion."βBlair cor. "The first nine chapters of the book of Proverbs are highly poetical."βId. "For, of these five heads, only the first two have any particular relation to the sublime."βId. "The resembling sounds of the last two syllables give a ludicrous air to the whole."βKames cor. "The last three are arbitrary."βId. "But in the sentence, 'She hangs the curtains,' hangs is an active-transitive verb."βComly cor. "If our definition of a verb, and the arrangement of active-transitive, active-intransitive, passive, and neuter verbs, are properly understood."βId. "These last two lines have an embarrassing construction."βRush cor. "God was provoked to drown them all, but Noah and seven other persons."βWood cor. "The first six books of the Γneid are extremely beautiful."βFormey cor. "Only a few instances more can here be given."βMurray cor. "A few years more will obliterate every vestige of a subjunctive form."βNutting cor. "Some define them to be verbs devoid of the first two persons."βCrombie cor. "In an other such Essay-tract as this."βWhite cor. "But we fear that not an other such man is to be found."βEdward Irving cor. "O for an other such sleep, that I might see an other such man!" Or, to preserve poetic measure, say:β
"O for such sleep again, that I might see An other such man, though but in a dream!"βShak. cor.
UNDER NOTE X.βADJECTIVES FOR ADVERBS."The is an article, relating to the noun balm, agreeably to Rule 11th."βComly cor. "Wise is an adjective, relating to the noun man's, agreeably to Rule 11th."βId. "To whom I observed, that the beer was extremely good."βGoldsmith cor. "He writes very elegantly." Or: "He writes with remarkable elegance."βO. B. Peirce cor. "John behaves very civilly (or, with true civility) to all men."βId. "All the sorts of words hitherto considered, have each of them some meaning, even when taken separately."βBeattie cor. "He behaved himself conformably to that blessed example."βSprat cor. "Marvellously graceful."β Clarendon cor. "The Queen having changed her ministry, suitably to her wisdom."βSwift cor. "The assertions of this author are more easily detected."βId. "The characteristic of his sect allowed him to affirm no more strongly than that."βBentley cor. "If one author had spoken more nobly and loftily than an other."βId. "Xenophon says expressly."β Id. "I can never think so very meanly of him."βId. "To convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds, which they have impiously committed."βBible cor. "I think it very ably written." Or: "I think it written in a very masterly manner."βSwift cor. "The whole design must refer to the golden age, which it represents in a lively manner."βAddison cor. "Agreeably to this, we read of names being blotted out of God's book."βBurder et al. cor. "Agreeably to the law of nature, children are bound to support their indigent parents."βPaley. "Words taken independently of their meaning, are parsed as nouns of the neuter gender."βMaltby cor.
"Conceit in weakest bodies strongliest works."βShak. cor.
UNDER NOTE XI.βTHEM FOR THOSE."Though he was not known by those letters, or the name CHRIST."βBayly cor. "In a gig, or some of those things." Better: "In a gig, or some such vehicle."βM. Edgeworth cor. "When cross-examined by those lawyers."βSame. "As the custom in those cases is."βSame. "If you had listened to those slanders."βSame. "The old people were telling stories about those fairies; but, to the best of my judgement, there is nothing in them."βSame. "And is it not a pity that the Quakers have no better authority to substantiate their principles, than the testimony of those old Pharisees?"βHibbard cor.
UNDER NOTE XII.βTHIS AND THAT."Hope is as strong an incentive to action, as fear: that is the anticipation of good, this of evil."βInst., p. 265. "The poor want some advantages which the rich enjoy; but we should not therefore account these happy, and those miserable."βInst., p. 266.
"Ellen and Margaret, fearfully,
Sought comfort in each other's eye;
Then turned their ghastly look each one,
That to her sire, this to her son."βScott cor.
"Six youthful sons, as many blooming maids,
In one sad day beheld the Stygian shades;
Those by Apollo's silver bow were slain,
These Cynthia's arrows stretch'd upon the plain."βPope cor.
"Memory and forecast just returns engage,
That pointing back to youth, this on to age."βPope, on Man.
"These make the three great subjects of discussion among mankind; namely, truth, duty, and interest: but the arguments directed towards any of them are generically distinct."βDr. Blair cor. "A thousand other deviations may be made, and still any of the accounts may be correct in principle; for all these divisions, and their technical terms, are arbitrary."βR. W. Green cor. "Thus it appears, that our alphabet is deficient; as it has but seven vowels to represent thirteen different sounds; and has no letter to represent any of five simple consonant sounds."βChurchill cor. "Then none of these five verbs can be neuter."βO. B. Peirce cor. "And the assertor[534] is in none of the four already mentioned."βId. "As it is not in any of these four."βId. "See whether or not the word comes within the definition of any of the other three simple cases."βId. "No one of the ten was there."βFrazee cor. "Here are ten oranges, take any one of them."βId. "There are three modes, by any of which recollection will generally be supplied; inclination, practice, and association."βRippingham cor. "Words not reducible to any of the three preceding heads."βFowler cor. "Now a sentence may be analyzed in reference to any of these four classes."βId.
UNDER NOTE XIV.βWHOLE, LESS, MORE, AND MOST."Does not all proceed from the law, which regulates all the departments of the state?"βBlair cor. "A messenger relates to Theseus all the particulars."βLd. Kames cor. "There are no fewer than twenty-nine diphthongs in the English language."βAsh cor. "The Redcross Knight runs through all the steps of the Christian life."βSpect. cor. "There were not fewer than fifty or sixty persons present."βMills and Merchant cor. "Greater experience, and a more cultivated state of society, abate the warmth of imagination, and chasten the manner of expression."βBlair and Murray cor. "By which means, knowledge, rather than oratory, has become the principal requisite."βBlair cor. "No fewer than seven illustrious cities disputed the right of having given birth to the greatest of poets."βLempriere cor. "Temperance, rather than medicines, is the proper means of curing many diseases."βMurray cor. "I do not suppose, that we Britons are more deficient in genius than our neighbours."βId. "In which, he says, he has found no fewer than twelve untruths."βBarclay cor. "The several places of rendezvous were concerted, and all the operations were fixed."βHume cor. "In these rigid opinions, all the sectaries concurred."βId. "Out of whose modifications have been made nearly all complex modes."βLocke cor. "The Chinese vary each of their words on no fewer than five different tones."βBlair cor. "These people, though they possess brighter qualities, are not so proud as he is, nor so vain as she."βMurray cor. "It is certain, that we believe our own judgements more firmly, after we have made a thorough inquiry into the things."βBrightland cor. "As well as the whole course and all the reasons of the operation."βId. "Those rules and principles which are of the greatest practical advantage."βNewman cor. "And all curse shall be no more."βRev. cor.β(See the Greek.) "And death shall be no more."βId. "But, in recompense, we have pleasanter pictures of ancient manners."βBlair cor. "Our language has suffered a greater number of injurious changes in America, since the British army landed on our shores, than it had suffered before, in the period of three centuries."βWebster cor. "All the conveniences of life are derived from mutual aid and support in society."βLd. Kames cor.
UNDER NOTE XV.βPARTICIPIAL ADJECTIVES."To such as think the nature of it deserving of their attention."βBp. Butler cor. "In all points, more deserving of the approbation of their readers."βKeepsake cor. "But to give way to childish sensations, was unbecoming to our nature."βLempriere cor. "The following extracts are deserving of the serious perusal of all."βThe Friend cor. "No inquiry into wisdom, however superficial, is undeserving of attention."βBulwer cor. "The opinions of illustrious men are deserving of great consideration."βPorter cor. "And resolutely keep its laws. Uncaring for consequences." Or:β"Not heeding consequences."βBurns cor. "This is an item that is deserving of more attention."βGoodell cor.
"Leave then thy joys, unsuiting to such age:"βOr,
"Leave then thy joys not suiting such an age,
To a fresh comer, and resign the stage."βDryden cor.
"The tall dark mountains and the deep-toned seas."βDana. "O! learn from him To station quick-eyed Prudence at the helm."βFrost cor. "He went in a one-horse chaise."βDavid Blair cor. "It ought to be, 'in a one-horse chaise.'"βCrombie cor. "These are marked with the above-mentioned letters."βFolker cor. "A many-headed faction."βWare cor. "Lest there should be no authority in any popular grammar, for the perhaps heaven-inspired effort."βFowle cor. "Common-metre stanzas consist of four iambic lines; one of eight, and the next of six syllables. They were formerly written in two fourteen-syllable lines."βGoodenow cor. "Short-metre stanzas consist of four iambic lines; the third of eight, the rest of six syllables."βId. "Particular-metre stanzas consist of six iambic lines; the third and sixth of six syllables, the rest of eight."βId. "Hallelujah-metre stanzas consist of six iambic lines; the last two of eight syllables, and the rest of six."βId. "Long-metre stanzas are merely the union of four iambic lines, of ten syllables each."βId. "A majesty more commanding than is to be found among the rest of the Old-Testament poets."βBlair cor.
"You, sulphurous and thought-executed fires,
Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts,
Singe my white head! And thou, all-shaking thunder,
Strike flat the thick rotundity o' th' world!"βLear, Act iii, Sc. 2.
"The subject is to be joined with its predicate."βWilkins cor. "Every one must judge of his own feelings."βByron cor. "Every one in the family should know his or
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