American library books Β» Romance Β» Nothing is Stronger than Love. by Sarah Daniels (accelerated reader books .TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Nothing is Stronger than Love. by Sarah Daniels (accelerated reader books .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Sarah Daniels

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Chapter 1

Tabitha's POV
I flipped the page of the latest book I was reading as Kirche came up to me for once not complaining about Saito "did you want to come with me into town today" she asked softly sounding almost nervous I glanced at her from the corner of my eye before giving a slight tilt to my head as a nod she stayed sitting by me for a while before getting up and turning to me "did you want to go our free time will be up soon" she said I stood up and grabbed my staff never once taking my eyes from the book we headed for the stable to get a horse each but there was only one left "sorry most of the students decided to go to town today" someone said to Kirche "it's fine never mind then" she said quietly "we've both ridden with people before" I said quietly closing my book and looking at her "well yes but..." she trailed off "if it bothers you so much I could always take Irukuku" I said "no it's fine" she said looking down at the ground. A while later we were walking through town I hadn't got my book out again "Louise, Saito you came to town as well" she said suddenly I glanced up and seen the black-haired boy and the pink-haired girl standing just in front of us "yes we had time so I decided it would be a good idea" Louise said she kept looking between Saito and Kirche "stop it Louise I promise I won't do anything I love someone else I was just to stupid to realize" Kirche said I looked at her just as her eyes flicked to me she blushed a bit and looked away Louise nodded and her and Saito left leaving me alone with Kirche again I seen a bunch of other students racing toward the school "oh it's time to leave already" she said surprise written all over her face we quickly headed back to school where the rest of the day passed with not much happening. After classes I laid back on my bed reading again from where i'd left off earlier only to be interrupted a few pages in I sighed and grabbed my staff opening the door and unintentionally muting Kirche when she came in so she ended up mouthing a few words before I unmuted her "-so I wanted to say I am in love with you Tabitha" she said not looking at me until my book dropped I stared at her my lips parted in shock probably showing the most emotion she had ever seen on me "will you say something" she mumbled I stood up going over to her "what" she asked I leaned up and kissed her softly her hands came up to sit on my waist as she kissed me back the door still open behind her I pulled back and went back over to my bed "what was that" she asked after waiting a bit of me not answering she left muttering it was like that for a few days until she asked me in front of the others I closed the book i'd been reading and walked off three days later I got told her Louise and Saito had gone on some mission for the queen I spent the first week pretending I didn't care but I was actually really worried the second week my worry started to show I couldn't concentrate on my classes and I spent most of my free time waiting by the gate of the school it's was day 15 since i'd found out that they had gone that they came back as I was making my way to the gate Kirche and the others stopped to talk to the headmaster for a moment, I forgot for a moment about everything except Kirche I ran over to them dropping my staff just before I got to them and throwing my arms around Kirche's neck "you could have told me you had to go somewhere" I muttered crying a little I felt her arms make their way around my waist as she hugged me back gently "sorry it was sudden" she mumbled "just one letter is all it would have taken Kirche" I whispered "I didn't know if you'd want to know considering the way you were acting before we left" she answered quietly "idiot that was my way of say I love you too, just I didn't know how else to say it and I wasn't ready for others to know how I felt" I said softly pulling away someone cleared their throat getting both our attention "did you two want a moment" the headmaster asked I went silent and shook my head completely pulling away or tried to except Kirche grabbed my hand "please don't go" she asked I shook my head and stepped just to the side of her quietly she turned to face the headmaster again but kept a hold of my hand Guiche and Montmorency came over to us as they finished talking "also Miss Zerbrst I would suggest getting some help tonight from one of the maids with your bath I don't think you should be using your arm" the headmaster said just before leaving "no way I can do it myself" she muttered "what happened" Guiche asked "nothing we just got injured for no reason" Kirche snapped I tugged at her hand pulling her away from them well aware that they were watching us until we disappeared I put two finger between my lips and whistled Sylphid came down landing in front of us a few moments later once we were both on I directed the dragon to head towards a large lake in the forest nearby "why are we going out there" Kirche asked "you want to clean up but you know you can't do it alone thanks to your arm you're just too stubborn to admit otherwise so I can help but I knew you wouldn't accept if others were around" I explained "I love you" she declared suddenly I laughed a little "I love you too" I answered "can I kiss you" she asked "since when do you ask to kiss someone Kirche" I asked a bit shocked "since the person I want to kiss is my best friend and the last few times she kissed me she then started ignoring me for the rest of the day so I just don't want a repeat" she explained I laid back and gently tugged her down with me both of us laying on our side facing each other I leaned forward and kissed her pausing only sometimes to catch our breath before resuming our kisses Irukuku said to circle warning me we were going down in a minute I moved a little closer to Kirche kissing her again as the blue dragon went down landing next to the lake "we're here" I mumbled getting off Kirche landed next to me wincing as her arm banged against her body when we got near the lake she gasped no doubt seeing everything set up "I come here when I need space or have hurt myself and don't want anyone to know" I explained carefully taking my uniform and glasses off and folding them placing it on a rock nearby before wading into the water "coming or not" I said turning back to her laughing when I seen her looking away I ducked under the water wetting my entire body before coming back up to the surface I blushed when I seen Kirche trying to get her uniform off one-handed "need some help" I asked going up closer she shook her head stubbornly still struggling I got up to shore and went to stand behind her reaching my arms in front of her undoing one button at a time until I could get her shirt off "wait Tabitha" she said my hand went to her hip to undo the zip there so I could slip her skirt off I got her stockings off before grabbing her hand and walking into the lake with her trailing behind me we got till waist deep on me before I stopped "relax do you trust me" I asked softly she nodded and knelt down when I gestured for her to "tilt your head back a bit" I asked once she did so I cupped some water in my hands and rinsed it through her red waves getting most of the dirt and such from her fight out she stayed quiet while I washed some more water through when it came time to wash her sore arm I was a little hesitant but she held it still while I brushed my hands over it carefully, I went back to the shore for a minute to grab a wash cloth before going back to her "what's wrong" I asked continuing "nothing" she said quietly "liar i've known you since I started at this school I know almost everything about you including when you worried about something" I mumbled "it's nothing for you to worry about really" she said "fine splash your face" I requested she cupped some water in her hand and closed her eyes flicking her hand up a moment later she wiped her hand down her face removing the excess water as I washed the cloth out in the water once it was clean I began wiping the smudges from her cheeks "we should get back to school soon" she said I nodded and washed the cloth again "there done" I said quietly we went back to the shore and got dressed before she got her shirt on I stopped her "I can treat your arm before we go back if you like" I offered she nodded and sat down holding her injured arm carefully, once I was done I helped her get her shirt back on, when we got back to school I found that we'd already missed two classes so we got sent straight to the headmaster's office "why were you girls late" he asked "I was helping Kirche clean up as she was embarrassed to have to do it tonight in front of others" I explained "is this true Miss Zerbrst" he asked she nodded "very well if it happens again there will be a punishment" he said letting us go we nodded and left heading back to our own rooms, it didn't take long for her to come to my room though I opened the door on my own this time after having muted her a few to many times I didn't want to take that chance again "hi" she said smiling a light flush covered my cheeks as I let her in I went to kiss her when I seen our other friends standing at the door as well "come on in" I said smiling not showing the disappointment I felt for about an hour Kirche and I kept stealing glances at one another "just kiss already" Saito said jokingly glaring at the two of us we glanced over at him surprised "for an hour you two having watching each other so just kiss already" he said I glanced at Kirche she wasn't looking at me but I could see the blush on her cheeks "Kirche" I asked softly she glanced at me quickly before averting her eyes I moved forward and kissed her cheek softly but before I could pull away she turned fully to me pulling me into her as she kissed me deeply still keeping the kiss I moved to my hands and knees accidentally knocking her arm "ouch" she said pulling away I sat up "sorry but you pulled me

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