The Grammar of English Grammars by Goold Brown (free ebook reader .txt) π
"In what regards the laws of grammatical purity," says Dr. Campbell, "the violation is much more conspicuous than the observance."--See Philosophy of Rhetoric, p. 190. It therefore falls in with my main purpose, to present to the public, in the following ample work, a condensed mass of special criticism, such as is not elsewhere to be found in
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Read book online Β«The Grammar of English Grammars by Goold Brown (free ebook reader .txt) πΒ». Author - Goold Brown
"A steed comes at morning: no rider is there;
But his bridle is red with the sign of despair."βCampbell cor.
"Charles loves to study; but John, alas! is very idle."βMerchant cor. "Or what man is there of you, who, if his son ask bread, will give him a stone?"βBible cor. "Who, in stead of going about doing good, are perpetually intent upon doing mischief."βTillotson cor. "Whom ye delivered up, and denied in the presence of Pontius Pilate."βBible cor. "Whom, when they had washed her, they laid in an upper chamber."βId. "Then Manasseh knew that the Lord was God."βId. "Whatever a man conceives clearly, he may, if he will be at the trouble, put into distinct propositions, and express clearly to others."βSee Blair's Rhet., p. 93. "But the painter, being entirely confined to that part of time which he has chosen, cannot exhibit various stages of the same action."βMurray's Gram., i, 195. "What he subjoins, is without any proof at all."βBarclay cor. "George Fox's Testimony concerning Robert Barclay."βTitle cor. "According to the advice of the author of the Postcript [sicβKTH]."βBarclay cor. "These things seem as ugly to the eye of their meditations, as those Ethiopians that were pictured on Nemesis's pitcher."βBacon cor. "Moreover, there is always a twofold condition propounded with the Sphynx's enigmas."βId. "Whoever believeth not therein, shall perish."βKoran cor. "When, at Sestius's entreaty, I had been at his house."βW. Walker cor.
"There high on Sipylus's shaggy brow,
She stands, her own sad monument of wo."βPope cor.
"So will I send upon you famine, and evil beasts, and they shall bereave you."βBible cor. "Why do you plead so much for it? why do you preach it up?" Or: "Why do ye plead so much for it? why do ye preach it up?"βBarclay cor. "Since thou hast decreed that I shall bear man, thy darling."βEdward's Gram. cor. "You have my book, and I have yours; i.e., your book." Or thus: "Thou hast my book, and I have thine; i.e., thy book."βChandler cor. "Neither art thou such a one as to be ignorant of what thou art."βBullions cor. "Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord, and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon thee."βBible cor. "The Almighty, unwilling to cut thee off in the fullness of iniquity, has sent me to give thee warning."βLd. Kames cor. "Wast thou born only for pleasure? wast thou never to do any thing?"βCollier cor. "Thou shalt be required to go to God, to die, and to give up thy account."βBarnes cor. "And canst thou expect to behold the resplendent glow of the Creator? would not such a sight annihilate thee?"βMilton cor. "If the prophet had commanded thee to do some great thing, wouldst thou have refused?"βC. S. Journal cor. "Art thou a penitent? evince thy sincerity, by bringing forth fruits meet for repentance."βVade-Mecum cor. "I will call thee my dear son: I remember all thy tenderness."βC. Tales cor. "So do thou, my son: open thy ears, and thy eyes."βWright cor. "I promise you, this was enough to discourage you."βBunyan cor. "Ere you remark an other's sin, Bid your own conscience look within."βGay cor. "Permit that I share in thy wo, The privilege canst thou refuse?"βPerfect cor. "Ah! Strephon, how canst thou despise Her who, without thy pity, dies?"βSwift cor.
"Thy verses, friend, are Kidderminster stuff;
And I must own, thou'st measured out enough."βShenst. cor.
"This day, dear Bee, is thy nativity;
Had Fate a luckier one, she'd give it thee."βSwift cor.
"Exactly like so many puppets, which are moved by wires."βBlair cor. "They are my servants, whom I brought forth[535] out of the land of Egypt."βLeviticus, xxv, 55. "Behold, I and the children whom God hath given me."βSee Isaiah, viii, 18. "And he sent Eliakim, who was over the household, and Shebna the scribe."βIsaiah, xxxvii, 2. "In a short time the streets were cleared of the corpses which filled them."βM'Ilvaine cor. "They are not of those who teach things that they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake."βBarclay cor. "As a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep; which, if he go through, both treadeth down and teareth in pieces."βBible cor. "Frequented by every fowl which nature has taught to dip the wing in water."βJohnson cor. "He had two sons, one of whom was adopted by the family of Maximus."βLempriere cor. "And the ants, which are collected by the smell, are burned with fire."βThe Friend cor. "They being the agents to whom this thing was trusted."βNixon cor. "A packhorse which is driven constantly one way and the other, to and from market."βLocke cor. "By instructing children, whose affection will be increased."βNixon cor. "He had a comely young woman, who travelled with him."βHutchinson cor. "A butterfly, who thought himself an accomplished traveller, happened to light upon a beehive."βInst., p. 267. "It is an enormous elephant of stone, which disgorges from his uplifted trunk a vast but graceful shower."βWare cor. "He was met by a dolphin, which sometimes swam before him, and sometimes behind him."βEdward's Gram. cor.
"That Cæsar's horse, which, as fame goes,
Had corns upon his feet and toes,
Was not by half so tender-hoof'd,
Nor trod upon the ground so soft."βButler cor.
"He instructed and fed the crowds that surrounded him."βMurray's Key. "The court, which gives currency to manners, ought to be exemplary." p. 187. "Nor does he describe classes of sinners that do not exist."βMag. cor. "Because the nations among which they took their rise, were not savage."βMurray cor. "Among nations that are in the first and rude periods of society."βBlair cor. "The martial spirit of those nations among which the feudal government prevailed."βId. "France, which was in alliance with Sweden."βPriestley's Gram., p. 97. "That faction, in England, which most powerfully opposed his arbitrary pretensions."βIb. "We may say, 'the crowd which was going up the street.'"βCobbett's E. Gram., ΒΆ 204. "Such members of the Convention which formed this Lyceum, as have subscribed this Constitution."βN. Y. Lyceum cor.
UNDER NOTE V.βCONFUSION OF SENSES."The name of the possessor shall take a particular form to show its case."βKirkham cor. "Of which reasons, the principal one is, that no noun, properly so called, implies the presence of the thing named."βHarris cor. "Boston is a proper noun, which distinguishes the city of Boston from other cities."βSanborn cor. "The word CONJUNCTION means union, or the act of joining together. Conjunctions are used to join or connect either words or sentences."βId. "The word INTERJECTION means the act of throwing between. Interjections are interspersed among other words, to express strong or sudden emotion."βId. "Indeed is composed of in and deed. The words may better be written separately, as they formerly were."βCardell cor. "Alexander, on the contrary, is a particular name; and is employed to distinguish an individual only."βJamieson cor. "As an indication that nature itself had changed its course." Or:β"that Nature herself had changed her course."βHistory cor. "Of removing from the United States and their territories the free people of colour."βJenifer cor. "So that gh may be said not to have its proper sound." Or thus: "So that the letters, g and h, may be said not to have their proper sounds."βWebster cor. "Are we to welcome the loathsome harlot, and introduce her to our children?"βMaturin cor. "The first question is this: 'Is reputable, national, and present use, which, for brevity's sake, I shall hereafter simply denominate good use, always uniform, [i. e., undivided, and unequivocal,] in its decisions?"βCampbell cor. "In personifications, Time is always masculine, on account of his mighty efficacy; Virtue, feminine, by reason of her beauty and loveliness."βMurray, Blair, et al. cor. "When you speak to a person or thing, the noun or pronoun is in the second person."βBartlett cor. "You now know the noun; for noun means name."βId. "T. What do you see? P. A book. T. Spell book."βR. W. Green cor. "T. What do you see now? P. Two books. T. Spell books."βId. "If the United States lose their rights as a nation."βLiberator cor. "When a person or thing is addressed or spoken to, the noun or pronoun is in the second person."βFrost cor. "When a person or thing is merely spoken of, the noun or pronoun is in the third person."βId. "The word OX also, taking the same plural termination, makes OXEN."βBucke cor.
"Hail, happy States! yours is the blissful seat
Where nature's gifts and art's improvements meet."βEverett cor.
(1.) "This is the most useful art that men possess."βL. Murray cor. "The earliest accounts that history gives us, concerning all nations, bear testimony to these facts."βBlair et al. cor. "Mr. Addison was the first that attempted a regular inquiry into the pleasures of taste."βBlair cor. "One of the first that introduced it, was Montesquieu."βMurray cor. "Massillon is perhaps the most eloquent sermonizer that modern times have produced."βBlair cor. "The greatest barber that ever lived, is our guiding star and prototype."βHart cor.
(2.) "When prepositions are subjoined to nouns, they are generally the same that are subjoined to the verbs from which the nouns are derived."βMurray's Gram., p. 200. Better thus: "The prepositions which are subjoined to nouns, are generally the same that," &c.βPriestley cor. "The same proportions that are agreeable in a model, are not agreeable in a large building."βKames cor. "The same ornaments that we admire in a private apartment, are unseemly in a temple."βMurray cor. "The same that John saw also in the sun."βMilton cor.
(3.) "Who can ever be easy, that is reproached with his own ill conduct?"βT. Γ Kempis cor. "Who is she that comes clothed in a robe of green?"βInst., p. 267. "Who that has either sense or civility, does not perceive the vileness of profanity?"βG. Brown.
(4.) "The second person denotes the person or thing that is spoken to."βKirkham cor. "The third person denotes the person or thing that is spoken of."βId. "A passive verb denotes action received, or endured by the person or thing that is signified by its nominative."βId. "The princes and states that had neglected or favoured the growth of this power."βBolingbroke cor. "The nominative expresses the name of the person or thing that acts, or that is the subject of discourse."βHiley cor.
(5.) "Authors that deal in long sentences, are very apt to be faulty."βBlair cor. "Writers that deal," &c.βMurray cor. "The neuter gender denotes objects that are neither male nor female."βMerchant cor. "The neuter gender denotes things that have no sex."βKirkham cor. "Nouns that denote objects neither male nor female, are of the neuter gender."βWells's Gram. of late, p. 55. Better thus: "Those nouns which denote objects that are neither male nor female, are of the neuter gender."βWells cor. "Objects and ideas that have been long familiar, make too faint an impression to give an agreeable exercise to our faculties."βBlair cor. "Cases that custom has left dubious, are certainly within the grammarian's province."βL. Murray cor. "Substantives that end in ery, signify action or habit."βId. "After all that can be done to render the definitions and rules of grammar accurate."βId. "Possibly, all that I have said, is known and taught."βA. B. Johnson cor.
(6.) "It is a strong and manly
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