American library books ยป Romance ยป Explore With Me? by Jessica Sciabica (read book .txt) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซExplore With Me? by Jessica Sciabica (read book .txt) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Jessica Sciabica

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Will You NOT Marry Me?

I was pruned. I mean my skin looked elderly. I think I took a bath for what seemed like 5 hours. It was so nice to just relax in a tub without any, "Audra! Go find a elegant dress! We have guest coming!" or "Go outside and get some fresh air." I mean being royalty and all is a lovely gift, but it gets annoying at sometimes. It was nice to get some time to myself. I look at my arms. They have rashes on them. Probably the bubbles and soap. I have very sensitive skin. Afraid it will become rather irritated and itchy, I get out of the bath. I drain the water. After I dry off, there's a knock on the bathroom door. "Audra! How long are you going to be in here? The guests have already arrived!" My mother scolds. I moan. "Give me a few minutes and I'll be out."
"And get something attractive on! Prince Alexander is here." Oh, isn't that just perfect. That's exactly what I want to do today. Have some drunken man try to kiss me, and have their mother try to lecture me on hemming.

I get on a dress, and put on some makeup. I run downstairs and dash to the ballroom. It. Is. Crowded. My mother stands in the middle, gossiping (of course) to the people around her. My father was talking to the prince, reprimanding him to be gentle, and kind to me. I roll my eyes. Father spots me and smiles. I see him mumble something to Alexander and then he's off. "I apologize for my father's behavior Prince Alexander." I exclaim, curtsying. "No apologizes needed Princess Audra." Alexander replies kissing my hand. I groan. I hated my name, well I only liked that it meant 'storm'. "Call me Storm."

"Oh, um, alright. Would you like to go dance, Princess- Aud- Storm?"

"Sure." I utter trying not to be loud enough for my parents to hear me. But my father sees us dancing and snaps his finger at the fiddler. He plays Ohime Lassa. Wonderful. Why can't he have the fiddler play something fast, like Branle? I'm asking for that song next.

Everyone grabs a partner (most are married) and begin to dance. I sigh, hating this gravely. Alexander takes my hands and we dance. I don't look into his eyes, but I take a quick glance and he isn't looking at me either. He's staring at another maiden. I cough and he jerks his head back. I smile and he twirls me. I'm dipped and we are back to swaying. Ignorant, pig.

After at least what seemed like 2 hours, my father changes the song to Branle. I smile at my dad. I grab his hand and Alexander's. We right then left, men shake their finger at the ladies, then the ladies do the same to the men, then we all clap. I start laughing and so does Alexander. I guess hes not so bad after all.

โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹I woke up head throbbing with pain. I โ€‹was in my bed. Odd, I didn't remember walking upstairs. I obviously drank too much wine. My maid, Madeleine, came in with my morning tea and biscuits. "Thank you Madeleine." I say yawning and streching. She has a worried look on her face, as she nods and leaves. I shrug and drink my tea. There's a knock at my door. "Come in." I mumble, wanting to go back to sleep. It's my father and mother. "Honey," My mother says, grabbing my hand. "We have to tell you something." My eyes widen.

"Am I going to have a sibling?"

โ€‹"No darling, this is the reason you passed out last night."

"I thought I was just drunk, mother?"

"No, it's just that you are 17 now, and we thought that... we told you that..." My father spoke but trailed off. "You're going to marry Prince Alexander." He flinched.

โ€‹My whole world stopped. "No..." I said. "No! I don't want to!" I jumped out of bed and got on my red outdoor dress. "I'm. Not. Marrying. Alexander. I don't love him!" I yell, and before my parents can speak I'm out the door and into the meadow. I sit on my bench. That was where my dog and I would sit. I would sing and pick flowers while my dog licked my hand. I sat there and cried. "You come here everyday and cry?" A voice says. I look up, and I see a boy peering from behind a tree. He has blonde hair, and he's wearing a sarcastic smirk. "No, I don't." I reply wiping my tears. He laughs like this is some kind of joke. "I'm sorry." I say. "But I don't recall saying anything funny."

"You're funny." He giggles.

"And what do you mean by that?" I demand, feeling uncomfortable.

"Your eyes make me laugh."


"The tears make them sparkle."

"I barely know you- you-"

"Maximus. You can call me Max."

"Well, I barely know you- Maximus. And I'm Princess Storm." I said getting up and dusting off my dress. I curtsy, and he laughs again. Now I'm aggravated. "What is so funny?" I yell.

"I'm not a Prince."

"I can see that." I utter, trying to hide my smile.

He was annoying, yet charming at the same time. Max comes out from behind the tree.

He bows and I snicker. He looks confused now. I explain,

"I am outside the castle walls, so if you don't want to you don't have to treat me like royalty Max."

"Well I was just trying to be polite." He says laughing. I join in on the laughter. I liked him. I mean LIKED him. He wasn't shy like Alexander. That made me remember why I was here in the first place.โ€‹It makes me want to cry again. Max notices my mood change, and says, "So Miss. Storm, why were you crying in the first place?" I sigh and explain the whole having to marry Prince Alexander thing and not wanting to. โ€‹It was a stupid fixed marriage. Max nods, and says that's not fair. Finally, someone who understands. We talk about our daily lives and how his sounds breezy and โ€‹free and mine sounds busy and trapped. But the fun ends all too soon when the clock strikes 9:00am and I have to get home. "I have to go." I sigh, wanting to stay. Max grabs my hand and kisses it. I blush. "Until we meet again, Princess Storm?" He asks. I realize he hasn't let go of my hand. "How about I'll meet you at the bench." I say pointing to the bench.

"At 7:00 tonight?" He asks letting go of my hand.

"It's a date!" I yell running off to the castle, where I should be yelled at for trying freedom.

I thought fixed meant to make things better. โ€‹โ€‹Madeleine is already fitting me for a wedding dress by 10:00. By 11:00 I'm on my way to a get together with Prince Alexander. By 1:00 he has been nervously sweating. By 3:00 he gets down on 1 knee, and nervously purposes. I'm forced to say yes. By 5:00 I'm at home getting on cute dress. 6:30 I'm about to scream. 6:45, how come the whole entire day went by in a snap. 6:50 I leave sneakily out my window. 7:00 he's there. Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, while I was dressed all fancy. I go and sit next to him on the bench. He kisses my hand. I uncontrollably blush again.

There we were watching the sunset. I tell Max about how Alexander purposed and how I said yes. Max looked disappointed."I was forced to!" I yell. Max nods. I feel frustrated. "Why would it matter to you anyway? I mean not in a mean way, its just- I mean- I really like you too- I mean no- I mean yes- but-" Max stops me from talking. By kissing me.

I wasnโ€™t supposed to be doing this. Alexander purposed to me. I was his fiance, and Max was a friend. And a really good kisser. I pull away from the kiss, and stand up. โ€œI shouldnโ€™t be doing this Max.โ€ I say feeling guilty. Max stands up and grabs my hands. โ€œDo you want to marry him?โ€ He asks. I shake my head. I love Max, more than I have ever loved anyone. โ€œMax Iโ€™m forced too, and if my parents catch me with you, they will kill you.โ€ I whimper. My lip quivers. I start to cry. Max pulls me into a hug, and I cry on his shoulder. The tears come out uncontrollably like there is no way of stopping them. Max lifts up my chin, and stares into my eyes. โ€œThey are sparkling again.โ€ He chuckles. I laugh, as a tear trickles down my cheek. Max wipes it, and goes in for another kiss. I accept it. I thought about what Max said. I really donโ€™t love Aleaxander and I bet you Alexander really doesnโ€™t love me either.

Your Definition of Love

I wondered when the wedding would be. I havenโ€™t been really talking to my parents ever since Alexander purposed. He was so nervous, and he looked absolutely terrified. I felt bad for him. He kept looking at this other maiden during the dance, he loved her more than me. I wished I was just free, to do whatever I want. I look out my window, peering down on the children playing below. I laugh as they chase each other. Madeleine knocks on the door. โ€œCome in.โ€ I sigh, as Madeleine walks in with tea. โ€œHere you are madam, please eat, you have to be hungry.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m not, but thank you.โ€
โ€œAlright.โ€ Madeleine says, leaving the tea and biscuits there, just in case. โ€œWait!โ€ I yell, and she stops dead in her tracks. โ€œYes Princess?โ€ She says. I get up and grab her hands. โ€œDonโ€™t you ever want to be free? I want to be free. When can I become that? And take you with me Madeleine?โ€ I cry. Madeleineโ€™s lip quivers, and she slips away from me. โ€œI donโ€™t know if that will ever happen maโ€™ lady.โ€ And with that sheโ€™s gone. โ€œThanks for the help.โ€ I mumble, going back to my dream window.
I finally had an idea. I was going to run away, until the marriage was over. I snuck into Madeleine room and stole one of her everyday outfits. It looked like enough to fit in with the rest of the peasants. I put it on, and feel somewhat giddy and excited to explore Godโ€™s green earth. I kiss my old world goodbye and jump out the window. I was going to be free.

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