American library books Β» Romance Β» Nothing is Stronger than Love. by Sarah Daniels (accelerated reader books .TXT) πŸ“•

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when I seen a particular shop "come on" I said happily she clutched her shoulder bag strap tighter as I pulled her over to the shop "you are so lucky for the contract and that it allows me to be able to read your language" she said rolling her eyes "I didn't have that luxury when I first came to Tristen" I said "Saito what are you doing here shouldn't you be at school" my mother asked as soon as I stepped inside with Louise "mom" I said hugging her she felt surprised for a second before hugging me back and stroking my hair "hello Saito but again my question young man" she said "I wasn't feeling well so I came home early i'll go back tomorrow" I said she nodded and called my father out "hey dad" I said grinning he rubbed my head "dad come on don't" I said embarrassed I heard Louise giggle behind me I broke from my dad's grip and turned to face her "that wasn't funny Louise" I said glaring at her playfully "yes it was I don't see that side of you much" she teased laughing "that's cause your usually yelling at me" I objected she kissed my lips quickly "it's nice" she said softly I huffed and turned away from her groaning when her arms slipped around my waist "that's not fair and you know it" I said kissing her I heard my parents amused chuckles "oh sorry mom, dad this is-" I paused I couldn't exactly call her my master "girlfriend i'm his girlfriend" Louise said "right sorry I must have spaced out this is Louise Vallière my girlfriend" I said shaking my head "it's nice to meet you Louise" my mom said shaking her hand my dad did and said the same as my sister came racing in with her own boyfriend coming after her she laughed as he caught and tickled her "Saito" she said freezing suddenly "hey little sis" I said I braced myself just as she slammed into me "I was only gone for a little while" I said I glanced at Louise who assured time passed the same here as it did in Tristen so I really had been gone for a few months "yeah I know but still six months" she said hitting my arm Louise laughed again the day passed without much more drama except for when it hit closing time and this girl from school who had a major crush on me turned up asking about me "hey yeah he's in here" my sister said bringing him up back "Azusa come on" I said running my fingers through Louise's hair who had long since fallen asleep with her head on my lap "she just wants to ask you something" she said "hey Miki" I sighed "hi Saito" she said as Louise began stirring "oh boy this won't be good" I muttered "i'm in love with you will you please go out with me" she confessed quickly Louise sat up and glared at her "hey calm down Louise this happens all the time here it's different in this world remember" I murmured in her ear she didn't calm down so I blew a little her glare turned to me before she calmed a small shiver running up her spine "i'm sorry I can't i'm actually seeing someone at the moment" I said looking at Miki "oh no it's fine Saito is this her" she asked glancing at Louise who had her eyes closed leaning against my shoulder while my hand rubbed on her back keeping her calm for now "uh yeah this is Louise my girlfriend" I said "hey it's nice to meet you" she said "Saito stop it would you" she muttered I took my hand away and she sat up glancing at Miki "nice to meet you too" she said shortly after we all went home Louise coming home with us while Azusa went to stay over at Miki's "you can borrow Azusa's room if you'd like Louise" my mom said "thank you" Louise replied glancing at me I smiled at her which she returned gently "i'll get her transferred into the school into the school in the morning" dad said "yeah thanks she may not look it but she's the same age as me by the way" I said quickly he nodded making the right phone calls "there Miss Valliere is now enrolled in Hiraga Academy" dad said a few moments later Louise looked at me with an eyebrow raised "dad runs the school while mom runs the shop" I mumbled when we got home we had something to eat and went up to my room Louise looked around the blue room before stopping on my desk where lots of papers were piled up "homework i'm gonna be busy for a while" I said she nodded and sat down on my bed watching me after a while my parents came in to say good night I was so busy focusing that I didn't bother pushing my mom away when she kissed the top of my head "she's not going to be sleeping in your sister's room is she" my dad asked "probably not" I mumbled as they left it was well past midnight when I finally finished I glanced at Louise who had already fallen asleep I didn't bother changing just shrugging my jacket off on the way over to my bed collapsing next to Louise my arm draped over her waist as I fell asleep it seemed like a few minutes later my alarm was going off Louise and I groaned in tandem as I got up and turned it off "you two overslept that's the third time that went off, your mother and I have to go i'll see you and Louise at school" my dad called through my door I heard my mom shout something that sounded like dumb hot water "great enough for one shower if we're lucky" I groaned rolling over and burying my head in my pillow a few minutes later I heard the front door close "come on we'll be late if we don't hurry" I said hurrying to get up when I seen the time "you said there was only enough water for one person" she said "no I said one shower" I corrected she smirked and followed me into the bathroom we got through the shower pretty quickly I washed her hair using a bit of my mom's shampoo and conditioner when i'd first started highschool and my parents had ordered my uniform they'd sent out a girl's uniform instead of a boy's thankfully that was fixed now but I still had the uniform I handed it over to Louise and got out my own shaking my hair until the eccess water was gone I got dressed and glanced at Louise who was still standing by my bed holding the towel to herself with one hand and the uniform with the other hand "want me to dress you here too" I asked "of course" she said I ducked into my sister's room grabbing some spare panties I hand them to Louise and took the uniform from her finally she let the towel drop as she put the panties on "it's a co-ed school which means there will be girls I promise I do not like any of them except you but a lot of them have crushes on me so just fair warning some of them are my friends as well" I said she nodded as long as you kiss me and such i'm fine now I promise" she assured me she sat down on the edge of my bed when I got the stockings on she started playing with the edge of her blazer on the bed I got the tie done up into the bow easily enough her hair was mostly dry by the time I was done so I ran a brush through it quickly "we really have to go now" I said grabbing her hand we raced out the front door after I grabbed my bag we only just made it to the train in time "cutting it close don't you think" one of the boys from my class said "yeah I overslept sorry" I said squeezing my fingers tangled through Louise's she glanced at me and smiled it wasn't long until we pulled up at the station outside the school "whoa it's even bigger than the academy" she said as we all headed for class as it was a train specifically for the school the train stayed where it was which was why it would have been so bad if were late "yeah I know there is so much stuff here it's amazing how much work my dad put into this school" I said she nodded as we made our way to dad's office "ah morning you two I have Miss Valliere's schedule here she's not in all of your classes" he said I nodded and left with Louise head toward her first class "the first class we do have together thankfully" she said quietly I nodded "you'll have to stay up the front with the teacher while she introduces you but you'll probably end up next to me as last I knew that was the only empty seat left in class" I said kissing her cheek just before we went in I went straight to my seat hanging my bag on the hook next to my desk "good morning welcome back to homeroom Mr Hiraga" the teacher said looking at me amused "sorry Miss I went out of town for a few months" I said smiling sheepishly "very well we have a new transfer student today, care to introduce yourself" she said turning to Louise "sure my name Louise Valliere I look forward to working with you all" Louise said bowing slightly everyong clapped a little "right well it seems you'll be next to Mr Hiraga" she said I raised my hand showing Louise where I was homeroom passed without much drama after that until the end "tomorrow we'll be having practice test ready for entrance exams everyone except Louise groaned "why do we have to do it so early most of the other teachers are waiting until it's closer to the time to take them" I called out a couple of others agreed with me "the reason being Mr Hiraga is that if you practice now then when the time comes you will all be assured of getting into some sort of collage whether it be the one here on campus or another one" she said I shut up after that until the bell rang "oh Miss Valliere Mr Hiraga's father asked me to hand you these" the teacher said handing Louise a school bag "thank you very much" Louise said looking through it as we left "what is all this stuff" she asked "it's the books pens and other stuff you'll need for you classes, speaking of what do you have next" I asked "nothing it's balnk" she said "whoa lucky that means you have a free period you can do whatever you want for an hour" I said "when's yours" she asked I pointed to one of her classes "I have mine there I memorized my schedule ages ago" I said she nodded and followed me to my next class "what's this place" she asked looking up at the dojo "it's a dojo we learn how to fight" I said "so why don't you ever use these skills in Tristen" she asked "because this kind of fighting does nothing against magic" I pointed out going in I nodded my head to the leaving class having only one other person in my training "did you want to stay and watch" I asked she nodded smiling "yes please i'm curious now" she said I changed quickly leaving my bag waiting on the side with Louise
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