American library books Β» Science Fiction Β» And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (electronic reader txt) πŸ“•

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At home two

None 3 months later, I received the news that my grandfather had died. A hunter had regarded it strange that in the cabin lights were on, but no smoke rose out the hut and that in middle of winter. They had found him sitting in his chair, next to the fallen glass with his "bear's catcher". The doctor said cardiac infarction.

Since the hut was just hired, I had to look after the estate of my grandfather. But what was still available? The run-down home furnishings? The legacy of a decade-long existence drunkard? I left everything on the ground in a pile and set fire to tilt. From past, no one knew him, nobody liked him, no one came to his subsequent burial. But somehow I could not suppress my sentimentality and took the gray boxes to my apartment, ... and forgot them.

I made a career, studied physics and did a few courses in archeology, perhaps for sentimental reasons, but I found naturally in the leading teaching of science, that all conceptions grandfathers of Atlantis, Schliemann's grandson, and much more, of course were completely false and far-fetched. I had intended it to me like that!

On 20 October 1912, more than twenty years after the death of the famous archaeologist and Troy explorer Heinrich Schliemann, the U.S. magazine "New York American" published an amazing report, entitled 'How I Found Atlantis - The origin of all cultures'. In the subtitle a Paul Schliemann was called, who described himself as the grandson of Heinrich Schliemann.

Next it was said a few days before his death, Heinrich Schliemann had given a sealed envelope to a confidant to read this: "Can only be opened by a member of my family that swears seriously to devote his life to the fact outlined research".

So nothing more than rumors, which conjured up by an enterprising journalist, only to make money. What remained was a Paul Schliemann, that never was existent and a man who published a report that supposedly represented Schliemann's legacy at the beginning of the 20th century. The story was just too thin, as that one could believe it.

Well here, it remains until to the year 2012, when I began to go hillwalking in the Cheyenne Mountain Complex.


Egypt two

Now both stood in the middle of the foothills of an unknown desert with nothing in their hands, except that what they had pocketed just in her pockets and belts.

Above them the glittering band of stars stretched, that represented the infinity of life and the universe. Khalid el Tamer felt so alone, so helpless in the face of the immensity of the universe, and also because of the hopelessness of the situation. He looked over at Tama el Svetla and saw that she obviously thought just like him. Also, it was the size of their task and simultaneously aware of the futility of life and the pursuit of the perfection of Osiris.

He walked slowly towards her and put his hand around her shoulder. She snuggled tenderly in his strong arm and shivered with the cold of the night, or so he hoped, simply because she felt close to him. Together they looked into the infinite, she laid her head on his shoulder and together they dreamed towards a better future. Then she lifted her head and looked deep into his eyes and they kissed deeply. Together, they felled on the soft sand beach and forgot the world around them.

When they woked up exhausted in the next day, they watched to the chariot of Osiris, that began to risie in the east with the glorious colors of the desert, shining brightly. He stroked her head and said firmly, after he had stripped the severity of the night: "Now that we have enough light, we must try to follow the trail of the robbers and hope that the sand has not destroyed their mark quickly."

"But do you really think that we even have a chance to gauge, however, they have the camels and horses and weapons and we are just only more ourselves!"

"I know, but we have to try it, because hope dies last," where he was suddenly aware that this phrase with the hope, not corresponded to the Egyptian tradition and he knew that he have had brought this somewhere differently in his experience. However, this knowledge confused him only. However, for such games he had currently no time and not the leisure to follow up them. Nevertheless, a light sting remained in his thought.

To be able to estimate better her chances, they searched of her pockets and ascertained amazing. They found, that both had an unknown manufacturing fighting sword, a dagger with a peculiar hook-like handle, a curved blade and an 'unstable' rapier pole. Then they found water for a total of three days and food for the same time. Beside various chill Cotton fazes and Kufiyas to the relief of the pitiless solar radiation. Tamer found in his pockets still a papyrus piece with peculiar characters which were connected very much curved with each other, but absolutely nothing dealt with the sound syllable signs of the Egyptian writing. However, it seemed to him also anyhow close and he ascribed quite a certain meaning to it. However, he had to think no time about it, the duties were simply too big for it and the thoughts were too trivial.

Fortunately, the trail of the robbers were clearly written in the sand, as it was at night due to the proximity to the sea is relatively wet and the sand transported by the wind was not so easy. At first, they were quite advanced rapidly, but the longer they followed the trail, the more faded the tracks. When Osiris was at its zenith, she stumbled over her forward steps. They forced to put one step ahead to the other. First left, then right, then left, then right, and always on and on ...

…And then she broke down. He could just catch her yet, but the momentum pulled him down to the ground of the desert too. Both were crying, it was useless. With his last strength, he uncorked the water bag and let the precious liquid trickle over their heads. A few minutes later came the disappointment. The water supply was consumed up to one third, but at least they both came back to their senses. They could now back on their feet and carry on together.

In the evening, they were totally exhausted physically, but also mentally. It was not good for them, because they just could not see any traces. If they had found no solution until the next day, game was over and all hope gone. Even as Osiris had disappeared in the sea in the west, they just keep marching in the direction so far, the tracks now were not to be recognized anyhow anymore, because of the long spread time. On and on and further they went. And somehow, both knew what had to be done not to get lost in the desert and especially not to go in circles. Thuban, one of the few fixed stars in the sky, that was the polar star in that time was clearly to identify in the desert night. Then they kept track.

And then suddenly they could hear it. A low murmur of voices was in the air and spread over the desert dunes. Now solidified their gear and they went out faster and faster. And finally, they could see the lights of camp fire. They had reached their destination.

Slowly they crept over the dunes to the approaching fire. The fires were arranged in a circle, but rather towards the edges aligned, while the goods and tents of the people were more disposed inside the fire ring. Yes, the bandits understand their job, it was impossible to go undetected through this ring of fire pits. For example, to bring the leader of the gang in their violence and thus to force the bandits to surrender. While the two discussed how to proceed, they suddenly heard a faint creaking in her back, then a blow and then there was nothing left, only the darkness of eternal night.


Cheyenne Mountain Complex one

At one time, it was very quiet in the room. Defense ministers Leon Edward Panetta, chief of staff William Daley, CIA boss David H. Petraeus and base commander Marcel Duval knew Smith of course, otherwise they would have not done their homework also well-arranged. Foreign minister Hillary Clinton did not know Smith personally, but about her husband who had been at least also once the American President, she knew that he exists. In her heart, she contributed her husband something atonement, nevertheless there was really, a "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", outside of Monica Lewinsky und Co too.

However, the remaining members of the cabinet who had made it up to here were stirred everybody like by the thunder. They had heard rumors, but to stand between a rumor and reality, and this also faced eye to eye over, that was an enormous difference.

Smith was of small stature, merely approx. 1.5 metres. He had a big head, big, but intelligently looking eyes, a small mouth and an almost not available nose, as long arms and legs and tender-part fingers and a grey-brown shading of the skin.

Obama noticed the shattered faces of the members of the cabinet and explained: "Yes ladies and gentleman, Mr. Smith, or more exactly said Mr. Schmlikkzzt is a Grey. Without him we would never have won the 2nd world war in 1958!"

Now complete confusion ruled the room.

"But, nevertheless, we have defeated the Japanese already in 1945 with the atom bomb."

"Yes, however, but not the Germans, or better said, not the Nazis on the South Pole!"
"South Pole, in 1958...?"

Panetta cleared the throat: "Am I allowed Mr. President?"

After a short nod of Obama he explained: "Has nobody picked up from you the conspiracy theory which has run under the synonym "new Swabianland"? Then nobody will also have heard somewhat of our military operations "Highjump" and "Argus". Now, in 1945 the Greats of the leading Nazi have been flown out into the south polar region where they had a subterranean base. We thought no problem, we are able to blow away this small base without any trouble. We have sent rear admiral Byrd in 1947, however, he got a bloody nose and was beaten off under big losses. The Nazis had accommodated all her secret weapons, in particular Vril-and Haunebu discs there and could finished their secret "Kraftstrahlkanone", that obviously not functioning before.

If we would not have shot down our friend here by mistake in 1947 in Roswell, who knows how the political situation today would be! This firing was an unfortunate mistake, because the Vril-fighter discs and the Abuse-fighter discs of our friends looks like very similar and are based on a similar principle too. And at that time, we were very nervous."

"At that time, moreover, the problem was a fault of our anti-detection system.", Smith cut him off.
"At least, at that time the shot arisies an age of good cooperation, rung in the technological and scientific sense."

"Why?" Biden reclaimed.

"Now, the whole technology with microprocessors bases steered on the knowledge of Smith's people. Your digital wristwatch too!" noted Panetta.

"And which is why the Germans being able to do this too, despite us?", Biden argued.
Smith explained: "Now, they have not invented it themselves, but they have received the knowledge from the Artusians. But Γ€hh, now we control them, we could persuade them of the fact that

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