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down" I pointed out "consider it payback for the lake" she said "i'm surprised you'd settle considering" I said laughing "well I can't think of anything else so that's why" she muttered pouting. Chapter 2

Louise's POV

"Where is he that stupid dog" I muttered searching around campus for my familiar I found him talking with Siesta like normal as I got up closer I heard them talking "ouch stop hitting me it's true I swear I really do love you" he said I walked off going back to my room to wait for him. "Louise you're still awake" Saito said coming into the room "how could I sleep I heard your confession" I snapped "what are you talking about Louise" he asked "to that maid I heard you confess to her" I yelled my cheeks going red in anger "how many times do I have to tell you a familiar only looks at their master no-one else but yet everytime I look you're flirting with her" I shouted jumping forward to whip him "I wasn't flirting with her" he yelled running around my room away from me "so why did you tell her you loved her" I yelled finally getting him "I didn't" he said wincing everytime the whip hit him "you did I heard you" I said the tears i'd been holding back overflowing "I was talking about Guiche and Montmorency she was hitting him and he was telling that he loved her" he said I stopped hitting him "so why did you tell the maid" I asked "because you hate it when I say things about the other nobles so I tell Siesta she's my friend nothing more" he said "oh" was all I could say "the next chance I get i'm leaving for Japan and I doubt i'll be coming back" he said suddenly "what why and you can't you're my familiar" I said shocked "i'm not sure I want to be your familiar anymore and because I talk to other girls or look at them you get jealous but you don't even know why I do it and you whip me like i'm a dog but i'm not i'm a human being you claim to love me but you act like you hate me you will be cute one moment and the next you'll be a devil you are the very meaning of tsundre" he said angrily I flinched back "i'm sorry when I see you look at the other girls I feel like you're wishing you could have any of them rather than me and I can't take it so I try to take my anger out but I can't do it on them but you it's expected you're my familiar" I said crying "when I look at the other girls all I think about these days is this part of this girl reminds me of Louise or that part of another reminds me of her you are permently on my mind honestly i'm really starting to hate being in love with a girl like you who can't even make up her mind whether to hit me or kiss me or yell at me" he said I snapped the whip and handed him the two pieces "here take them then you know I won't hit you anymore and I do love you i'm just afraid when you look at all those other girl one day you'll find one better than me and leave" I whispered he tossed the pieces to the side and reached forward pulling me into his lap hugging me as I cried "if I didn't love you really Louise would I still be here after all this time after everything you've put me through" he asked I leaned up and kissed him "please will you stay or i'll go with you I don't want to leave you're side ever" I said "okay i'll decide which in the morning" he said "can we do more than kiss tonight" I asked he went to speak only to stumble over his words so he stopped trying again a few moments later same result he did this a few times before giving up, nodding and kissing me I closed my eyes and melted into the kiss sighing as he lifted me and took us over to the bed I enjoyed the whole night waking up the next morning a little sore but still very happy he woke up a few moments later smiling "I had the best dream ever last night" he said trailing his fingers up my bare side I shivered and moaned slightly "what was it about" I asked trembling slightly at his touches "I got to make love to the my Louise" he whispered leaning down and kissing me I grabbed his hand and directed it to where I most wanted his touch "you tell me was it a dream" I said my hips moving to meet his hand he pulled his hand and replaced it with the other part I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to kiss him to muffle my moans as I finished again with him "you really know no self-restraint do you" I asked he only grinned and kissed me again "Chibi-Louise get up we're leaving for home right now" my eldest sister said barging into my room I clutched the blankets to my chest and blushed as my other sister came into my room as well fixing the door with a quick spell "what no i'm not leaving" I said shocked she came over and went to pinch my cheek but Saito got in the way so she ended up grabbing his cheek instead she let go really quick "stay out of this familiar" she snapped to him "don't talk to Saito like that" I said hiding behind him mostly to protect my modesty "why are you hiding behind him get up" she shouted yanking the blankets off us I quickly curled my legs up staying behind Saito as Saito moved his hands to cover his own part both my sisters turned away alibet one quieter than the other who was still ranting about how I could do something like that to the family sleeping with a commoner a peasant we quickly dressed following her out to the dining hall finally i'd had enough "stop talking about Saito like that it's none of your business but I didn't sleep with him because he made me but because I wanted to and he's not a peasant he's a knight for the Queen and he is braver than you will ever be, it was him and my void magic that beat that horrible army so leave him alone" I yelled clenching my fists next thing I knew she slapped me hard across the cheek "Louise" Saito said coming to my side instantly "don't you ever talk to me like that again Louise" Eleonore said "no i'm sick and tired of you treating my like a nothing I do have magic it's just different to yours and you can't say anything about my relationship with Saito because at least I have one" I said turning on my heel and stalking over to my seat Saito came and sat next to me at the newly added empty seat me on one side and Kirche on the other my sisters were still staring after me one angry the other proud. She didn't speak to me for the rest of the day not even when I told her i'd come home with her as soon as we entered the house she was yelling again I clutched Saito's hand in my own rolling my eyes I used to be afraid of her but now that I had Saito by my side I knew she couldn't hurt me "Louise why are you home so early" my mother asked coming out to the hall and cutting my sister off "because Eleonore pulled me out of school again" I snapped glaring at my blonde sister she returned my glare equally "stop it both of you go to you rooms your father will be home by supper we will talk about it then" mother said I started to walk away Saito following me "boys stay out" she said "he's my familiar" I said "and your lover" Eleonore spat "he is my familiar first and foremost" I snapped to her "so is that why you were in bed with him this morning your uniform on the floor" she asked "that is none of your business" I yelled "enough both of you the familiar stays out here and you two go to your rooms right now" our mother commanded over both of us we glared at each other one more time before each storming off to our own rooms.


Saito's POV

"Is what she said true" their mother asked me "yes it is but I am not a mere peasant I am a knight for the queen" I said bowing my head slightly as a sign of respect "very well I will not do anything because of your status it is more my eldest daughter's fault she has never accepted Louise she may love her she just doesn't know how to show it" she said "thank you very much" I said honesty flooding my voice "is she being teased to much at school I know she has no talent for magic which is why i'm worried" she said "that's not true she is talented just in a different way" I said looking up at her she looked surprised at my outburst "would you care to tell me how last I heard my youngest daughter spent her school days blowing things up" she said "it's her magic counter-acting any spell she tries, she is a void mage and anytime she tries a normal spell things go ka-boom" I explained "and you, because you are more to her than a lover or familiar" she asked "have you ever heard of GandΓ‘lfr" I asked she nodded and I showed her my runes on the back of my left hand "oh well that explains it then i'm truly sorry for everything my eldest has put you through" she said quietly I heard a man's voice ring out through the halls "Cattleya would you go and get Eleonore please" she asked before turning to me "would you get Louise I think it would be best if the girls came out seperately" she said I nodded and followed Louise's sister upstairs she pointed to a door just passed the one she stopped at "that's mine and Louise's room" she said smiling softly before going into her older sister's room I went down and knocked on the door I could hear Louise crying on the other side but she still called out come in "Louise" I said softly closing the door and going to sit on the bed next to where she was curled up she sat up and threw her arms around my neck still crying it took me a bit to calm her down "your mother asked for you to come downstairs as your father's home" I murmured kissing her hair "Louise" one of her sisters said as she came into

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