Tears by Reylinn Sutcliff (spiritual books to read TXT) π

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- Author: Reylinn Sutcliff
Read book online Β«Tears by Reylinn Sutcliff (spiritual books to read TXT) πΒ». Author - Reylinn Sutcliff
Len Kagamine runs down the familiar halls of his high school, turning corner after corner, pushing people out of his way. Five minutes ago during homeroom he got the worst phone call that he has ever received- his twin sister was in a car accident. She had grabbed a ride to school from her best friend, Hatsune Miku. Teal haired, light skinned, beautiful voiced Miku had apparently been caught in a collision that all had started with a drunk driver and a semi-truck. They had found Rin in the passenger side, unconscious. Miku had unfortunately cracked her skull and died on impact.
Hot tears threatened to blur Lens vision, but he blinked them back and kept running until he made it to the front doors. He pushed them open angrily and ran on the pavement, his feet making loud stomping sounds behind him. But he couldn't hear them. He couldn't hear the shouts of teachers and classmates yelling at him. He couldn't hear the sound of his own ragged breathing. All he could hear was Rins perfect, high pitched voice.
"I'm catching a ride with Miku today, go on to school without me, Len. I'll be okay. Don't worry about me."
Those were her exact words this morning, right after Len told her that she should walk to school with him- like they always did. He allowed her to go, told himself to loosen up. Now he knows he should have made her walk with him. People are reckless when driving. Hell, people are reckless no matter what they are doing. Len was supposed to protect Rin. He was supposed to always be by her side, keeping her safe from the other lunatics who inhabit this planet. His parents had failed to protect them. They had both perished in a car accident years ago. He had promised himself and Rin that he would always protect her, no matter what. Rin is all he has left.
"Don't worry, Rinny. I will always be by your side, keeping you safe. Nothing and nobody will ever take you from me. I promise."
Those were his exact words to her, a week after their parents had died. She had been afraid that she was going to die, just like their parents had. She may be only seconds older than him, but she is more naive. More afraid. More vulnerable.
Len clenches his jaw and breaths heavily through his nostrils, his throat burning with every breath he takes.
"I'll be okay. Don't worry about me. Love you, Len. See you at school."
Her voice rings in his ears, and he wills his legs to go faster, all the way to the hospital. He isn't that far. Again, tears try to spring out of his eyes and fall down his eyelashes, but he uses his fist to push them away, and keeps running.
He has to get to her.
He has to keep her safe.
She has to live.
It was a promise.
((A/n: Well..... feels. A lot of them. And more to come. This is only the first chapter, but I will write more very soon. Leave reviews, and keep reading. Because it only gets better from here.
Disclaimer: I do not own Rin and Len Kagamine, nor do I own Vocaloid. I just enjoy using them in my fanfictions~))
MaskingLen reaches the hospital and pushes through the doors, running into the hospital and causing nurses and patients to stare at him. His messy hair, sweaty face, rumpled clothing, and ragged, heavy breathing make everyone direct their attention to him. He spins around, looking this way and that.
"M-my..... my.... s-sister...... R-r-rin...... M-my sister.....!" He manages to say while gasping for breath. His legs feel wobbly, and he yearns greatly for something to drink, but he keeps asking for his sister until a male doctor comes up to him.
"May I ask who your sister is, sir?" He says, his voice deep, yet soft and soothing. Len places his hands on his knees and gulps a few deep breaths of air before looking up at the doctor.
"Rin. R-rin..... Kagamine. She was.... she was in a c-car accident...." Now Lens voice becomes wobbly, as well as his legs. His hands start to shake, and tears start to flood his eyes again. Len blinks them away quickly, not daring to cry yet.
Rinny was in a car accident.
He couldn't save her.
Len bites his lower lip, hard, when more tears threaten to fall.
"Please give me one moment." The doctor says, starting to turn around. Len leaps up and grabs the doctors white lab coat before he gets too far away. "No! Not one moment, I need to see her now! Please, I need to see her now!" Len screams. Two nurses run over to pull the screaming boy away from the tall, dark haired doctor. He lets his legs fall out from beneath him, too tired to keep himself up. The nurses keep firm grips on his arms, and he screams until the doctor turns a corner and vanishes. Len lets his entire body go loose, and the nurses drop him. He sits on the floor, the palms of his hands pressed to his eyes. He must not cry. Not yet. Rin isn't dead yet. Just hurt.
He hasn't failed yet.
He hasn't broken the promise yet.
She hasn't died yet.
And she wont die.
Len looks up, a new fire burning inside of him. There are no more tears he has to fight back. Only a hot, burning need to keep Rin alive. He stands up, his fists clenched at his sides. He marches up to the front desk, and eyes the nurse who stands there.
"Rin Kagamine. What room is she in?" He says, his voice hard.
"And who are you?" She asks. Len slams his hand on the desk.
"I am her twin brother, Len Kagamine. Now, I need to know what room she is in." Len says, becoming more and more impatient.
"Kagamine..... oh. I see. I will be right back." She turns around and goes through a door behind the desk, leaving Len without any information what so ever. Len growls, glaring at the spot where the lady was standing.
"I need to see Rin now, god dammit." He mutters under his breath. The nurse comes back, along with the dark haired doctor that had talked to him not even ten minutes ago- the one who had just simply walked away.
"Len. I am afraid to inform you that your sister is in a deep coma. We have placed her in the ICU, and we don't know for sure whether or not she will make it out of this alive. She took a lot of damage to her head, and if she does come out of this alive, she may not ever be the same." The doctor says in a soft voice. Len narrows his eyes.
"I don't care. I want to see her. I need to see her. Now." Len says once more. The doctor nods curtly after a moments hesitation and steps out from behind the desk. "Follow me." He says, then turns on his heel and starts walking down the hall. Len follows him, his stomach tying in knots.
She is still alive.
"R-rinny?" Len walks into the hospital room the moment that the tall, dark haired doctor opens the door. He runs over to her bed and stare at her. Her blond hair is limp and lifeless, without even a little bit of bounce. She is no longer wearing her white, poofy bow, and her face looks slack and pale. Len's eyes trail down to her arms, folded on her stomach on top of the thin bed sheet. Her arms look frail. Len's eyes find their way back up to his beloved sisters face. Where her rosy cheeks used to reside are pasty colored cheeks. Her eyes are closed, and they look sunken back into her skull. Rin's lips, which are usually red and shiny with her favorite orange flavored lip gloss, are thin and pursed in a small frown. Len's breath catches in his throat, and he slowly reaches out to grab one of her hands.
The moment his warm hand touches her, it jerks away. Len shivers. Rin's hands are cold to the touch; like that of a dead persons. Len closes his eyes and reaches forward once more. This time, he ignores the clammy feeling of her hand, and instead concentrates on the warmth of his own hand. He breaths in through his nose, out through his mouth, and then opens his eyes.
"Rin......ny......" He says, the single word coming out slower than expected. He slides his fingers in between her's, pressing his sweaty palm against her cold one. His other hand cups the side of his face. Using his thumb, he brushes some of her hair away from her eyes, and smiles weakly.
"It'll be okay, Rin. I promise. I will keep you safe. I always have, and always will. I promise." Len says softly. The only response he receives from his golden twin is her shallow, raspy breathing. He sighs, kisses her forehead, then settles into the chair near her bed.
"I'm not leaving you, Rinny."
Len awakes to his cell phone buzzing in his pocket. He jumps slightly, still half asleep. Wiping drool from the side of his mouth, he grabs his cell from his pocket.
"H-hello?" Len's voice sounds thick. He yawns, stretching out his free arm.
"Len? Len, where are you?" Len's best friend, Kaito, says, his deep voice sounding alarmed.
"I'm at the hospital with Rin.... what time is it?" Len says, leaning back in the chair and pulling back the curtain on the window. It's a bit dim outside, but the sun hasn't fully set.
"It's about 6:30 p.m. Is Rin okay? I don't know if you heard yet but Miku..... M-miku didn't...." Len heard Kaito sniff on the other side of the phone. Miku was Kaito's lover. They have been together all four years of high school, plus the two years they spent in middle school.
"Well, she's in a coma, and we don't know if she'll..... yeah. Hey man, I am so sorry about your loss. Are they having a funeral?" Len asks awkwardly, not sure how to comfort his friend.
"Yeah, they are. In a couple of days, after everything is ready. You think you could.... you could possibly make it? To the funeral, I mean." Kaito asks.
"Of course I will. Hey, I'm
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